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Pet Peeve: The weather keeps pn dramatically changing, one minute it's shitting it down the next it blues skies and sunshine!! :wacko:

That happens down here all the time. We call them "splash-and-dashers". Blue skies and sunshine, 5 minutes later the sky is damn near black with rain absolutely pissing down, lightning/thunder/hail and then 10 minutes later.......back to blue skies and sunshine.

With the kind of heat/humidity we get here in the summer, they're very common and very dangerous since you often get little to no warning.

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I won't eat whale or dolphin (nor will I buy any products made from them). But I like meat. And mostly steak. You won't ever find me out looking for wolf or horse or eagle or something (those are also my three favorite living animals, because they are all proud, majestic, and powerful).

Don't eat the tuna fush!


Cause dolphins are getting trapped in the nets!

What about the tuna fish?

Well fuck them, they taste good!

We should have animal auditions.

What are you?

I'm an otter. I'm cute and cuddly and do neat human things with my hands.

You're free to go.


I'm a cow.

You're a baseball glove! Get on the fucking truck!

Denis Leary

Nathan, ever been to a rodeo? I'd say those bulls are pretty majestic and powerful. Unfortunately for them, they're also tasty. But let's not say we wouldn't eat other animals because they seem closer to god in some way. That's through human eyes and imaginings. I won't eat an eagle or a wolf because they are scavengers and carrion eaters, not because they're proud. What are they proud of? Are they somehow noble, or do they just have a coolness about them? As for horse, well we don't really tend to eat animals that we develop relationships with. Horses, dogs, etc. They're companion animals. The dogs eaten in Asia are bred for food like any other source. These are not companion animals, and never were intended to be. It's not like mom says "Chun Li, go dispatch Tippy. It's almost suppertime". :lol:

Most of the animals we eat don't eat other animals. A walk down the meat aisle at the market would all be herbivores. Likewise most game animals. Seafood would be the obvious exception, but then that goes back to your Koshrut laws as to which fish can be eaten. Bottom feeding shellfish obviously aren't considered Kosher.

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The dogs eaten in Asia are bred for food like any other source. These are not companion animals, and never were intended to be. It's not like mom says "Chun Li, go dispatch Tippy. It's almost suppertime". :lol:

Ev, thanks for saying that!

I've been in the situation for several times. I thought the dogs were cute and played with them a bit, then the owner came to me and said:"Go away! You should not eat them."

I was like... ah well I don't know what to say. Just because I'm chinese doesn't mean I will snap other people's dogs...

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Nathan, ever been to a rodeo? I'd say those bulls are pretty majestic and powerful. Unfortunately for them, they're also tasty. But let's not say we wouldn't eat other animals because they seem closer to god in some way. That's through human eyes and imaginings. I won't eat an eagle or a wolf because they are scavengers and carrion eaters, not because they're proud. What are they proud of? Are they somehow noble, or do they just have a coolness about them? As for horse, well we don't really tend to eat animals that we develop relationships with. Horses, dogs, etc. They're companion animals. The dogs eaten in Asia are bred for food like any other source. These are not companion animals, and never were intended to be. It's not like mom says "Chun Li, go dispatch Tippy. It's almost suppertime". :lol:

Umm... The wolf, eagle, and horse are my favorite animals because they're proud and majestic. That's not the reason for my not eating them.

Most of the animals we eat don't eat other animals. A walk down the meat aisle at the market would all be herbivores. Likewise most game animals. Seafood would be the obvious exception, but then that goes back to your Koshrut laws as to which fish can be eaten. Bottom feeding shellfish obviously aren't considered Kosher.

Umm... yeah. I know.

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A vegetarian dog, that's an accomplishment!!!

Dogs will eat their own vomit and feces... or even that of others. Why people bring these animals into their homes is beyond me. They belong outside, and are better served if they are working animals on a ranch or a farm. Turning them into pets is a testimony to human vanity.

And why do people love dogs over other animals like rats and snakes? Just because they wag their tails and lick your hand? Plus they are one of the dumbest creatures around. ALL DOGS DO IS EXIST TO PLEASE THE ALPHA DOG IN THE PACK. And in a domesticated situation that 'alpha' is you. It's all instict. It's all about survival. Animals are not capable of human emotions, so why waste yours on them?

I think humans should feel guilty about the abominable conditions animals live in before meeting such an unspeakable ending. I can honestly say that i never eat a piece of meat without feeling a pang of guilt. I plan to cut back drastically on the amount i eat (which isn't that much to start with). I love seafood, fish, fruits and vegetables much more than any kind of meat, so it won't be that difficult for me to do.

