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Pet Peeves


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I pretty much just RUINED my nice white tank top, brand new bras and my swimsuit. Seriously. I threw a dark tee shirt in with my swimsuit that has some white in it, and BRAND NEW bras. The bras look freakin' disgusting.

Ugh! I can't afford this! I am seriously so irritated right now that I'm almost in tears. This is the first time in over a year that I've had the money to buy myself new clothing, and now it looks terrible. It totally defeats the purpose of my spending the money on new stuff.


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I pretty much just RUINED my nice white tank top, brand new bras and my swimsuit. Seriously. I threw a dark tee shirt in with my swimsuit that has some white in it, and BRAND NEW bras. The bras look freakin' disgusting.

Ugh! I can't afford this! I am seriously so irritated right now that I'm almost in tears. This is the first time in over a year that I've had the money to buy myself new clothing, and now it looks terrible. It totally defeats the purpose of my spending the money on new stuff.


Oh, Man. I've done that before. And it is frustrating! Is there any chance you can bleach the color out?? There's gotta be some sort of laundry product out there for just this situation, I wonder.

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I've bought a few of said laundry products. I went to the store because I was HONESTLY that upset about it. I've tried bleaching bras before when they get gross, but it doesn't work. Everything that has been changed color-wise is made of the material with a ton of spandex like swimsuits and bras.

I got 1. Mrs. Stewart's blueing solution and 2. a color bleed remover. Someone told me to try rewashing the stuff in hot, hot water. I'm trying that now.

My washing machine is a Kenmore HEt5, and it has a "sanitary" option. Because I've been really bad about paying attention to the laundry in this weather, the towels are a bit icky. I usually use the "sanitary" option once every other time on towels in the summer, so I decided to do it with my regular clothes. My washer has a built-in heater that keeps the water over 160 degrees, so when you mix up a load, you're done for. (Which is EXACTLY how my FIRST Hard Rock tee from Lake Tahoe's jewels fell off...I washed it on sanitary without thinking--two hours of hot, hot water=no bueno for mixed up colors and sitcky-iron on thingies. I replaced said tee two weekends ago, and I'm wearing ruined one now. ) <_<

It works great as long as you don't screw up in the sorting process.

I'm going to try this color bleed stuff as soon as the washing machine cycle's up, which is in about ten minutes. I just canceled it and am running it on a spin cycle so I can try this stuff.

The white tank top, which I LOVE, is now a nice, consistent steel gray. <_<

It wouldn't be that big of a deal if my tan bra were 100% steel gray, but it sucks that my swimsuit looks like that.

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Oh no, that's terrible! :( I've been there before, too. My favorite trick is to ruin sweaters by putting them in the dryer, or accidentally putting hand wash stuff in, and it's always on the most hardcore settings. And it's always the one thing in your closet you really love, isn't it? Definitely cry-worthy, if you ask me. Good luck with the stuff you bought...I hope they work!

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I hope it works too. I took before pictures and I added a pair of white undies that has a strangely-colored waistband just for good measure. AFTER I put all the stuff in the sink, I saw that it had HE washing machine directions that said to put one packet in with the entire load. That would have been the best option.

I've got it in the kitchen sink--with the hottest hot water that comes out of the water heater, plus I boiled a kettle. It's been sitting for about twenty minutes now. It says to let it soak and agitate it every once in a while.

We'll see.

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Instead of complaining about my most recent fight with yet another fanatic, I'll just post this:

I'm sick and tired of running in to proselytizing fanaticals everywhere I go: fanatical Conservatives, fanatical Liberals, fanatical Christians, fanatical vegans, fanatical EPA members, fanatical PETA members, fanatical Jews, fanatical Muslims, fanatical Atheists (that group also known as Anti-Theists), fanatical NRA members...

You name it, I've run into the proselytizing fanatical of it. And I'm fucking sick and tired of it.

I mean, do I attract them? I guess I'm pretty fanatical in my belief that organized religion is evil, Liberals are just as evil and corporate-run as Conservatives, America is doomed to Rome, so on and so forth. So maybe I'm like a magnet for these sheep or something. But I just want it to stop.

