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Pet Peeves


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You raise a really good point Nathan. No one is truly tolerant, it isn't possible. People can try to be but you just can't be. I think it's just important to try and accept and love everyone.

I wish that the preacher of the church I have to go to could see that. He tries to say he is tolerent of everyone but he isn't. *Disclaimer* I'm not attacking the Church as a whole or anything. Poeple are free to believe as they want.

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Thanks, LZFan.

New pet peeve today:

My dad.

Don't promise to call someone if you aren't going to. I hate it when he does that.

Also, dad: I have sent you the wiki page on The Church of Scientology, the Church's home site, and numerous pages about Tom Cruise and his involvement with it. Why the fuck do you still insist on believing that its a sect of Christianity when I have proven to you with overwhelming evidence that it, in fact, has NOTHING to do with Christianity? And I KNOW you saw what I sent you. I know it for a fact.

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I hate everything Wal-Mart.

I am reduced to shopping there for food because they shut everything else down in the small town I live in.

From the fact that the parking lot is so full of shopping carts (none in the store) that the butt crack that parks so close to me that I need a can opener to get in my car.

Take the bus and a hike.

The cashier who goes on break when I am ready to check out.

People who can`t count 75 items in the 20 or less lane.

The door nazi who insists on having a gander at my receipt thats buried in one of the cheap plastic bags that breaks open with a jar of pickles.

The unstocked shelves. Who orders for that place?

I guess it comes Pony Express.

The ditz in the deli who says "we don`t give samples" when I want to see of the fried okra is fresh.

A wrong price. Try and get a refund. I had to wait almost a half hour to get three dollars back.

Yea I know that the price you pay for cheap. Well, when you pay peanuts you get monkies and Wally-Mart is full of then.

I can picture career day at high school.

Hi, my name is Debbie and I`m a checker at Mall-Wart. You can be one too!

Now Sam`s Club.

Why should I pay an annual fee to shop there but I did.

They should pay me.

Its not like I buy a 128 pack of toilet paper nor a 55-gallon drum of laundry detergent.

You should have seen the look on my little dog`s face when I came in with a cheap 50 lb. bag of Sam`s Road-kill Doggie Chuncks.

Imagine that. Knowing you are not getting anything else until its gone.

Ok I`m done now.

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I haven't had any problems with the Wal-Mart near us. I love Wal-Mart, they kept our family afloat when my dad was out of work for a couple years a few years ago. Hell, we're usually in there 2 or 3 times a week.

Then you should shop at the one here. I would like to have the option of NOT shoopping there, but I don`t.

Its the attitude of Wal-Mart employees thats irks me.

They don`t care, they are going to get paid anyway.

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Posters that knowingly start duplicate threads and then proceed to act as though they've done nothing wrong. Or worse yet, tell you to "get a life". It's somewhat understandable when someone new to the board does it as they're just getting their feet wet but when someone that's been here for a long while does it, it's obvious they're doing it just to get a rise out of others. Better yet, maybe they should actually read the Forum Guidelines they agreed to when they signed up here which aren't very hard to follow at all:

Remember to post in the correct forum and look for existing threads before posting a new one.

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No offense, but learn to pick your battles.

No offense taken but I don't really look at it as a "battle". I consider it common courtesy to at least look for a previously existing thread before creating an entirely new one. The search feature as well as the Forum Guidelines are there for a reason.

Edited by Jahfin
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Nine Below Zero by Snooky Pryor

yeah ain't this a pity

people ain't this a cryin' shame

ain't this a pity

I declare it's a cryin' shame

you got nine below zero

and put me down for another man

yeah nine below zero

and that fool put me down

nine below zero

and that fool put me down

well I didn't have no place to stay

and I didn't have a lousy dime

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Then you should shop at the one here. I would like to have the option of NOT shoopping there, but I don`t.

Its the attitude of Wal-Mart employees thats irks me.

