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Pet Peeves


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Sorry Mandy. :( Too bad everyone is so scattered here or we could do a girls night out for you.

We just ran into my daughter's former teacher, who we loved. I really think the world of our teachers; and my kids have been blessed with some really special ones who we'll never forget. :)

You definitely have my admiration, I don't think I'd have the patience to teach.

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Kids. Especially unruly kids. I was at McDonalds this afternoon grabbing something for my sister since she's holed up doing her law papers. I understand that places like McDonalds are magnets for the little rugrats but I guess a part of me thought basic decorum would still apply anyway.

I'm in line ordering her lunch when a kid runs up and grabs my wallet out of my hand and starts running around with it. I scream at the mother to hold the kid so I can get my property back and all she does is look at me and say "what can I do?" I finally grab the kid's arm and yank my wallet away from him and then leave the place because by now I am too embarrassed and pissed off to bother sticking around.

If there were no laws prohibiting it, I would have hauled off and smacked that kid into next month. And then smacked the mother for good measure.

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Kids. Especially unruly kids. I was at McDonalds this afternoon grabbing something for my sister since she's holed up doing her law papers. I understand that places like McDonalds are magnets for the little rugrats but I guess a part of me thought basic decorum would still apply anyway.

I'm in line ordering her lunch when a kid runs up and grabs my wallet out of my hand and starts running around with it. I scream at the mother to hold the kid so I can get my property back and all she does is look at me and say "what can I do?" I finally grab the kid's arm and yank my wallet away from him and then leave the place because by now I am too embarrassed and pissed off to bother sticking around.

If there were no laws prohibiting it, I would have hauled off and smacked that kid into next month. And then smacked the mother for good measure.


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People who make insulting political calls to my home telephone.

If they can't be polite, then they don't deserve my vote or my political support, regardless of the person for whom they are campaigning.

They should get some manners, or stay off the phone.

We don't need a bunch of insensitive bullies running our government.

I have received insults from both Democrats and Republicans during the course of their self-serving campaign efforts. Neither has impressed me enough to earn my vote for their candidate.

Edited by eternal light
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I recently saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said

Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one.

I think I want need one of those. The last 2 days have been mind-numbingly aggravating but it's a bit better now... for now. I doubt it will last, but I'll enjoy the reprieve, no mater how brief it is.

The good news is that after Saturday I won't have to deal with the folks in question, at least not in my current position.

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I recently saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said

Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one.

I think I want need one of those. The last 2 days have been mind-numbingly aggravating but it's a bit better now... for now. I doubt it will last, but I'll enjoy the reprieve, no mater how brief it is.

The good news is that after Saturday I won't have to deal with the folks in question, at least not in my current position.

You didn't *gulp* shoot them or anything? :unsure:

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You didn't *gulp* shoot them or anything? :unsure:

Alas, no... too noisy and I'd be expected to clean up the mess. After Saturday, I won't have to sit there as the 'fair and impartial arbiter' and listen to all the different 'sides' and then try to help us all work out some sort of resolution. I'm pretty decent at it, but it is rather draining.

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Alas, no... too noisy and I'd be expected to clean up the mess. After Saturday, I won't have to sit there as the 'fair and impartial arbiter' and listen to all the different 'sides' and then try to help us all work out some sort of resolution. I'm pretty decent at it, but it is rather draining.

That's a relief. :D

And now you can go back to fighting like everyone else, without worrying about being fair and impartial! :cheer:

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That's a relief. :D

And now you can go back to fighting like everyone else, without worrying about being fair and impartial! :cheer:

Or, what I'd really like to do... throw a tape measure onto the table and tell them to just write down the results and be done with it. <_<



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I recently saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said

Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to be one.

I think I want need one of those. The last 2 days have been mind-numbingly aggravating but it's a bit better now... for now. I doubt it will last, but I'll enjoy the reprieve, no mater how brief it is.

The good news is that after Saturday I won't have to deal with the folks in question, at least not in my current position.

Sorry things have been so frustrating but happy that after this weekend, they'll be gone gone gone....not by out of the ordinary means are they :o;):D

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Kids. Especially unruly kids. I was at McDonalds this afternoon grabbing something for my sister since she's holed up doing her law papers. I understand that places like McDonalds are magnets for the little rugrats but I guess a part of me thought basic decorum would still apply anyway.

I'm in line ordering her lunch when a kid runs up and grabs my wallet out of my hand and starts running around with it. I scream at the mother to hold the kid so I can get my property back and all she does is look at me and say "what can I do?" I finally grab the kid's arm and yank my wallet away from him and then leave the place because by now I am too embarrassed and pissed off to bother sticking around.

