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Go in right after you've taken a shower, while you're hair's still wet. Any time I've done that, they don't try to wash my hair, they just cut it. (I've got thick, bushy hair, so I don't like other people washing it or trying to comb it.)

That's a good idea. I still have that fear of them cutting it too short though. I'm scarred for life.

Pet peeve today: IT'S TOO HOT!!! Recovering with my window unit right now. :fan:

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Go in right after you've taken a shower, while you're hair's still wet. Any time I've done that, they don't try to wash my hair, they just cut it. (I've got thick, bushy hair, so I don't like other people washing it or trying to comb it.)

Bonnie? Thick, bushy hair? You? :unsure:

For years I thought your hair was just like mine! Straight, blonde and totally does its own thing! :lol:

A not-so-pretty Hippy! ;):lol:


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On the driving front. People that do not know how to merge. It kills me every day. Leaving work there is a small service road that has a very sharp curve before merging onto an extremely busy highway that almost immediatley merges onto another one (that I have to take)

All of the stupid people pull up to where the curve starts and STOP!! And then they wait for a clear opportunity to slowly merge into traffic from a dead stop. When I was taught to drive I was told when merging, peddle to the metal. So I always hang back from the stoppers so I have my momentum going and I alway merge smoothly and without issue. However....the people behind me seem to have an issue with that! They'll be laying on their horns and honking and blowing and I'm thinking....you are frikking an idiot. You feel a need to hurry up and get in line behind all the people stopped at a merging point where traffic is going 60 mph?! I just don't get it. I've actually wanted to stop my car, jump out, and ask them what the hell is wrong with them!!!

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Yeah, people don't seem to get why bottlenecks start. I see a merge sign, I move over immediately. I remember an encounter I had with this asshole. I moved over when I saw the sign. I sat for 15 minutes waiting to get to the front. This prick rolled past me and squeezed in at the very last second, trying to force me over with his truck. I went forward, and he lays on his horn shouting "Hey man, one at a time!". I was anything but thinking this chump had earned his turn and told him so. "Look asshole, I merged when I saw the sign (y'know, the one a half mile back there). You ignored the sign and expect me to just pull over for you? I think not. I waited patiently for this spot, so um, bite me!"

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Bonnie? Thick, bushy hair? You? :unsure:

For years I thought your hair was just like mine! Straight, blonde and totally does its own thing! :lol:

A not-so-pretty Hippy! ;):lol:


Yes, it's true. While my hair is blonde and mostly straight, it is rather thick. The strands themselves are very fine, it's just that there's A LOT of them!!

I used to get it thinned to take off some of the unruly-hairness, but now I just get a shaggy, layery type of cut.

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Dirty water.

We are on city water, and it's very dirty. We ahve to go to the laundry mat that's on well water to do laundry, we have to buy bottled water to drink and cook with. It's dirty to bathe in but what other choice do we have? Right now I have a load of darks in the washer, and I hope they do'nt come out stained. It usually doesn't bother me this much but I just got home from vacation two days ago and I have to leave again on Sunday for another vacation and all my clothes are dirty.

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Yeah, people don't seem to get why bottlenecks start. I see a merge sign, I move over immediately. I remember an encounter I had with this asshole. I moved over when I saw the sign. I sat for 15 minutes waiting to get to the front. This prick rolled past me and squeezed in at the very last second, trying to force me over with his truck. I went forward, and he lays on his horn shouting "Hey man, one at a time!". I was anything but thinking this chump had earned his turn and told him so. "Look asshole, I merged when I saw the sign (y'know, the one a half mile back there). You ignored the sign and expect me to just pull over for you? I think not. I waited patiently for this spot, so um, bite me!"

have you ever seen the Blake Shelton video --Some Beach--It's hilarious and there is a part where he has this idiot driver that he has to deal with...is classic:-).

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Back in my Deadhead days we called it Birkentan. :lol:


Peeve: The power has gone out twice during this Jackson breaking news.

Had to re start laundry twice now.

Now I can say I was here when we heard of MJ's passing.

And, I was right in the middle of "what's in your fridge" when the power went out.

Now it'll be like a homework assignment.

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Peeve: The power has gone out twice during this Jackson breaking news.

Had to re start laundry twice now.

Now I can say I was here when we heard of MJ's passing.

And, I was right in the middle of "what's in your fridge" when the power went out.

Now it'll be like a homework assignment.

You know the homework assignment is due tomorrow or you get half a grade marked down for lateness.



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Car alarms that honk/beep when you lock/unlock them. I get it when you can't find your vehicle in a parking lot, but do you really want everyone in a 400 yard radius to know every time you open the door?

"Left my jacket in the car" HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

"Left CD in the car's player." HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

"Packin for tomorrow's camping trip." HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

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Car alarms that honk/beep when you lock/unlock them. I get it when you can't find your vehicle in a parking lot, but do you really want everyone in a 400 yard radius to know every time you open the door?

"Left my jacket in the car" HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

"Left CD in the car's player." HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

"Packin for tomorrow's camping trip." HONK HONK HONK! Headlights flashing in neighbors' window.

Remember the alarms that would start chirping and go to a series of tones and eventually start telling you to "move away from the car" before going into a full scale combination of siren, lights, horn and alarm?

I hated those damn thing when I used to work at a supermarket. But I can't tell how many times I saw people just shove a basket into the door or give the a kick either. Especially some poor person trying to load their purchaces in the parking space next to it.

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Remember the alarms that would start chirping and go to a series of tones and eventually start telling you to "move away from the car" before going into a full scale combination of siren, lights, horn and alarm?

I hated those damn thing when I used to work at a supermarket. But I can't tell how many times I saw people just shove a basket into the door or give the a kick either. Especially some poor person trying to load their purchaces in the parking space next to it.

I've been tampered with! I've been tampered with!! :hysterical:

My '91 Z28 had the original Viper alarm. You know, the one with like six different sounds that would play out in succession. When I ran our pizza place down in Seal Beach, I had an apartment right behind the building, about 40 feet away. The cooks would show up early to prep, and it was me who would let them in. Their way of letting me know they had arrived was to kick my tire and set off the alarm. They thought it was hysterical.

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