They don`t care, they are going to get paid anyway.

That's Morgan Shitty for you.

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Wal Mart is great. But I agree with the other members take on Sams Club. I will go there with someone elses membership maybe once a year and stock up on garbage bags or something. Pet food used to be a good deal but I now go to Petco. Nothing too good for my kitty. It is good for restaurants too.

I usually buy cat food in the food market, but Target has really great prices on pet food and pet supplies. I stopped shopping at WalMart when my daughter stopped wearing diapers (one of the few deals i found there). Not missing the place one bit.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Thanks, LZFan.

New pet peeve today:

My dad.

Don't promise to call someone if you aren't going to. I hate it when he does that.

Also, dad: I have sent you the wiki page on The Church of Scientology, the Church's home site, and numerous pages about Tom Cruise and his involvement with it. Why the fuck do you still insist on believing that its a sect of Christianity when I have proven to you with overwhelming evidence that it, in fact, has NOTHING to do with Christianity? And I KNOW you saw what I sent you. I know it for a fact.

Yikes! :slapface: I've heard Cruise assert in interviews that CoS is compatible with Christianity (and all other religions for that matter) - convenient - although nothing could be further from the truth

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Peolpe who take things in life way too seriously.

That chick on the Progressive insurance ads.

Being lied to, ie: my landlady.

That smart ass North Korea. Who the f*&^ do they think they are???

Little pricks who can't stop spamming this board with bait and wait. How f&*^ing sick are you dude? Do you really get your rocks off doing such a childish game? Wow. What an accomplishment in life. All grown up and no one to play with. tsk, tsk. <_<

And the recent trend here to become a new identity, we're not stupid. ;)

(And I don't mean the usual prick here.. :ph34r: )

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Those that quote an entire post when replying rather than just the pertinent part. Example, the stats beatbo posted in the Beatles thread in the Newbies section. I have no problem with that post itself at all but considering it's length, I don't really see the need in quoting the entire fucking thing. Not to mention, it was just posted so it's not like anyone missed it.

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Little pricks who can't stop spamming this board with bait and wait. How f&*^ing sick are you dude? Do you really get your rocks off doing such a childish game? Wow. What an accomplishment in life. All grown up and no one to play with. tsk, tsk. <_<

And the recent trend here to become a new identity, we're not stupid. ;)

(And I don't mean the usual prick here.. :ph34r: )

:yesnod: :yesnod: :yesnod: Though dare I ask who the newest person is to return under a different identity besides Joel?

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Those that quote an entire post when replying rather than just the pertinent part. Not to mention, it was just posted so it's not like anyone missed it.

Agreed, and the same goes for pictures, sometimes the same picture/s load over and over again on the same page. What is the reason for this?

Edited by Uncle Bill
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Ok-I'm thinking pet peeves in terms of NOT huge issues (like health care, war, homophobia),

but smaller ones that for some reason still bug the crap out of me:

1. CDs that DON'T come in jewel cases. I don't know what you call them-like the ones that fold out or just come in sleeves. Jewel cases aren't perfect (someone please invent a hinge that doesn't break), but I HATE the other kind. The spines fray. The print comes off, leaving little white spots on the artwork. You see marks/fingerprints on them. They don't slide easily into a cd box/case, if you have one in the car. I assume jewel cases also protect the cds better. I know a lot of artists went to these, because they are supposedly better for the environment. But isn't most plastic recycleable? Things like polar fleece are made from plastic. I've already dismantled some of these cd packages and put them in jewel cases. I hope to convert all of them eventually (yes have lots of time on my hands). When I got the Nine Lives box set (Christmas present), I was carrying it downstairs, not knowing they were in sleeves open at the top, and they all fell out. Fortunately none were damaged.