You know what I thought yesterday after getting into an argument with a Politically Correct, Pro-Censorship Liberal? December 21, 2012 can't come soon enough, and it better be the end of the fucking world, because Mother Nature seriously needs to hit the reset button on us... badly.

The Human Experiment Part 1 has failed, folks. Time for us to go and for Nature to start over.

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Instead of complaining about my most recent fight with yet another fanatic, I'll just post this:

I'm sick and tired of running in to proselytizing fanaticals everywhere I go: fanatical Conservatives, fanatical Liberals, fanatical Christians, fanatical vegans, fanatical EPA members, fanatical PETA members, fanatical Jews, fanatical Muslims, fanatical Atheists (that group also known as Anti-Theists), fanatical NRA members...

You name it, I've run into the proselytizing fanatical of it. And I'm fucking sick and tired of it.

I mean, do I attract them? I guess I'm pretty fanatical in my belief that organized religion is evil, Liberals are just as evil and corporate-run as Conservatives, America is doomed to Rome, so on and so forth. So maybe I'm like a magnet for these sheep or something. But I just want it to stop.

You know what I thought yesterday after getting into an argument with a Politically Correct, Pro-Censorship Liberal? December 21, 2012 can't come soon enough, and it better be the end of the fucking world, because Mother Nature seriously needs to hit the reset button on us... badly.

The Human Experiment Part 1 has failed, folks. Time for us to go and for Nature to start over.

Think I'll hang around a bit myself.

Time for a timeout my friend if things are getting to you maybe you should take a long camping trip or something. ;)

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Nathan - the world is a challenging place these days and yes, there's a lot of tough stuff happening. But I don't see any point in becoming defeatist and just throwing in the towel. If we all took that attitude, then things will continue to get worse. Trying to remain positive and taking active steps, no matter how big or small towards improving things is a pretty powerful force. The more we do that, eventually the better things will become.

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Jesus Nathan, just fucking move to Montana, lock yourself in a cabin and don't come out.

I remain positive and keep a smile on my face because anything else is not living. I could never get up every morning and think "The world sucks, everyone sucks, I hate everything" and expect to go about my daily business. WTF kind of life is that? There's a lot of ugly things in this world, but there's a lot of beautiful things too. Quit acting like they aren't there. Look for them, seek them out.

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Didn't know where to put this, it shouldn't go in the unhappy thread really.

But I am so freakin' jealous of my sister! She went to london and she got to seethe Led Zeppelin 02 performance in 3D!!! and she got to see some of the suits that Jimmy wore including the black dragon suit!! She doesn't even like Zepp! To her they are "oh yeah some wierd band with weird guys with long hair" <_<

wait, what? They're screening that now?

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I'm sorry... But I've lost all hope and become disillusioned.

I can't say that I love Jesus

that would be a hollow claim.

He did make some observations

and I'm quoting them today.

"Judge not lest ye be judged."

what a beautiful refrain.

The studio audience disagrees.

Have his lambs all gone astray?

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

"You are lost and disillusioned!"

what an awful thing to say.

I know this show doesn't flatter.

It means nothing to me.

I thought I might help them understand

but what an ugly thing to see.

"I am not an animal"

subtitled under the screen.

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

When I tried to tell my story

They cut me off to take a break.

I sat silent 5 commercials

I had nothing left to say

The talk show host was index-carded

All organized and blank

The other guests were scared and hardened

What a sad parade.

What a sad parade

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

Call me a leper

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I agree Nathan is a bit wound up as of late.

You need to find something to be happy about bro. You're starting to freak me out! Look to the positive Nathan! Don't be so despondent!