If there were no laws prohibiting it, I would have hauled off and smacked that kid into next month. And then smacked the mother for good measure.

You cannot smack the kids.

Their parents on the other hand you can have a go at :rolleyes:

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Kids. Especially unruly kids. I was at McDonalds this afternoon grabbing something for my sister since she's holed up doing her law papers. I understand that places like McDonalds are magnets for the little rugrats but I guess a part of me thought basic decorum would still apply anyway.

I'm in line ordering her lunch when a kid runs up and grabs my wallet out of my hand and starts running around with it. I scream at the mother to hold the kid so I can get my property back and all she does is look at me and say "what can I do?" I finally grab the kid's arm and yank my wallet away from him and then leave the place because by now I am too embarrassed and pissed off to bother sticking around.

If there were no laws prohibiting it, I would have hauled off and smacked that kid into next month. And then smacked the mother for good measure.

*sigh* yeah that and when a kid is screaming it's head off in tears and the parent is nonchalantly pushing the stroller through the store, or just walking along while the kid is rolling along on the floor in fits because he didn't get the toy he wanted. What can you do, lady? Plenty. What will you do? Let's see that instead. Good times...

hmm, what will you do? brings me to...

So, my pet peeve is when people make you feel guilty/make themselves feel better by putting down your efforts to improve, ie/ when you work out or learn something new via reading or practice and they say, "Ooooooooh well it must be nice to have the time for such things." Well you know what? I make the time. And no, doing things that improve yourself is not a selfish luxury that negatively affect your kids, it's setting a good example.

Edited by Patrycja
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So, my pet peeve is when people make you feel guilty/make themselves feel better by putting down your efforts to improve, ie/ when you work out or learn something new via reading or practice and they say, "Ooooooooh well it must be nice to have the time for such things." Well you know what? I make the time. And no, doing things that improve yourself is not a selfish luxury that negatively affect your kids, it's setting a good example.

I hate that! I've recently lost 35 pounds, and I have a grandma who doesn't really like me and all she does is say things like "must be nice to do that." or "Wish I had the time but I'm too tired" and my personal favourite "I smoke and I'm just too fat to exercise." I hate the excuses because I hated being as big as I was so instead of letting weight mbeat me I beat the weight. I have come a long way and have a long way left to go but I made time to do it. I could've been busy watching tv or sleeping but I got up and exercised so I could lose weight. My grandma is too fat to exise and her smoking isn't stopping her, she is and I hate to hear about it. She can't hate being so out of shape because she isn't doing a single thing about it.

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I hate that! I've recently lost 35 pounds, and I have a grandma who doesn't really like me and all she does is say things like "must be nice to do that." or "Wish I had the time but I'm too tired" and my personal favourite "I smoke and I'm just too fat to exercise." I hate the excuses because I hated being as big as I was so instead of letting weight mbeat me I beat the weight. I have come a long way and have a long way left to go but I made time to do it. I could've been busy watching tv or sleeping but I got up and exercised so I could lose weight. My grandma is too fat to exise and her smoking isn't stopping her, she is and I hate to hear about it. She can't hate being so out of shape because she isn't doing a single thing about it.

First off, congratulations!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: That's just it. Everyone has the same amount of time; it's one of the great equalizers in life. But like you point out, people do what's important to them. Let's face it, it's easier to sit around than to move about making a difference. I'm glad that you're sticking to it, lzfan15, way to go!

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So, my pet peeve is when people make you feel guilty/make themselves feel better by putting down your efforts to improve, ie/ when you work out or learn something new via reading or practice and they say, "Ooooooooh well it must be nice to have the time for such things." Well you know what? I make the time. And no, doing things that improve yourself is not a selfish luxury that negatively affect your kids, it's setting a good example.

I don't like that either. I get that from a lot of people and it's just a waste of energy. Everyone has good points and things they want to improve on. It's much better to be positive for others and support and embrace their successes. It can even be motivating to see someone make changes in their life.

You are right - it sets a great example not just to your kids, but improving yourself affects many things in a good way!

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People who disrespect their grandmothers.

Just wait until they get to be that age and have had a few children of their own and see if they sing the same tune.

If a child disrespects their grandparents isn't it the fault of their parents? My mom helps me with my daughter so much, and my daughter thinks of my mom as a second mom. She sometimes calls her mom in fact (and my mom loves it, lol). Since my mom is a best friend to me, i find this to be a joy.

I work with a mostly geriatric population. I find older people to be so wonderful in so many ways. Children who disrespect their elders weren't taught respect.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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