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Pet Peeves


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Pet peeve of mine: when you go to the grocery store and remember as soon as you return home you forgot to buy something you really need. I did that yesterday...

Ever heard of a grocery list? Hope I never need to get a shot from you he he :D

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Ever heard of a grocery list? Hope I never need to get a shot from you he he :D

Grocery lists are for dorks, lol. Actually i used to make lists when i needed alot of items and didn't want to spend extra time in the market. But this was a quick trip for a few items. I had just run out of paper plates, but it wasn't one of the items i went to purchase. Once i returned home i realized i needed them. Smarty... B)

btw... Many patients compliment me on how gentle i am when i stick them. :)

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Grocery lists are for dorks, lol. Actually i used to make lists when i needed alot of items and didn't want to spend extra time in the market. But this was a quick trip for a few items. I had just run out of paper plates, but it wasn't one of the items i went to purchase. Once i returned home i realized i needed them. Smarty... B)

btw... Many patients compliment me on how gentle i am when i stick them. :)

Lists help, but I overlook items on the list too, if I'm in a hurry. And Sunday I apparently lost my grocery store list in the pharmacy :blink: So I had to wing it, and naturally forgot some of the most important items. <_<

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Can't wait to have a computer someday that is free of teenagers getting their hands on it. Aol instant messenger. I wish I didn't have it on here. A computer engineer I used to know told me Aol has a mind of its own. Once its on your PC it tries to take over. I believe it. Not to mention all the music downloads and all the damn pics of her friends. Drives me nuts. I had speed big time after taking it in. Still not bad, thanks to Norton, but would be better if it was teen free.

Norton's a HUGE RAM eater. Seriously. It also has a mind of its own.

I say when you can afford to buy a new computer, make it the "adults" computer and the kids can continue screwing up the old one. That's what I'd do.

At least I have my own computer. We share a desktop computer, but I bought a laptop right after I cohabitated, and I was in school, so I needed it for myself. I think one of my mistakes was that I went for middle of the road, not so great specs because I was being cheap. It was still MUCH better than what I had before, so I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much. ;)

i hear you on the "really can't afford " bit. my old pc is almost dead, and my boyfriend suggested that i rent one. it's pretty cheap actually, and i may just do that if this one packs it in altogether.

maybe you could look into that manders.

I'm hoping to be able to buy one when I get my first paycheck for summer school, in about about a month. The rental computers around here are from places that do rental furniture, etc., and are notorious for being ridiculously expensive. If I could find one that was a decent rate, I'd think about it for sure.

Grocery lists: when I make them, I FORGET THEM! Or I end up buying stuff that's not on the anyway. I used to be really good about it when I had to be really tight with my money, like when I was 18 or 19 first out on my own and had $60-70 a month for grocery shopping. Now, I'm quite bad at it. <_<


Edited by manderlyh
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Nobody controls their brats. And there are people riding around in those little electronic carts that are meant for handicapped. They arent handicapped. They are just fat and lazy. And then you have the ones that have no regard for other shoppers and just stand in the way blocking the isle with their cart. I would like so take the cart and send it flying sometimes. i must confess though, I once won a chance to grab 10 items in less than 5 minutes through a local radio channel. I almost ran over 3 or 4 old ladies and men. One screaming at me, "hey you lunatic". The store never warned the shoppers of the contest. What a circus it was.

I quit shopping at Wal Mart all together. I just don't trust the people who own Wal Marts is what it boils down to. I had this dream you see where America was nothing but one big FAT FUCKING WAL MART. We were all in this Wal Mart bubble of sorts...the only products we could purchase was WM, the only food we could eat was WM. The only income anyone in America earned was minimum wage and NOBODY had health insurance and the first language was a broken Spanish. We all had a dress code of brown and blue and all restaurants were similar to the little Macdonalds which only WM has.

My roomate shops there but he wasnt around for the lawsuits and lives put in jeapordy or talked to my friend who use to work for a store which was housed in a WM....he lost his job due to downsizing so WM could earn more money :D

And on those freaking shopping carts. For gods sake girls these things are NOT WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION. If you turn one loose it can randomly kill innocent children and mame people in sandals. Take the time to come back again.....you know skip a soap opera or something.

I see it now, no local stores at all, just commie Fall Fart stores who run what everything costs from food to medicine.... :angry:

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I'm sitting at our desk with the desktop because I was printing stuff and intertested in whether it was printing correctly, and now I'm on the REALLY slow one. <_<

I think I MAY blow a gasket.

