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Celebrities' private residences being flagged on Google Earth. Now all a stalker/psycho needs to do is enter the name and they get precise GPS coordinates to their front door. Just punch them into the old navigator and you're turn-by-turn taken to their home. There's a reason they're called PRIVATE residences. Technology sure has its downside. <_<

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Celebrities' private residences being flagged on Google Earth. Now all a stalker/psycho needs to do is enter the name and they get precise GPS coordinates to their front door. Just punch them into the old navigator and you're turn-by-turn taken to their home. There's a reason they're called PRIVATE residences. Technology sure has its downside. <_<

According to American Paparazzi and American-Paparazzi-consumer logic, when you become a celebrity, you have lost all rights to privacy. As soon as your famous, if someone wants to film you while you're taking a shit and fucking your partner at the same time, well, they can do that. 'Cause of freedom of Press and all that bullshit.

I don't blame the Paparazzi. I blame the life-less, worthless, pathetic loser asshole who fund the Paparazzi. These lifeless, soulless asshole nobodies in the great country of our who must live vicariously through a celebrity because their own life is too pointless and pathetic.

I pray to God I'm never famous in America. I like my privacy too much.

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According to American Paparazzi and American-Paparazzi-consumer logic, when you become a celebrity, you have lost all rights to privacy. As soon as your famous, if someone wants to film you while you're taking a shit and fucking your partner at the same time, well, they can do that. 'Cause of freedom of Press and all that bullshit.

I don't blame the Paparazzi. I blame the life-less, worthless, pathetic loser asshole who fund the Paparazzi. These lifeless, soulless asshole nobodies in the great country of our who must live vicariously through a celebrity because their own life is too pointless and pathetic.

I pray to God I'm never famous in America. I like my privacy too much.

You know, I always thought the Paps in the UK were the very epitome of evil, but since the use of these so-called internet 'gossip' blog-sites, I've noticed that the American Paps are terrible. Maybe it's because we don't have that kind of obsessive 'what are they doing right now?' blogging over here, but it seems that in America the media now includes websites that name drop every celeb doing the most mundane activity. Even here, at it's very worst, that wasn't snap worthy.

The worst of it is seeing the offspring of celebs being snapped. That's just wrong. I don't want to see them.

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The rhinovirus.

I never get sick. When I say that I mean that my entire house could get swine flu and I wouldn't so much as get a sniffle. Up until now, I couldn't remember the last time I got a cold.

So needless to say, I'm not happy. First it started off with a cough so bad I was throwing up at night. Then it went into a sore throat so bad I couldn't swallow my medicine. Now I have a stuffed up nose, fever and I'm sweating through layers of clothes.

Such bullshit. When I find out the person in this house who got me sick, I'm coughing on them. <_<

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When I find out the person in this house who got me sick, I'm coughing on them. <_<

Well technically they've already had it, and you won't get them sick again. You could however reinvigorate them as a carrier doing this, and they could cough on a pregnant woman. Perhaps a different method of reprisal is in order. ;)

Edited by Evster2012
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It pisses me when I see women wearing these stuupid shirts like:

You can look, but you can't touch


Party girl


No, I am not a model


Kiss me, you know you want to

... Painful for my eyes. when I see those tight black, yellow, green t-shirts with golden or silver note.... :rant: And most of the time the women who are wearing those shirts are far from models and faaaaar from pretty. It makes me sick, to see all those people who look the same, the same crowd, the same sheep and then it comes... the black sheep.

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It's a nice way to spend your money. Did you spend some of it on GN'R t-shirt? I saw the pic somewhere on forum...

The same thing happened to me with books and vinyls.

Yes the GN'R one was the one I had spent on the money I saved up :)

and yes I know how you feel about the T-shirts. I was once offered one saying:


Female Body Inspector <_<

I generally find T-shirts like that tasteless (but that's just me) unless it is funny.

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Yes the GN'R one was the one I had spent on the money I saved up :)

and yes I know how you feel about the T-shirts. I was once offered one saying:


Female Body Inspector <_<

I generally find T-shirts like that tasteless (but that's just me) unless it is funny.

That's a good girl :thumbsup:

The funny ones- that's cool. Others !please! take it off and burn it.

