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Pet Peeves


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I was a vegetarian for quite a few years. Not for ethical or health reasons, I just stopped eating meat. Then one day, I had a hamburger and I figured.....I guess I'm eating meat again.

People can eat or not eat whatever they want. I personally have never been accosted by a vegetarian/vegan telling me I'm going to hell or what have you because I'm buying some hamburger patties, but they can express themselves just as much as I can walk away and ignore them. I'm sure they could express themselves in a less obnoxious manner, but they're not breaking any laws that I'm aware of.

One thing I haven't understood is why some people (not anyone here that I'm aware of) look down on people who choose not to eat meat. It's food. You can eat it or not eat it. What's the big deal?

That's what I've found - I get comments about not eating meat (things like, well we can get some twigs and grass for you or worse) yet I never say anything to anyone about their food choices because it doesn't matter to me.

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That's what I've found - I get comments about not eating meat (things like, well we can get some twigs and grass for you or worse) yet I never say anything to anyone about their food choices because it doesn't matter to me.

When a vegan says to me "I don't eat anything living", it is exactly those kinda of snappy remarks I think of. "You don't eat anything living? I didn't know dirt was edible. Ever had a sand souffle?" and so on. However, I don't think people should just be saying shit like that to you if you aren't asking for it, and I doubt you do, ninelives, because you don't strike me as the proselytizing type. :)

Unfortunately, us meat-eaters have to deal with proselytizers, too. All proselytizers are assholes in the end. I'm sorry you go through that, though. You shouldn't be just because you chose not to eat meat. And it's even worse since you don't don't proselytize your position.

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When a vegan says to me "I don't eat anything living", it is exactly those kinda of snappy remarks I think of. "You don't eat anything living? I didn't know dirt was edible. Ever had a sand souffle?" and so on. However, I don't think people should just be saying shit like that to you if you aren't asking for it, and I doubt you do, ninelives, because you don't strike me as the proselytizing type. :)

Unfortunately, us meat-eaters have to deal with proselytizers, too. All proselytizers are assholes in the end. I'm sorry you go through that, though. You shouldn't be just because you chose not to eat meat. And it's even worse since you don't don't proselytize your position.

Neither side should be criticised for their choices IMO. Sad when people feel the need to be that belligerent.

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I don't eat veal or lamb, and not much red meat (mostly chicken). Admittedly I haven't given much thought until now to how the meat arrives on my plate. I can give up red meat and pork, but would have a hard time giving up chicken and fish. We do have a very humane source of farm fresh eggs too.

Edited by Virginia
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Well, fish don't have it so great either! :lol:

Just swimming along, doin your fish thing, spot a nice juicy fly. You think "Mmm lunch!" Then YANK! a giant hook rips into your cheek. You're fleeing and suddenly you're yanked back again and again. Then it happens. You're pulled from the water, caught in a net, and tossed onto a boat to suffocate slowly.

So I ask yez. Would you give a fuck what the sonofabitch that caught ya was wearing?

Sorry. Had a My Cousin Vinny moment! :lol:


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Well, fish don't have it so great either! :lol:

Just swimming along, doin your fish thing, spot a nice juicy fly. You think "Mmm lunch!" Then YANK! a giant hook rips into your cheek. You're fleeing and suddenly you're yanked back again and again. Then it happens. You're pulled from the water, caught in a net, and tossed onto a boat to suffocate slowly.

So I ask yez. Would you give a fuck what the sonofabitch that caught ya was wearing?

Sorry. Had a My Cousin Vinny moment! :lol:


How's it going "Evster?" I hope all is well with you my friend. I love that movie "MY COUSIN VINNY!" I JUST LOVE MARISA TOMEI. I love the way she cusses in that movie, she turns me on! ROCK ON!

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If it looks good and it smells good and it taste good I say eat it :)

How's it going "Dzldoc" A.K.A. Charles, my buddy? I hope all is well with you. You must be speaking in reference if its a female!!!! Ha Ha! And if thats the case, I couldn't agree with you more. ROCK ON my friend!

