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Pet Peeves


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More of a puzzlement than I peeve I guess: mature women who go running in full makeup and/or with their hair "done". :blink:

And also...people who run or power walk in street clothes/street shoes. Not healthy or safe.

I was out walking my dog the other day and saw a lady wearing jeans and boots jogging. At first I was like WTF??? That's not safe on a nature trail. I then realized that she also wore a hooded sweater and it was very hot outside. Since no one was chasing her, I am assuming she wore the attire to sweat a lot to loose weight quickly.

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I have seen a lot of people running in jeans or whatever. Maybe they're trying to get in shape but can't afford new clothing? Maybe they've gained weight and don't feel comfortable in their workout clothes just yet?

Who knows. I'm just trying to give an explanation.

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small things

Will you just F**k off!

There we have Zeppelin fans all over the world my pet peeve for today <_<

Another Peeve is poeple who arn't genuinly sorry. The girl who had insulted Slash and Axl (see unhappy thread) phoned up and said (A is another friend of mine) "A told to phone up and say sorry so...I guess I'm sorry"

Listening to her I know she wassn't geninly sorry for what she had said that that really pissed me off.

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It really is rude and obnoxious that you have been asked by MANY board members to stop posting "small things" as your only contribution to this board and you just keep doing it. I don't understand what thrill you get out of behaving this way.

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It really is rude and obnoxious that you have been asked by MANY board members to stop posting "small things" as your only contribution to this board and you just keep doing it. I don't understand what thrill you get out of behaving this way.

What I don't get is why "he's" allowed to continue be so obnoxious. It's not like it's just one or two people who find it annoying.

If I were doing that, I'd have gotten a few warnings by now.

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going through a drivethru and they put 1 meal (a burger and fry) in one giant bag that could hold at least 2 meals.

guitar players that are worse than me that try to criticize me.

super cocky people

teachers that base your grade off of your behavior.

one time, i was in biology class and my teacher lowered my grade from an A to a D for throwing a pencil at a friend of mine....

radio stations that play the same 10 songs everyday.

radio stations that dont play enough zeppelin

gangsta rap

people that try to dress like gangsters and act "hip"

todays popular music

100 degree whether with a broken AC... ive been goin through this for like 2 days now

i could go on..haha

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It really is rude and obnoxious that you have been asked by MANY board members to stop posting "small things" as your only contribution to this board and you just keep doing it. I don't understand what thrill you get out of behaving this way.


Just don't respond and don't feed the monkey ;)

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Arguing with him is like arguing with spats.

What are you talking about? Spats is the king of all trolls, a brilliant contributor to this forum, but only created as such by the constant remarks and feedback given by people like yourself. Spats owns you like a stuffed animal trophy hung up on the wall of his den. :lol:

And for you, the Queen of the "endless what are you listenting to? / what color is your toothbrush?" type threads to critisize anyone else is just....

well, it's just really a very good example of classic irony is what it is.


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Personally, I think this kid is allowed to stay because the Mods and Admins are getting quite a laugh at how many people are reacting to it. And it is hilarious.

he continues to post his "small things" posts because y'all are letting it get to you. I wonder what would happen if everyone just completely ignored him? I think he might stop a lot sooner, don't you? Screaming and yelling in a post at a very obvious, attention-seeking troll only worsens the situation. Try completely and utterly ignoring him and see what happens.

Just a though. Just trying to plant seed. Maybe some will take route.

You know...

Just ignore him...

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Personally, I think this kid is allowed to stay because the Mods and Admins are getting quite a laugh at how many people are reacting to it. And it is hilarious.

Nice theory, but that's not their job. Considering the fact that this is an official forum, if what you're saying were true, it wouln't be hilarious, at all.

he continues to post his "small things" posts because y'all are letting it get to you.

He had been doing it for quite a while before people actually started responding.

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Well he's been banned!!!

Finally! It's been annoying me since before Obama was president when it was displaying that same behavior on the political thread. I quit feeding it ages ago though I did ask the Admins was I the only one who found it's posts disruptive and all I was told was "We haven't gotten any complaints" OK :unsure:

Leaves me to believe the boards aren't really monitored that tightly and when people are getting banned for seemingly stupid reasons....someone's behind it making a big fuss.

Just my 'theory' :D

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