You think a lion sits around and feels quilty about the antelope he just ate alive?

I could care less about the "conditions" of the steak I am about to eat. I'd probably eat deep fried puppies if I thought they would taste good.

"Meat is murder.... tasty, tasty murder." :rolleyes:


Edited by Del Zeppnile
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Umm... The wolf, eagle, and horse are my favorite animals because they're proud and majestic. That's not the reason for my not eating them.

Umm... yeah. I know.

You sound a little punchy there Nathan. I wasn't hammering you dude. Just giving my point of view on the topic. ;)

As for the eagle being proud and majestic, our founding fathers later regretted choosing the eagle as our symbol because it is in fact a predatory scavenger, and wished they'd chosen the wild turkey. Now there's a proud damn bird! :beer:

The image of the lone wolf silhouetted against a moon howling is certainly a majestic image. But again, it's just imagery. Looks awesome on a blanket or a tapestery, but they're pack hunters. The thugs of the forest! :lol:

Obviously you mean proud as in stately, not proud as in feeling pride. I'd say the antelope is equally stately when standing on a cliff.

Edited by Evster2012
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You sound a little punchy there Nathan. I wasn't hammering you dude. Just giving my point of view on the topic. ;)

Sorry. I didn't mean to come across as snippy when I posted. I was in a rush... :D

As for the eagle being proud and majestic, our founding fathers later regretted choosing the eagle as our symbol because it is in fact a predatory scavenger, and wished they'd chosen the wild turkey. Now there's a proud damn bird! :beer:

Um... I think the forefathers got it right the first time. I know all about the eagle. It's still an incredible creature. And the Wild Turkey? Definitely majestic... also tasty on Thanksgiving... :D

The image of the lone wolf silhouetted against a moon howling is certainly a majestic image. But again, it's just imagery. Looks awesome on a blanket or a tapestery, but they're pack hunters. The thugs of the forest! :lol:

I actually spent a few hours with a pack of wolves (admittedly... Yellowstone National Park). I helped rescue a baby wolf from drowning. One of the greatest things I have ever seen in my life was that night... a full moon, the entire pack of wolves all howling. Some were on top of a small cliff. I watched from down below. Amazing.

It's one thing to see it in painting and pictures and tapestries. It's quite another to see it actually happening.

Obviously you mean proud as in stately, not proud as in feeling pride. I'd say the antelope is equally stately when standing on a cliff.

I would not know what they feel pride in. I don't know their minds. I find them to be incredible creatures. That's all.

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That's why I'm a veggie, I just can't do it. I personally don't understand those who for examle see a lamb and say it's really cute and sweet and then eat it!

And I personally don't mind others eating meat infront of me either just as long as they don't feed me it :lol: But it's your choice I've had plenty of poeple giving me a hard time about being veggie, callng me " a F**king hippie" but learnt to ignore it.

Jimmy was a (not sure if he still is) a veggie as was George Harrison. (John Lennon became one too).

Our good friend is, but she is willing to cook meat for her husband. No one I have seen gives her a hard time. She loves pasta. She's of Italian background like we are.

Edited by aen27
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Sorry, Evster, but this has to be done.

Bill Hicks on Dennis Leary:

"I have a scoop for you. I stole his act. I camouflaged it with punchlines, and to really throw people off, I did it before he did."

EXHIBIT A: Bill Hicks vs. Dennis Leary Part 1

EXHIBIT A: Bill Hicks vs. Dennis Leary Part 2

EXHIBIT A: Bill Hicks vs. Dennis Leary Part 3

Actually, I like Dennis Leary. I have "No Cure for Cancer". But this thing with Bill Hicks has always bugged the hell out of me, especially as Hicks is my all-time favorite comedian (followed closely by George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Sam Kinison, and Doug Stanhope). And it's not so much the jokes themselves as the subjects and delivery. I don't know. I haven't made up my mind, yet.

Edited by Nathan
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Jimmy was a (not sure if he still is) a veggie as was George Harrison. (John Lennon became one too).

Our good friend is, but she is willing to cook meat for her husband. No one I have seen gives her a hard time. She loves pasta. She's of Italian background like we are.

Coool Pagey was veggie :D I don't think he is, I watched something on the BBC (TV programme) and they had offered Pagey a MacDonalds burger, I don't think he is, but no completey sure.

Yeah I'm also happy to cook the meat for my dad, I just won't physically touch it. But when I am statying with him during the week he eats veggie stuff, hey somtimes we have vegan meals.