Edited by _Lena_Zep
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Hmmm, good point. I'm pretty sure I know who did it, now all that remains is a suitable avenue of revenge.
Sure wish you could give a dose of that to Del!(just for shits and giggles) ;)

I'm also sure that you wouldn't touch him with anyone's 10 foot pole,let alone your own!

I was driving down the road today with my wife and I asked her if she thought that maybe Del was really Ann Coulter,(well,with that Adam's apple and all!) Just saying... :o


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The way people are over generalizing and over stating re Michael Jackson.

Almost every time I turn on the TVGuide channel they are playing something about Michael Jackson: tonight Jeremy Piven said something to the effect that "everyone" is drawn to his music. Another guy said it's impossible for anyone to put together a soundtrack of their life without Michael Jackson.

I think he was an ok musician/songwriter. I don't enjoy his music and don't listen to it-I might know one person who does. Beat It would be on my least favorite song list. I do think he was a phenomenal dancer. Just because he made it big on MTV doesn't mean he was the first African American artist to appeal to white audiences; that's another thing I've heard many people say, and I don't understand it. Don't the African American musicians who came before Michael resent that? I'm white, and I know a lot of white people who listen to Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Marvin Gaye...on & on.

I don't think MTV has been such a great thing for music/musicians anyway. It caused the industry to shift towards looks/image and away from musical talent. Michael's buddy Madonna was also big on MTV, and on her best day she sounds out of tune to me. I also think she's a negative influence in terms of how women are regarded and as a role model for girls. Not to mention she's still taking kids from poor African families (She recently won another court case. I saw the Dad on TV wearing a heart pendant with his daughter's name on it. He didn't even know she was alive until a few months ago. An orphanage convinced the Grandmother to allow the girl to be adopted, and when the father found out she was alive, he tried to keep her but lost. I felt so sad for him.).

Back to Jackson: there's still the allegtions about MJ & kids. It seems like no one is supposed to even mention that now, as if because MJ died you can't say anything about him that isn't gushing with praise (Good god-there's even a Congresswoman who wants Congress to honor him! Don't they have more urgent business?). I know he wasn't found guilty, but I saw part of that interview w/Bashir (sp?) when it was rebroadcast after Jackson died. Bashir interviewed Jackson with the boy who later made the allegation: the boy said MJ wanted him to sleep in his bed, and that he didn't want to, because he thought it was weird. Then MJ said he told the boy, "If you love me, you'll sleep in my bed". Even if he didn't sexually abuse the kid, that was a completely inappropriate thing for an adult to say to a child, and it made me more inclined to think Jackson could be guilty. Bashir, on the other hand, seemed to worship Jackson, in a way that was creepy.

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People who think they know all.

Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with this lately, but man, it drives me crazy!



Very annoying in real life indeed, though I've gotten hooked on "House M.D." lately and it's great fun watching House get the leg up on everyone in the end. Great one-liners, too.

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It pisses me when I see women wearing these stuupid shirts like:

You can look, but you can't touch


Party girl


No, I am not a model


Kiss me, you know you want to

... Painful for my eyes. when I see those tight black, yellow, green t-shirts with golden or silver note.... :rant: And most of the time the women who are wearing those shirts are far from models and faaaaar from pretty. It makes me sick, to see all those people who look the same, the same crowd, the same sheep and then it comes... the black sheep.

Probably the worst one I've seen to date was, "Love sucks; True love swallows." I mean, what self-respecting woman would think that's cool to wear is beyond the beyond.

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^I totally agree with you guys.

As a high school teacher, it's really sad to see how much young women don't respect themselves.

I was talking with a colleague the other day about how cheap sex is to the kids we work with. There are many girls who really think that sex=love, and some others who think that in order to get ahead in life, they have to use their bodies in a sexy way.

Seriously. To see a 15-year old girl who has had more sexual partners than I have (at the age of 28) is just plain sad. I honestly blame (in part) the media's depiction of sex and love. It seems that most movies/TV shows that have romantic themes have girls who sleep with their love interests and once they have sex with them, they're usually in love.

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Such a complete buffoon, you really are entitled to more compensation for your craft!

Regards, Sonny Boy ;)

Hi Sonny Boy,

And its Dragoon Darling, Dragoon. :D

My Compensation is your willingness to indluge in intercourse with me. :kiss:

Kind Regards, Danny

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