And this coming from the guy who's used "2012" as his handle for over 15 years! ;)

And speaking of Pet Peeves, I'm totally burnt on the use of the word proselytizing. Change it up a little. Preaching. Grandstanding. Espousing. BRAINWASHING even! Persuade, stand behind, sway, uphold....alter, catechize, condition, convert, convince, educate, indoctrinate, influence, instill, persuade...it's big language English! :beer:

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Nathan - the world is a challenging place these days and yes, there's a lot of tough stuff happening. But I don't see any point in becoming defeatist and just throwing in the towel. If we all took that attitude, then things will continue to get worse. Trying to remain positive and taking active steps, no matter how big or small towards improving things is a pretty powerful force. The more we do that, eventually the better things will become.

This is so true Nine Lives. I am grateful for everyday that I get to wake up breathing. A lot of people do not get that chance.

Nathan, seek out the good, surround yourself with people who enhance your life. Take pleasure in the good things and learn from the bad things. Life is very Precious!!

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Nathan - the world is a challenging place these days and yes, there's a lot of tough stuff happening. But I don't see any point in becoming defeatist and just throwing in the towel. If we all took that attitude, then things will continue to get worse. Trying to remain positive and taking active steps, no matter how big or small towards improving things is a pretty powerful force. The more we do that, eventually the better things will become.

If looking around at how good you have it compared to over 90% of the people of the planet doesn't give you some perspective, then I don't know what will. Even if people don't get the desired result in their lifetime, the effort transforms those who gave it and inspires others. Corny, but it also happens to be true. Think if MLK gave up, or Gandhi or (fill in the blank). I figure if people can overcome, say, getting through a concentration camp, the rest of us can pretty much overcome our own problems.

That's not to downplay people's feelings, they're real to them, but at some point a shift towards gratitude should kick in. Then again, it's entirely possible that our friend Nathan has a chemical imbalance or something. Getting a physical might open up some possibilities for a happier life.

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If looking around at how good you have it compared to over 90% of the people of the planet doesn't give you some perspective, then I don't know what will. Even if people don't get the desired result in their lifetime, the effort transforms those who gave it and inspires others. Corny, but it also happens to be true. Think if MLK gave up, or Gandhi or (fill in the blank). I figure if people can overcome, say, getting through a concentration camp, the rest of us can pretty much overcome our own problems.

That's not to downplay people's feelings, they're real to them, but at some point a shift towards gratitude should kick in. Then again, it's entirely possible that our friend Nathan has a chemical imbalance or something. Getting a physical might open up some possibilities for a happier life.

Very true! It's a lot about perspective and I do think without sounding corny, you feel positive and put positive energy out there, that's what comes back to you. May not always be instantaneous but it will happen. Someone I knew used to always say "patience, perseverance and determination". I'd say those are pretty useful qualities to have.

No it doesn't downplay people's feelings at all. We feel what we feel regardless of whether it makes sense to others or not. It is real to THEM. But we also have the ability to change how we feel, even if it's not an easy task. I hope Nathan can find some happiness in his life. Despite the difficult times we're in, there's still a lot of joy out there.

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Stupid. Fucking. People. That. Don't. Know. How. To. Drive.

I'm driving along a 2-lane road that has a turn lane in the middle. The bimbo in front of me turns her left blinker on, gets fully into the turn lane, and sits there. THEN SHE ERRATICALLY SWINGS OUT OF IT AND TURNS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!

I almost hit her becuase she's a fucking idiot. She was in the turn lane, then she decided she wanted to go the other way. Like in a split second. Though she was fully stopped in the turn lane, she just decided it didn't matter if anyone else was coming. Of course I didn't slow my pace because she was fully stopped in the middle turn lane with her left blinker on.

I slammed on my breaks and swirved. I narrowly avoided hitting her. We were in a rubber-tire smoke cloud.

I was shaky when I got home. It all ended well, but it freaked me out pretty badly.

Hey--at least Dave said, "good job, Babe." Once it was all over.

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I have to deal with people like that down here all the time. The main road that is right outside our subdivision is a two-lane and without fail, there's always one idiot like the one you described. What's worse is that you have houses on one side of this road and a bank of trees on the other, so if you swerve into the pee-patch to avoid an accident, you're going to end up totalling something - either's someone's house or your car. It's a no-win.

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