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I've had plenty of poeple giving me a hard time about being veggie, callng me " a F**king hippie" but learnt to ignore it.

Don't take it personally. I've been called a "F**king hippie" while walking out of McDonalds with a bag of cheeseburgers! :lol:

I say live and let eat y'know? Earth is a great big grocery store, and there are aisles for everyone. :D

I'm not a big fan of lamb anyway. My mom used to make it all the time. I'm a surf and turf guy. Gimme a steak and some shrimp or sushi and I'm happy as pigs in shit! :beer:

*edit to add* No Page is not and wasn't to my knowledge ever a vegetarian. Unless you count the year he lived on banana daquiris! ;)

Edited by Evster2012
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I was a vegetarian for quite a few years. Not for ethical or health reasons, I just stopped eating meat. Then one day, I had a hamburger and I figured.....I guess I'm eating meat again.

People can eat or not eat whatever they want. I personally have never been accosted by a vegetarian/vegan telling me I'm going to hell or what have you because I'm buying some hamburger patties, but they can express themselves just as much as I can walk away and ignore them. I'm sure they could express themselves in a less obnoxious manner, but they're not breaking any laws that I'm aware of.

One thing I haven't understood is why some people (not anyone here that I'm aware of) look down on people who choose not to eat meat. It's food. You can eat it or not eat it. What's the big deal?

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Coool Pagey was veggie :D I don't think he is, I watched something on the BBC (TV programme) and they had offered Pagey a MacDonalds burger, I don't think he is, but no completey sure.

Yeah I'm also happy to cook the meat for my dad, I just won't physically touch it. But when I am statying with him during the week he eats veggie stuff, hey somtimes we have vegan meals.

*edit to add* No Page is not and wasn't to my knowledge ever a vegetarian. Unless you count the year he lived on banana daquiris! ;)

I'm just going by in Richard Cole's book, Bonzo made fun of him for being veggie because he could have climbed the up the mountain over and over better in his fantasy if he would have eaten some meat.

He may not be anymore.

I love lamb, but since my mother doesn't care for it, my father and I don't get to have it often.

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Don't take it personally. I've been called a "F**king hippie" while walking out of McDonalds with a bag of cheeseburgers! :lol:

It's the hair, man. The flippin' hair.


Be proud. It's a compliment.

I say live and let eat y'know? Earth is a great big grocery store, and there are aisles for everyone. :D

Couldn't have said it better myself.

I'm not a big fan of lamb anyway. My mom used to make it all the time. I'm a surf and turf guy. Gimme a steak and some shrimp or sushi and I'm happy as pigs in shit! :beer:

Oh I agree in the end, but I rather like lamb. Now that is real tender.

Why is Denis Leary so famous and Bill Hicks isn't?

There's no cure for cancer.


Bill Hicks was never very popular in America. He had and has a much bigger following oversees. Why? Hicks loved America, but he was extremely critical of it. He made fun of the South, of the Christian society, of the War on Drugs, etc.

Do you really think people over here liked hearing stuff like:

"I had a great time on drugs"


"Do you think when Jesus comes back he ever wants to see a fucking cross again?"

More often then not Hicks got beat up by rednecks, and more then once someone actually did attempt to shoot him while he was on stage. he was much more popular in England because they tended to agree with him. His views were not and still are not very popular in America, especially when surrounded by so many fake patriotic assholes "America is the greatest country in the world and it has no faults!" These people would have killed Hicks if the cancer didn't.

Leary is much less abrasive. While he did riff a lot on smoking and who we have killed (things which sound eerily similar to Hicks routines in enough ways to make one give pause), he didn't go into stuff like religion, nor did he pull out rather graphic stuff like "Goat Boy", "Suck Satan's Cock", and "are there actually women in the world who don't like to give blowjobs?". Leary also didn't spend 5 to 10 minutes of his act telling people that the War on Drugs is evil and that drugs can be good and have done good things for us ("the Beatles were so high they let Ringo sing a few tunes").

Hicks was just a lot tougher for the largely Conservative American Society to digest. Which makes sense considering Bill was rather Liberal. In fact, if you want to know exactly how Liberal, Bill thought Clinton was too Conservative and I guarantee you would consider Obama a closet Conservative, as well. He was more Liberal then even many people in England, and over there, they consider our Democratic party rather Conservative.

Bill Hicks should be more popular because more people should be listening to what he had to say. But most people aren't watching comedy to think. They're watching comedy to be entertained. Hence, Dennis Leary is more popular.

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