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How's it going "Evster?" I hope all is well with you my friend. I love that movie "MY COUSIN VINNY!" I JUST LOVE MARISA TOMEI. I love the way she cusses in that movie, she turns me on! ROCK ON!

Marisa Tomei is everything a man my age could dream of in a woman my age! :D

Hell, I used to watch her on the Cosby spinoff Different World! Yeah, longtime fan! :beer:

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I don't eat veal or lamb, and not much red meat (mostly chicken). Admittedly I haven't given much thought until now to how the meat arrives on my plate. I can give up red meat and pork, but would have a hard time giving up chicken and fish. We do have a very humane source of farm fresh eggs too.

I know when my parents go buy meat, be it red meat or pork or chicken or fish, they always try and buy organic if it's available. I know we only buy organic milk and fresh eggs.

Not necessarily for ethical reasons, but because it's healthier. The fact it IS more ethical/humane is a great bonus.

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Marisa Tomei is everything a man my age could dream of in a woman my age! :D

Hell, I used to watch her on the Cosby spinoff Different World! Yeah, longtime fan! :beer:

How's it going "Evster?" Don't you know it! I watched DIFFERENT WORLD also just to see Marisa Tomei, I'm in love with her! I also love watching her in the movie "SOMEONE LIKE YOU" (2001) with Ashley Judd whom I'm also in love with. ROCK ON my friend!

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Seen Untamed Heart? Cheesy movie, but damn is she sexy in it! :beer:

Do we need a Marisa Tomei Appreciation Thread? :lol:

Cause she certainly ain't no peeve of mine!! ;)

How's it going "Evster?" As a matter of fact, I have and I LOVE IT! Thats the movie with Christian Slater who dies from a bad heart isn't it? Marisa Tomei is sexy even when she's mad! I would say that we do need a MARISA TOMEI APPRECIATION THREAD, there would be a lot of responses on her. ROCK ON my friend!

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Hi Tangerine,

I must have got that wrong, my Dog although he does eat my leftovers (when there is any that is) he also eats Meat, as wel as dry food and fruit. I'm all for letting him eat pretty much what ever takes his fancy, as long as he doesnt get overweight that is.

Kind Regards, Danny

I feel so misunderstood :). I didn't really think your dog is vegetarian. I was joking about what you said.

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Dogs will eat their own vomit and feces... or even that of others. Why people bring these animals into their homes is beyond me. They belong outside, and are better served if they are working animals on a ranch or a farm. Turning them into pets is a testimony to human vanity.

And why do people love dogs over other animals like rats and snakes? Just because they wag their tails and lick your hand? Plus they are one of the dumbest creatures around. ALL DOGS DO IS EXIST TO PLEASE THE ALPHA DOG IN THE PACK. And in a domesticated situation that 'alpha' is you. It's all instict. It's all about survival. Animals are not capable of human emotions, so why waste yours on them?

You think a lion sits around and feels quilty about the antelope he just ate alive?

I could care less about the "conditions" of the steak I am about to eat. I'd probably eat deep fried puppies if I thought they would taste good.

Honestly, Del, i can't explain how it feels to be an animal lover, to someone who isn't.

Why do people prefer cats and dogs, to snakes and rats? Maybe because they are less unpredictable? Maybe because they are easier to train and therefore, safer as a pet.

No matter what emotions (human or not) animals feel, i know they feel pain.

I am pretty certain a lion does not feel guilt over killing it's prey. I bet they feel elation and satisfaction over a full tummy. That has zero to do with intelligent humans that raise and kill their food in the most inhumane ways. Sad really.

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Honestly, Del, i can't explain how it feels to be an animal lover, to someone who isn't.

Why do people prefer cats and dogs, to snakes and rats? Maybe because they are less unpredictable? Maybe because they are easier to train and therefore, safer as a pet.

No matter what emotions (human or not) animals feel, i know they feel pain.