2. T-shirts with the main/large design on the back. GRRRR. Especially concert t-shirts!!!

I have a couple. When am I gonna see the back of my own t-shirt?! If it's on the front, I can look down and see it. I can see it in the mirror. Someone can approach me and say they like the t-shirt (or not). If I'm behind someone with a backside t-shirt on, that I'd like to discuss with them, I can't physically chase them down to tell them. But if someone's walking towards me and they have for example a frontside LED ZEPPELIN t-shirt on, I can say: "I like your t-shirt!", and we might strike up a conversation....

3. No breaks during tv programs (PBS: this means you!). Don't get me wrong. I watch PBS all the time, and I think their programming is superior to commercial tv because they are not

subject to corporate advertising (except for limited underwriting). But give us a minute, maybe on the 1/2 hr, for potty breaks! Or to grab beverages/food. Last night I had to miss a bit of MI-5, because I couldn't wait any longer. A missed moment of MI-5 or Masterpiece

can be critical to knowing what's going on, or revealing something about a character. I also hate to miss stuff during music programs! You don't have to have commercials, just say something like "you're watching PBS/the affiliate info". Or, "if you like the program you're viewing, please support your PBS station". Choosing between missing part of a program or postponing drinking/eating can be unhealthy! I guess I'll post this one on PBS.org too:)


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Ok-I'm thinking pet peeves in terms of NOT huge issues (like health care, war, homophobia),

but smaller ones that for some reason still bug the crap out of me:

1. CDs that DON'T come in jewel cases. I don't know what you call them-like the ones that fold out or just come in sleeves. Jewel cases aren't perfect (someone please invent a hinge that doesn't break), but I HATE the other kind. The spines fray. The print comes off, leaving little white spots on the artwork. You see marks/fingerprints on them. They don't slide easily into a cd box/case, if you have one in the car. I assume jewel cases also protect the cds better. I know a lot of artists went to these, because they are supposedly better for the environment. But isn't most plastic recycleable? Things like polar fleece are made from plastic. I've already dismantled some of these cd packages and put them in jewel cases. I hope to convert all of them eventually (yes have lots of time on my hands). When I got the Nine Lives box set (Christmas present), I was carrying it downstairs, not knowing they were in sleeves open at the top, and they all fell out. Fortunately none were damaged.

2. T-shirts with the main/large design on the back. GRRRR. Especially concert t-shirts!!!

I have a couple. When am I gonna see the back of my own t-shirt?! If it's on the front, I can look down and see it. I can see it in the mirror. Someone can approach me and say they like the t-shirt (or not). If I'm behind someone with a backside t-shirt on, that I'd like to discuss with them, I can't physically chase them down to tell them. But if someone's walking towards me and they have for example a frontside LED ZEPPELIN t-shirt on, I can say: "I like your t-shirt!", and we might strike up a conversation....

3. No breaks during tv programs (PBS: this means you!). Don't get me wrong. I watch PBS all the time, and I think their programming is superior to commercial tv because they are not

subject to corporate advertising (except for limited underwriting). But give us a minute, maybe on the 1/2 hr, for potty breaks! Or to grab beverages/food. Last night I had to miss a bit of MI-5, because I couldn't wait any longer. A missed moment of MI-5 or Masterpiece

can be critical to knowing what's going on, or revealing something about a character. I also hate to miss stuff during music programs! You don't have to have commercials, just say something like "you're watching PBS/the affiliate info". Or, "if you like the program you're viewing, please support your PBS station". Choosing between missing part of a program or postponing drinking/eating can be unhealthy! I guess I'll post this one on PBS.org too:)


I hate it too!!! LED ZEPPELIN logo HAS to be on front side so everybody can see it!!!

