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Hahaha! Now that's one creative little rascal, Virginia! Such nascent intelligence being honed so fervently. I wonder what she's like now?

Virginia! :hysterical:

That's hilarious!

She is on the honor roll; very well mannered, responsible and conscientious :) We still laugh about that WalMart thing though!

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Sometimes the best way to handle a toddler tantrum is actually to just keep walking along nonchalantly and ignore it.

Easier said than done, sometimes. I was just talking to my parents about this yesterday and my mom said that when my sister and I were little, other parents would constantly come up to her and ask how she got us so well-behaved.

It never dawned on either of us to act up in public, no matter where our parents took us. The opera, the zoo, church, McDonalds....didn't matter. We were to sit still, be quiet, keep our hands to ourselves and walk with our parents.

It amazes me how many parents just don't give a shit and let them run wild.

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Here's one for you:

I get crap in the mail almost every day from CableOne, which is the company I get my internet service from, soliciting their internet service. HELLO DUMBASSES! I've been an internet customer of yours for over six years! (sigh...)

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sometimes kids can have medical/psychological/behavioural problems that can't be seen from the outside.

That's still no reason to allow your children to be disruptive in public. I know plenty of mothers whose children have medical issues and a lot of my friends WERE kids with behavioral problems, but their parents still knew how to parent.

I don't advocate corporal punishment because any parent who strikes their child in anger either to discipline or just because has issues of their own to deal with that have nothing to do with the kid. That said, you can still discipline the kids and still actively look like their behavior reflects on your skills and do something about it.

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That's still no reason to allow your children to be disruptive in public. I know plenty of mothers whose children have medical issues and a lot of my friends WERE kids with behavioral problems, but their parents still knew how to parent.

I don't advocate corporal punishment because any parent who strikes their child in anger either to discipline or just because has issues of their own to deal with that have nothing to do with the kid. That said, you can still discipline the kids and still actively look like their behavior reflects on your skills and do something about it.

hi electrophile, my post wasn't to you personally, just a general one.

i have 2 "normal" kids and one with aspergers. the aspergers childs behaviour has nothing at all to do with the way i have raised/disciplined him. i used to think that kids that acted up in public just needed discipline. now i know better. i know there are many that do just lack discipline/structure ( however you want to put it ), just not all.next time you see a tantrum happening, just take a minute and and think that there could be other reasons.

again, this is not for you specifically, electrophile.

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Some day I will add an avatar and all the fancy stuff, but I'm new to message boards. My pet peeve is people who claim to love you, but can't be honest with you. Without honesty, what good is love?

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Children do not have the patience for supermarkets.

All the sights and sounds overwhelm their senses.

It's sometimes more than they can handle when they are very young.

It can be a tough call on how to handle that situation. It's not alway's a sign of bad parenting but one thing I totally disagree with is the concept that you can talk it out with your kids. I'm talking young kids when I say that. The last few times I've seen kids acting up in a public place I've seen both mom and dad pleading with the child ..." let's just talk it out and everything will be better ". Christ, give me a break ! How do you talk it out with a 3 yr old ??? I agree with Knebby, more often than not just walk away and when they realize your not reponding and they aren't getting what they want (some attention ), they will learn that the tactic doesn' work on ya. It takes some patience but, trying to talk it out only gives them what they desire. If that doesn't work.... threaten to sell them to the gypsy's :o

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Once when she was about 2, my oldest daughter flung herself down on the floor in the middle of WalMart, screaming "HELP! HELP!" because she wasn't getting her way. Fortunately the other customers around us could tell what was happening and were just laughing hysterically; I was so horrified that someone would think we were trying to kidnap her though! :o

Recent studies have shown shopping at Wal Mart's make small children throw temper tantrums and huge fat women push around

1000lb shopping carts like they are driving at Daytona. Further investigations preclude Wal Mart's has designed all shopping carts

to include subliminal messages which only small children near the wheels can hear. These messages make children believe

shopping at Wal Marts is the only place to shop and they can run about maniacally like little gypsies on booze and meth. Ever

notice how your two year old pulls at your skirt at Wal Mart? "Mommy get me this, get me that?" "Daddy buy me the dangerous toys

painted in China instead of a green doll, OHHH PLEASE OH PLEASE?"

Also makes midgets become alcoholics and wanna toss themselves at bowling pins.

Beware of the hypnotic wheels.

More at 11 :yes2:

Edited by Mary Hartman
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It can be a tough call on how to handle that situation. It's not alway's a sign of bad parenting but one thing I totally disagree with is the concept that you can talk it out with your kids. I'm talking young kids when I say that. The last few times I've seen kids acting up in a public place I've seen both mom and dad pleading with the child ..." let's just talk it out and everything will be better ". Christ, give me a break ! How do you talk it out with a 3 yr old ??? I agree with Knebby, more often than not just walk away and when they realize your not reponding and they aren't getting what they want (some attention ), they will learn that the tactic doesn' work on ya. It takes some patience but, trying to talk it out only gives them what they desire. If that doesn't work.... threaten to sell them to the gypsy's :o

I was at the check-out stand at the grocery store one day standing next to a mother with young twin girls.

She said to them, let's play a game.

Both of you can go sit over there (mother pointed to a bench near the bottled water right across from the check-out stand) and see who can be the quietest.

Starting now.

And they did.

Good as gold.

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hi electrophile, my post wasn't to you personally, just a general one.

i have 2 "normal" kids and one with aspergers. the aspergers childs behaviour has nothing at all to do with the way i have raised/disciplined him. i used to think that kids that acted up in public just needed discipline. now i know better. i know there are many that do just lack discipline/structure ( however you want to put it ), just not all.next time you see a tantrum happening, just take a minute and and think that there could be other reasons.

again, this is not for you specifically, electrophile.

