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Pet Peeves


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I LOVE most British accents. The only exception is the version spoken on the show Eastenders-I can't understand most of what they're saying.

My peeve with accents is Southern ones (US). Some are ok, but others make me want to scream, like when they say NAAAAAN (9), FAAAAAAV (5) etc. and drag everything out forever. Especially if the people speaking them are rude. And what's with this: I understand the use of y'all, but why do they need ALL Y'ALL?! It's redundant!

All Y'all is plural. ;) ...as in more than TEEEEEEW! :rolleyes:

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All Y'all is plural. ;) ...as in more than TEEEEEEW! :rolleyes:

Listen to this little podcast on Y'all

Or the guy's paddle in Dazed & Confused which read:


That was a favorite movie when I was in high school. "Fah-Q" was what we used to say all the time. #lol#

Speaking of,

Dave has a tee shirt he bought when he was trashed and wandering around the French Quarter that says, "Vaginas are way cool."

Yeah...then he came home from Nawlins and told me he bought me a tee shirt.

Do you think I wear it outside of the house? #lol#

edited because I royally screwed up on multiple quotes...

Edited by manderlyh
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"Puppetry of the Penis"??

I'm not even gonna ask! :hysterical:

Is that like the "Vagina" without the "Monologue"?? :beer:

Hi Ev,

You never seen this then Ev?


Its the funniest thing, most women would love to do this to their man as well, you have just gotta see it, but please dont try it, you could tie yourself in knots. :lol:

Regards, Danny

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Hi Ev,

You never seen this then Ev?


Its the funniest thing, most women would love to do this to their man as well, you have just gotta see it, but please dont try it, you could tie yourself in knots. :lol:

Regards, Danny

but nothing comes close to the entertainment factor of Puppetry of the Penis, the two-member show that wowed the Edinburgh festival and probably the strangest 50 minutes of entertainment you will ever experience.


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I LOVE most British accents. The only exception is the version spoken on the show Eastenders-I can't understand most of what they're saying.

My peeve with accents is Southern ones (US). Some are ok, but others make me want to scream, like when they say NAAAAAN (9), FAAAAAAV (5) etc. and drag everything out forever. Especially if the people speaking them are rude. And what's with this: I understand the use of y'all, but why do they need ALL Y'ALL?! It's redundant!

:) I sometimes say 'yall, but I don't say All 'Yall. I don't think I have an accent compared to other Southerners, but my northern and midwestern cousins think I have one. :blink: (My parents are both from up north).

One that bugs me, that I think is unique to Virginia, is pronouncing Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello (mont i CHELLO) like monnaSULLAH. That makes my skin crawl. <_<

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Virginia, again, listen to the podcast I gave you guys the link to. It explains "y'all" and "all y'all." My boyfriend was born in Atlanta and lived in Arkansas and New Orleans for the first fourteen years of his life. He's moved back a few times, and he doesn't really have a Southern accent, which is strange because everyone else in his family does.

He says things that are Southern colloquialisms, and sometimes I start to cringe. In Idaho, if you say things like that, you sound like a hillbilly. However, since he grew up in the South, he's not a hillbilly, he's just a Southerner without an accent. ;)

He does speak slow though--he just doesn't have the drawl to go with it.

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Virginia, again, listen to the podcast I gave you guys the link to. It explains "y'all" and "all y'all." My boyfriend was born in Atlanta and lived in Arkansas and New Orleans for the first fourteen years of his life. He's moved back a few times, and he doesn't really have a Southern accent, which is strange because everyone else in his family does.

He says things that are Southern colloquialisms, and sometimes I start to cringe. In Idaho, if you say things like that, you sound like a hillbilly. However, since he grew up in the South, he's not a hillbilly, he's just a Southerner without an accent. ;)

He does speak slow though--he just doesn't have the drawl to go with it.

What do they call people from Idaho? Potatobillys :D Baaah!

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I call them hillbillies, rednecks, white trash...

the list goes on.

These are the people who say, "warsh" instead of "wash;" "yeller" instead of "yellow," and "winder" instead of "window."

BTW--who around here says "creek," and who says "crick?"

My dad used them interchangeably.

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Add yer Suthern inflectiuns to this a'here wun! :beer:

Classic Shel Silverstein (for those not familiar with Mr Silverstein, imagine the voice of Winnie the Pooh with a Southern twang):

Now in the laid-back California town of sunny San Rafael

Lived a girl named Pearly Sweetcake - you probably knew her well

She was stoned 15 of her 18 years, and her story was widely told

That she could smoke 'em faster than anyone could roll

Well, her legend finally reached New York, that Grove Street walk-up flat

Where dwelt the Calistoga Kid, a beatnik from the past

He'd been rollin' dope since time began, now he took a cultured toke

And said "Jim, I can roll 'em faster than any CHICK can smoke"

So a note gets sent to San Rafael for the championship of the world

The Kid demands a smoke-off; "Well bring him on!" says Pearl

"I'll grind his fingers off his hands! He'll roll until he drops!"