I'll trade you my over heating one lol...good morning everyone ;)

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Product Description

Shortly after being released from jail, Dodger Cole sees her family's still bulldozed to make way for yet another Super-Great Mart she vows to take back the South and leads her small gang on a moonshine fueled rampage of revenge to send modern day carpetbaggers to hell.

I still haven't seen The Thrillbillys movie. I went to the premiere in Raleigh years ago but arrived too late to catch the screening. I did see the musical performances from Used Carlotta and The Shiners though. The movie stars Wes Freed who is probably best known these days for the artwork he does for the Drive-By Truckers' album covers. The soundtrack (pictured below) isn't too bad either. It includes tunes from Wes, the Truckers, Trailer Bride, Angry Johnny & the Killbillies and others.


Edited by Jahfin
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Dumbass mofos at Concord Mills with their spawn clogging up the walkways. It's huge mall, in fact it's the #1 tourist destination in the whole state, believe it or not. Anyway, my sister and I are trying to navigate these labyrinth-like aisles and these stupid women and their strollers or brats on a leash just stand there obstructing people and when you go "excuse me" or "coming through" or "on your right/left" they look at you like you just said an obscene joke or something.

Look lady, your uterus works. I'm happy for you. Now kindly take your kid and get the BLEEP out of my way!

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Dial up internet connection.I can't believe I still have it.

And being in the crowded bus with sweaty workers,loud&rude teens and boring ancient fossils who kick you in stomach while passing by.

And 'seats taken' situation.Then you have to stand for an hour or more.

It happens to me almost every day.

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People who wear Ugg boots at this time of year - hellllooooooooooooooo!

:lol: I don't know how they stand it in the summer time! I have a pair and I love them because they keep my feet toasty warm in the winter but ewwwww - I can't imagine wearing them now :o

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I'm the opposite. I wear sandals or slip-on shoes almost year-round....

I'm not wearing shoes,only during the winter of course.

Sandals are ok but I somehow destroy all my shoes simply by wearing them.

God bless summer - Walkin' on the beach barefoot...

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- Going to the dentist. It's just an unpleasant experience all around.

- It appears Mcdonalds does not serve orange pop anymore.


That was one of my favorites!

I haven't eaten at McDonald's in about three years, but still. :(

So I have this really cool, HUGE USB drive. It's 8GB. I've had it for a few years, when I bought it, it cost about $100. The USB thing retracts so you don't need a cap for it. Well, somehow, the little clear piece that goes into the slider button to retract/extend the USB plug fell out. This makes it VERY difficult to use it, though it can be done.


(see the little clear button on the slider part?)

No biggie, it was in my house, so I figured if I vacuumed and inspected all the collections in the vacuum bin, I'd find it.

Which I did.

Not ten seconds later, I lost it again.

I dumped the contents of the vacuum bin into the sink because I have a Dyson, so I knew there'd be a lot, even if the carpet didn't look dirty. I rummaged through it and found the little button, rinsed it and put it on the counter. BAD CHOICE. My counter has a print that is supposed to imitate really light colored granite, so it hides EVERYTHING. I've acutally totally lost contacts because I've dropped them on the counter before.

So yeah. I think I may have either dropped it down the other side of the sink or it's on teh counter, which I've wiped off about 100 times and gotten down to eye level with to see.


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That was one of my favorites!

I haven't eaten at McDonald's in about three years, but still. :(

So I have this really cool, HUGE USB drive. It's 8GB. I've had it for a few years, when I bought it, it cost about $100. The USB thing retracts so you don't need a cap for it. Well, somehow, the little clear piece that goes into the slider button to retract/extend the USB plug fell out. This makes it VERY difficult to use it, though it can be done.


(see the little clear button on the slider part?)

No biggie, it was in my house, so I figured if I vacuumed and inspected all the collections in the vacuum bin, I'd find it.

Which I did.

Not ten seconds later, I lost it again.

I dumped the contents of the vacuum bin into the sink because I have a Dyson, so I knew there'd be a lot, even if the carpet didn't look dirty. I rummaged through it and found the little button, rinsed it and put it on the counter. BAD CHOICE. My counter has a print that is supposed to imitate really light colored granite, so it hides EVERYTHING. I've acutally totally lost contacts because I've dropped them on the counter before.

So yeah. I think I may have either dropped it down the other side of the sink or it's on teh counter, which I've wiped off about 100 times and gotten down to eye level with to see.


I went to a couple Mcdonalds already and they have all said they don't serve it anymore. That was my favorite drink. :(:(

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