Hi S2Z,

Electrophile is quite right, you should never strike your kids in anger, just wait untill your anger subsides then in cold blood kick the shit out of the little bastards, thats what my Dad did to me and my brothers and we never played up in public or private again.

Regards, Danny

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Some day I will add an avatar and all the fancy stuff, but I'm new to message boards. My pet peeve is people who claim to love you, but can't be honest with you. Without honesty, what good is love?

Makes sense. I was in a five year relationship recently with someone like that. Sometimes you fall in love with people who haven't been honest in so long they don't know how to be. Then you may also fall in love with someone you try to give your heart to, but they just take you for granted (until you give up). But sometimes (speaking again from experience) you are loved so much that everything should be perfect. :) I think your pet peeve should be about the difficulties associated with love in general.

Pet peeve of mine: when you go to the grocery store and remember as soon as you return home you forgot to buy something you really need. I did that yesterday...

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Old crappy computers that I can't afford to replace. :angry:

It keeps crashing on me and I'm trying to WORK!

I know the feeling Mandy ! My PC has been threatening me for about 6 mo now.It's a total pain but we alway's seem to find a way. Not for much longer though...LOL

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I'm sitting at our desk with the desktop because I was printing stuff and intertested in whether it was printing correctly, and now I'm on the REALLY slow one. <_<

I think I MAY blow a gasket.

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You really should think about getting a MacBook. The MacBook White, which is what I have, starts at $999, which sounds expensive but when you think about how much more stable and user-friendly it is, it's a very sound investment.

Macs don't crash, they very rarely get viruses/spyware and since you're buying everything from one company, you don't have to worry about compatibility. I still use my Dell laptop for a couple things since 2 programs I have on that computer don't run on Macs, but for 99% of the stuff I need computers for......Mac all the way.

It'll save you SO many headaches.

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It isn't really crashing. I turns itself off because it's too hot to run. I think a fan is broken in it.

The desktop is nice because it has a 23" LCD screen and a cordless desktop set. Both are less than a year old, BUT the freakin' CPU is a POS. I'm hoping to upgrade the CPU soon.

I haven't even make $3K this year, so I honestly CANNOT afford any new computer. I'm hoping to buy a new laptop and a new desktop CPU if I get a permanent job. I can't handle this old crap. It drives me crazy.

The other thing with Macs is that at school, we don't have Macs, so I'm worried many things like USB drives and portable hard drives may not be compatible between the two systems. Most school districts around here don't allow you to use your computer from home for school use, unfortunately.

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It isn't really crashing. I turns itself off because it's too hot to run. I think a fan is broken in it.

The desktop is nice because it has a 23" LCD screen and a cordless desktop set. Both are less than a year old, BUT the freakin' CPU is a POS. I'm hoping to upgrade the CPU soon.

I haven't even make $3K this year, so I honestly CANNOT afford any new computer. I'm hoping to buy a new laptop and a new desktop CPU if I get a permanent job. I can't handle this old crap. It drives me crazy.

The other thing with Macs is that at school, we don't have Macs, so I'm worried many things like USB drives and portable hard drives may not be compatible between the two systems. Most school districts around here don't allow you to use your computer from home for school use, unfortunately.

i hear you on the "really can't afford " bit. my old pc is almost dead, and my boyfriend suggested that i rent one. it's pretty cheap actually, and i may just do that if this one packs it in altogether.

maybe you could look into that manders.

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It isn't really crashing. I turns itself off because it's too hot to run. I think a fan is broken in it.

The desktop is nice because it has a 23" LCD screen and a cordless desktop set. Both are less than a year old, BUT the freakin' CPU is a POS. I'm hoping to upgrade the CPU soon.

I haven't even make $3K this year, so I honestly CANNOT afford any new computer. I'm hoping to buy a new laptop and a new desktop CPU if I get a permanent job. I can't handle this old crap. It drives me crazy.

The other thing with Macs is that at school, we don't have Macs, so I'm worried many things like USB drives and portable hard drives may not be compatible between the two systems. Most school districts around here don't allow you to use your computer from home for school use, unfortunately.

Sounds like the same problem I have Mandy. Hard Drive overload. I got so pissed off about it heating up I just took the leaf blower and blasted it...lol. It worked :D

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Mine went into hibernation. I ended up just taking the battery out of it to turn it off since it wouldn't come out of hibernation. It's been sitting for a while, I'm sure I can turn it back on.

As soon as I have an extra $1K, I'm going to buy a new one. I wish I'd done it with my tax returns, but I didn't have the money then, really.

It sucks though--I'm working on my school stuff and all of it is on the laptop. The desktop irritates me more than the laptop, so I don't use it for school work. ;)

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You really should think about getting a MacBook. The MacBook White, which is what I have, starts at $999, which sounds expensive but when you think about how much more stable and user-friendly it is, it's a very sound investment.

Macs don't crash, they very rarely get viruses/spyware and since you're buying everything from one company, you don't have to worry about compatibility. I still use my Dell laptop for a couple things since 2 programs I have on that computer don't run on Macs, but for 99% of the stuff I need computers for......Mac all the way.

It'll save you SO many headaches.

:D:yesnod: :yesnod:

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People who expect you to read minds.


<edit> And this part is exactly part of all the games Spats is on about.

Person: Oh well you should have known because men are supposed to know everything and if they do not it's not our fault...

BS with a capital BS

If you want something you have to be clear and not play games with someone forever or the ball is directly in front of you in your court.

Cut lies and empty promises and you may get what you're looking for...

Reality with a capital R.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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