I am pretty certain a lion does not feel guilt over killing it's prey. I bet they feel elation and satisfaction over a full tummy. That has zero to do with intelligent humans that raise and kill their food in the most inhumane ways. Sad really.

It's eyebrows Tang. Certain animals give the illusion of having human expressions, particularly dogs. Or they act in ways we perceive as humanlike. Cats and dogs are safer as pets from millenia of breeding them that way.

Pain yes. But affection? Or is it knowing who's gonna feed them? I think they're begging mostly or being grateful. My cat loves the shit out of me...when she's hungry. Yes, she sleeps next to my head, and mews in my face. But I know the second I move she'll run to her bowl. I still love her though.

I think a lion just feels an absence of hunger when it's killed. In the same way a cheetah will drag its uneaten portion up a tree for future sustenance. I don't think there's any personal feeling of satisfaction (or pride).

I do however agree wholeheartedly that animals raised for food should be treated as humanely as possible. I believe on a fundamental level that the well being of the animal is passed onto the person that consumes it.

And in the end, the love you take

Is equal to the the love you make

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It's eyebrows Tang. Certain animals give the illusion of having human expressions, particularly dogs. Or they act in ways we perceive as humanlike. Cats and dogs are safer as pets from millenia of breeding them that way.

Pain yes. But affection? Or is it knowing who's gonna feed them? I think they're begging mostly or being grateful. My cat loves the shit out of me...when she's hungry. Yes, she sleeps next to my head, and mews in my face. But I know the second I move she'll run to her bowl. I still love her though.

I think a lion just feels an absence of hunger when it's killed. In the same way a cheetah will drag its uneaten portion up a tree for future sustenance. I don't think there's any personal feeling of satisfaction (or pride).

I do however agree wholeheartedly that animals raised for food should be treated as humanely as possible. I believe on a fundamental level that the well being of the animal is passed onto the person that consumes it.

And in the end, the love you take

Is equal to the the love you make

Lets all sing together those famous last BEATLES lyrics on the last BEATLES song on the last BEATLES album. It goes like this:

And in the end

The love you take

Is equal to the love

You make

ROCK ON and goodnight!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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It's eyebrows Tang. Certain animals give the illusion of having human expressions, particularly dogs. Or they act in ways we perceive as humanlike. Cats and dogs are safer as pets from millenia of breeding them that way.

Pain yes. But affection? Or is it knowing who's gonna feed them? I think they're begging mostly or being grateful. My cat loves the shit out of me...when she's hungry. Yes, she sleeps next to my head, and mews in my face. But I know the second I move she'll run to her bowl. I still love her though.

I think a lion just feels an absence of hunger when it's killed. In the same way a cheetah will drag its uneaten portion up a tree for future sustenance. I don't think there's any personal feeling of satisfaction (or pride).

I do however agree wholeheartedly that animals raised for food should be treated as humanely as possible. I believe on a fundamental level that the well being of the animal is passed onto the person that consumes it.

And in the end, the love you take

Is equal to the the love you make

I had a grey cheeked parakeet who was definitely affectionate. He would give little kisses on your cheek, and not in relation to feeding time. There was always food out anyway, anytime. He would look at you and it was like he was looking into your soul. :) Anyway, no matter what, any pet lover knows the joy their cute and cuddly family member brings. Makes life a little brighter :)

Research studies have shown the positive effects animals have on the health of humans. Animal assisted therapy in nursing homes, rehabs, and psychiatric centers.... and how about those stupid (in Del's opinion) seeing eye dogs.

I think we should all agree that the treatment of animals for food is appalling, and we should all feel outrage over it. Bigdan said it best in his original post.

You said it nicely, too, Evster. :)

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A vegetarian dog would be a dead dog, cruelly starved to death.

Hi Jimmie Ray,

Totally not true, there are 20 Proteins in Meat, and 20 in Vegitables, like most of Gods Creatures Dogs can survive and thrive on a Vegiterian diet, and there are many examples of this if you only look around and do some homework before you post.

Regards, Danny

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