Says Calistog, "I'll smoke that chick till she blows up and pops".

So they rent out Yankee Stadium, and the word is quickly spread

Come one, come all, who walk or crawl, tickets just two lids a head

And from every town and hamlet, over land and sea they speed

The world's greatest dopers, with the world's greatest weed.

Hashishers from Morocco, hemp smokers from Peru

And the Shashniks from Bagun (who smoke the deadly Pu-ga-ru)

And those who call it "light of life"

And those that call it "boo".

See the dealers and their ladies, wearing turquoise lace and leather

See the narcos and the closet smokers, puffing all together

From the teenies who smoke legal, to the ones who've done some time

To the old man who smoked "reefer", back before it was a crime.

And the grand old House That Ruth Built is filled with the smokes and cries

Of fifty thousand screaming heads, all stoned out of their minds

And they play the national anthem, and the crowd lets out a roar

As the spotlight hits the Kid and Pearl, ready for their smoking war.

At a table piled up high with grass, as high as a mountain peak

Just tops and buds of the rarest flowers, not one stem branch or seed

I mean, Maui Wowie, Panama Red, Acapulco Gold

Kif from East Afghanistan, and that rare Alaska Cold

And there's sticks from Thailand, ganj from the island,

And Bangkok's blooming best

(and some of that wet imported shit

That capsized off Key West).

There's Oaxacan tops and Kenya bhang, and Riviera fleurs

And that rare Manhattan Silver, that grows down in the New York sewers.

And there's bubblin' ice cold lemonade, and sweet grapes by the bunches

And there's Hershey bars and Oreos (in case anybody gets the munches)

And the Calistoga Kid he smiles,

And Pearly she just grins :-)

And the drums roll low, and the crowd yells "GO GO GO!!"

And the world's first smoke-off begins.

Well, the Kid he flicks his fingers once, and ZAP that first joint's rolled

Pearl takes one toke with her famous lungs, and WHOOSH that roach is cold

Then the Kid he rolls his super-bomb, that would paralyze a moose

And Pearl takes one mighty hit, and ...... that bomb's defused

And then he rolls three in just ten seconds, and she smokes them up in nine

And everybody sits back and says "Hey.... this just might take some time"

See the blur of flying fingers, see the red coal burning bright

As the night turns into mornin', and the mornin' fades to night

And the autumn turns to summer, and a whole damn YEAR is gone

And the two still sit, on that roach-filled stage, smokin', and rollin'...on

With tremblin' hands he rolls his jays, with fingers blue and stiff

She coughs and stares with bloodshot gaze, and puffs through blistered lips

And as she reaches out her hand for another stick of gold

The Kid, he gasps, "Damn it, bitch! There's nothin' left to roll!"



And she reaches 'cross the table and grabs his bony sleeves

And crumbles his body between her hands, like dried and brittle leaves

Flicking out his teeth and bones like useless stems and seeds

And then she rolls him in a Zig-zag, and lights him like a roach

And the fastest man, with the fastest hands, goes up in a puff of smoke.

In the laid-back California town of sunny San Rafael

Lives a girl named Pearly Sweetcake - you probably know her well

She been stoned 21 of her 24 years, and her story is still widely told

How she still can smoke 'em faster than any dude can roll

While, off in New York City, on a street that has no name

There's the hands of the Calistoga Kid, in the Viper Hall of Fame

And underneath his fingers, there's a little golden scroll

That says

"Beware of bein' the roller

When there's nothin' left to roll".

Edited by Evster2012
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I call them hillbillies, rednecks, white trash...

the list goes on.

These are the people who say, "warsh" instead of "wash;" "yeller" instead of "yellow," and "winder" instead of "window."

BTW--who around here says "creek," and who says "crick?"

My dad used them interchangeably.

I've always said creek, but I'm a Yankee and that's just how we say it. Down here though, they say crick. And it's annoying because a crick is something you get in your neck, not a body of water.

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I love Scottish accents too :D But nothing to do with Sean Connery. Just love 'em as I do English accents.

I just got home from visiting England and Scottland. No problems with the English accents, but in Scottland there were many times when I had to ask "pardon?" when talking with a Scott. At times it was like they were speaking a foreign language, not English. :lol:

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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I just got home from visiting England and Scottland. No problems with the English accents, but in Scottland there were many times when I had to ask "pardon?" when talking with a Scott. At times it was like they were speaking a foreign language, not English. :lol:

And how was your trip? I hope the weather wasn't too unkind to you? :unsure:

My pet peeve, though still in keeping with accents, is when people try and imitate our accent and get phrases/words badly wrong. Makes it all the more cringeworthy.

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