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Let me make this clear.....Rorer714 should crawl up my ass and suck dumb ass prick

What? And have you fall in love with me?

I think not,you're too good for me!

BTW: Is it SOOO small that I have to come in the back door to find it?

Everybody sing!:

Mary,Mary......Why you buggin'?

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I'm about ready to drop everything and go buy a new computer, even though that's kind of on the list of things to do today--prior to this episode... ;)

I'm trying to upload supporting information into an online job application, and the f-ing computer keeps giving me a "server .exe error." Pretty much, my freakin' computer quits communicating when it's uploading!!!1

I've been trying to upload said information for 45 minutes. Ugh.


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I think they're called roundabouts-a recent addition to our metro area.

I think they're the dumbest things I've ever seen!

You can't tell if someone coming around on your left is going to exit the roundabout or keep coming. So I wait for them and people behind me honk because they want me to go.

I'd MUCH rather wait at a 4-way stop sign, or even a stop light.

I'd like to find the persons who designed and approved them and force them to drive around and around them without exiting-for hours.

(is that what the Beatles referred to in Penny Lane-"in the middle of the roundabout"?)

Edited by ZeppyNetters
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I think they're called roundabouts-a recent addition to our metro area.

I think they're the dumbest things I've ever seen!

You can't tell if someone coming around on your left is going to exit the roundabout or keep coming. So I wait for them and people behind me honk because they want me to go.

I'd MUCH rather wait at a 4-way stop sign, or even a stop light.

I'd like to find the persons who designed and approved them and force them to drive around and around them without exiting-for hours.

(is that what the Beatles referred to in Penny Lane-"in the middle of the roundabout"?)

When I lived in Massachusetts some years ago I believe they were called Rotaries.Don't take the inside lane,you'll get hung out to dry! :D

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When I lived in Massachusetts some years ago I believe they were called Rotaries.Don't take the inside lane,you'll get hung out to dry! :D

Those rotaries are a nightmare! Reminds me of National Lampoon's European Vacation when Chevy Chase can't get out and he's going round and round for hours :lol:

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I think they're called roundabouts-a recent addition to our metro area.

I think they're the dumbest things I've ever seen!

You can't tell if someone coming around on your left is going to exit the roundabout or keep coming. So I wait for them and people behind me honk because they want me to go.

I'd MUCH rather wait at a 4-way stop sign, or even a stop light.

I'd like to find the persons who designed and approved them and force them to drive around and around them without exiting-for hours.

(is that what the Beatles referred to in Penny Lane-"in the middle of the roundabout"?)

Oh, I hate those, too! They put a bunch in on La Jolla Blvd. to slow everyone down, I guess, but if you've seen people in La Jolla drive, you'd know better than to think it's actually going to work. I'd bet you 100 bucks that there have been more accidents caused by people taking an "out of my way!" attitude while they're making a turn and cutting off people coming straight at them than there ever were by people speeding. La Jollans think they own the world, so there's no way they're going to play by the right-of-way rules that you need for a roundabout to work.

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When I lived in Massachusetts some years ago I believe they were called Rotaries.Don't take the inside lane,you'll get hung out to dry! biggrin.gif

My mom calls the ones around here "Loop-de-loops." It's ridiculous and we always groan when she says it.

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Condescending sales people. So I'm at Circuit City yesterday looking at prices for the laptop I want to get. I ask if they have it, they guy checks and they don't. So he starts to suggest other far shittier laptops they have in store, always ending with, "AND it's on sale!" After each one I keep reiterating that that's not the one I asked for, and would like an answer to whether that particular location doesn't carry my chosen laptop or the store in general doesn't carry it. While he confirms that it's just the location, he tries talking me out of getting the one I've picked. "Well why do you need so much RAM? ...so much HD capacity? ...this particular processor?" And THEN he ends with this piece de resistance: "You seem to have very specific requirements. Does a friend have the same laptop and you decided you wanted it, too?" Of course, because I must not know what I want and I'm afraid to branch out from the one rectangular computing thingy I saw at a friend's place, so I should instead choose the crappy laptop which is not the brand I want, with a smaller processor/RAM/HD he tried to push on me. I glared at him in silence while he got sweaty. What is WITH some people!!! :slapface: :slapface: :slapface:

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Condescending sales people. So I'm at Circuit City yesterday looking at prices for the laptop I want to get. I ask if they have it, they guy checks and they don't. So he starts to suggest other far shittier laptops they have in store, always ending with, "AND it's on sale!" After each one I keep reiterating that that's not the one I asked for, and would like an answer to whether that particular location doesn't carry my chosen laptop or the store in general doesn't carry it. While he confirms that it's just the location, he tries talking me out of getting the one I've picked. "Well why do you need so much RAM? ...so much HD capacity? ...this particular processor?" And THEN he ends with this piece de resistance: "You seem to have very specific requirements. Does a friend have the same laptop and you decided you wanted it, too?" Of course, because I must not know what I want and I'm afraid to branch out from the one rectangular computing thingy I saw at a friend's place, so I should instead choose the crappy laptop which is not the brand I want, with a smaller processor/RAM/HD he tried to push on me. I glared at him in silence while he got sweaty. What is WITH some people!!! :slapface: :slapface: :slapface:

A lot of the time, sales people will ASSume you don't know anything because you're a woman, and they'll try to screw you over, or talk you into buying something you don't even want. Whenever I have to make an expensive purchase like that, I will take my brother with me or something for that exact reason.

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We're supposed to call them "roundabouts," but for some lame reason, my mom thinks she should call them loop-de-loops.

When I lived in Long Beach, I was right off what we called the 'traffic circle" (Pacific Coast Highway, Lakewood Blvd and Los Coyotes Diagonal). I used to Banzai that thing twice a day to and from work!

It even has a Wikipedia enrty! :lol:


In 1930, German engineer Werner Ruchti was contracted to design the traffic circle, which was to be based on European models. Construction was expedited in order to accommodate the increased vehicle traffic that was expected with the 1932 Summer Olympics, held in Los Angeles, as many of the aquatic and rowing events were to be held in Long Beach.

The Los Alamitos Traffic Circle was one of the first of its kind to be constructed in the United States, and, prior to its truncation, was also the end point of U.S. Route 6, which begins in Provincetown, Massachusetts, some 3,227 miles (5,193 km) to the east, and of State Route 91.[1]

In 1993, the circle was converted from an old-style traffic circle to a modern roundabout by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). This was the first such conversion in the United States and included modifications to each of its entries and exits, including Yield signs (replacing Stop signs) to increase the speed and ease of traffic entering and exiting the circle and to reduce the waiting time to enter. Also added were wider lanes, redundant traffic signs, and devoted lanes for traffic traveling only 90 of the 360 degrees of the circle. After the conversion, both the total auto accident rate and the injury rate significantly dropped, making the circle one of the safest statistically in the nation.

The Los Alamitos Traffic Circle has a near twin in the 1932 Garces Memorial Circle located in Bakersfield.

Present day

Today the circle handles over 60,000 vehicles a day, mostly commuters from Orange County in the south heading to jobs in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. The roadway is now owned by the State of California but managed by the City of Long Beach in cooperation with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). The city provides landscaping and traffic code enforcement, while the state provides road maintenance.

Over the years, the Los Alamitos Traffic circle has become a landmark of East Long Beach, with its own lore and urban legends, including the unfounded rumor that Werner Ruchti himself died in an auto accident on the circle. It endures as an international precedent for directing traffic through urban multiple-entry dynamic intersections.

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I thought Circuit Shitty had gone out of business.

Well lucky for us :rolleyes: , it's still up here

A lot of the time, sales people will ASSume you don't know anything because you're a woman, and they'll try to screw you over, or talk you into buying something you don't even want. Whenever I have to make an expensive purchase like that, I will take my brother with me or something for that exact reason.

I get it's not the the most inspiring job in the world, and sometimes people have off days and mail it in. But the guy was actively douchy. Even when I countered with informed responses he made no adjustments whatsoever. I'm not some expert, but I have built a few of my desktops (simply had to go that route and learn about hardware because of similar experiences trying to purchase pre-assembled desktops), so I'm not totally green. It's just the approach of some people who, like you said, ASSume. That's why I like to go in alone sans male companion but with sharpened incisors. Otherwise it continues a misperception that I don't like. Even if Circuit Shitty had the lowest price for said laptop, I'd go elsewhere simply because the service was so poor.

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I was also under the impression that all of them were closing. Especially once the website went down in what, March? April?


That place is a joke anyway. I could go on and on about the stupid shit I got the run-around on, but I don't feel like dealing with it right now. ;)

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so many british accents on american tv.

does that mean i could get a job speaking new yauk over there?

"Ova deah." ;)

Hey, my mudda is from de Bronx okay? If I had a nickle fer evry time she cawled me and my bruther "youz kidz"! Still does! :D

Course, Dad was from Queens. Hence my feeling of entitlement! :hysterical:

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