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1. CDs that DON'T come in jewel cases. I don't know what you call them-like the ones that fold out or just come in sleeves. Jewel cases aren't perfect (someone please invent a hinge that doesn't break), but I HATE the other kind. The spines fray. The print comes off, leaving little white spots on the artwork. You see marks/fingerprints on them. They don't slide easily into a cd box/case, if you have one in the car. I assume jewel cases also protect the cds better. I know a lot of artists went to these, because they are supposedly better for the environment. But isn't most plastic recycleable? Things like polar fleece are made from plastic. I've already dismantled some of these cd packages and put them in jewel cases. I hope to convert all of them eventually (yes have lots of time on my hands). When I got the Nine Lives box set (Christmas present), I was carrying it downstairs, not knowing they were in sleeves open at the top, and they all fell out. Fortunately none were damaged.

You're referring to digipaks. I don't care for them either. Yes, they may be recyclable but they don't stand up to a lot of wear and tear. I prefer jewel cases, preferably those with a thick spine so I when I file them I can find them more easily. I don't care for the slimline cases. Nor do I care for the cardboard sleeves you mention as they cause the CDs to become easily damaged. I see more and more labels choosing this type of packaging these days which is disconcerting. We can bitch all we want to but they will continue to cut corners in order to save money. I prefer artists who actually listen to their fans when it comes to packaging and go the extra mile to provide good packaging for their CDs. Unfortunately they're few and far between.

3. No breaks during tv programs (PBS: this means you!). Don't get me wrong. I watch PBS all the time, and I think their programming is superior to commercial tv because they are not

subject to corporate advertising (except for limited underwriting). But give us a minute, maybe on the 1/2 hr, for potty breaks! Or to grab beverages/food. Last night I had to miss a bit of MI-5, because I couldn't wait any longer. A missed moment of MI-5 or Masterpiece

can be critical to knowing what's going on, or revealing something about a character. I also hate to miss stuff during music programs! You don't have to have commercials, just say something like "you're watching PBS/the affiliate info". Or, "if you like the program you're viewing, please support your PBS station". Choosing between missing part of a program or postponing drinking/eating can be unhealthy! I guess I'll post this one on PBS.org too:)

I'm not going to complain about networks that don't have commercials but when it comes to PBS, the most annoying thing are the interruptions that happen during the pledge drives. I understand they're viewer supported and I don't mind supporting them at all but I'm less apt to stay tuned into a program that is constantly being interrupted as all PBS programming is during pledge drives. As for the no commercial interruption thing, I believe a lot of folks watch the shows they want via Tivo and DVRs these days so they can pause the programs when they need a break. That is, those few that are actually still watching standard broadcast programming. A lot of viewers have found it much less expensive to watch TV via the internet. I believe the technology they use is referred to as "tethering". As I understand it, cable, and the networks as we once knew them will cease to exist in the not too distance future because people are sick and tired of rates going higher and higher through the cable companies.

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You're referring to digipaks. I don't care for them either. Yes, they may be recyclable but they don't stand up to a lot of wear and tear. I prefer jewel cases, preferably those with a thick spine so I when I file them I can find them more easily. I don't care for the slimline cases. Nor do I care for the cardboard sleeves you mention as they cause the CDs to become easily damaged. I see more and more labels choosing this type of packaging these days which is disconcerting. We can bitch all we want to but they will continue to cut corners in order to save money. I prefer artists who actually listen to their fans when it comes to packaging and go the extra mile to provide good packaging for their CDs. Unfortunately they're few and far between.



I'm not going to complain about networks that don't have commercials but when it comes to PBS, the most annoying thing are the interruptions that happen during the pledge drives. I understand they're viewer supported and I don't mind supporting them at all but I'm less apt to stay tuned into a program that is constantly being interrupted as all PBS programming is during pledge drives. As for the no commercial interruption thing, I believe a lot of folks watch the shows they want via Tivo and DVRs these days so they can pause the programs when they need a break. That is, those few that are actually still watching standard broadcast programming. A lot of viewers have found it much less expensive to watch TV via the internet. I believe the technology they use is referred to as "tethering". As I understand it, cable, and the networks as we once knew them will cease to exist in the not too distance future because people are sick and tired of rates going higher and higher through the cable companies.


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