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Pet Peeves


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The accent that is most grating to me, in an endearing way, is a Boston accent. A really good friend of mine is from Boston and when he says things like "Wheah did you pahk the cah?" I just want to smack him. It's cute but then it's annoying at the same time. I almost want to ask him when they all decided the letter R was no longer in their alphabet.

I remember watching Gone, Baby, Gone and hardly being able to take a word in. It's probably, for me, the hardest U.S accent to grasp. I remember Casey Affleck saying 'Mah boy's wicked smaht' in Good Will Hunting. It's one of those weird accents that I find both endearing and baffling.

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Pet peeve: chlorine in my hair. Now i love swimming so i'm willing to accept it.... but after a day in the pool and then my hair dries, the chlorine doesn't just smell bad, my hair is like straw. At least i have really great clarifying shampoo to make it soft again.

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<br />Medhb, I'm not seeing the problems you're talking about.  Maybe something is messed up on your end?<br />
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She's hallucinating. Forum looks the same as it always did on my end. BTW, I was quite soused the other night so if I offended anyone my best regards.

SAM. I think you will find the more things you add to the forum the slower it will become. Think about it, the calenders have no real practical use....just a word up. Otherwise still a nice job. Forums this big take a lot of work.

Pet Peeve. Smileys quit working on this end the box for them anyways :)

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It was dragging slow slow slow a few minutes ago. Now it's flying along for me. Hopefully it's just getting shook out, bugs out of the new system and upgrades, because at least at this moment, it's the fastest this forum has ever run.

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It was dragging slow slow slow a few minutes ago. Now it's flying along for me. Hopefully it's just getting shook out, bugs out of the new system and upgrades, because at least at this moment, it's the fastest this forum has ever run.

Still slow on this end. I noticed the center has widened about 15-20% looks like. These boards are funny about how many things you can add to them and then something has to give. Think about it take that 15% back out and it will load up that much quicker.

Hey Ev you ever get back to the East Coast man?

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Still slow on this end. I noticed the center has widened about 15-20% looks like. These boards are funny about how many things you can add to them and then something has to give. Think about it take that 15% back out and it will load up that much quicker.

Hey Ev you ever get back to the East Coast man?

Still cruising pretty good here, but you know how fickle boards can be.

I lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains about 10 years ago. Not quite the East Coast of course. But no, I've never seen the Atlantic. Would love to though! :beer:

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But no, I've never seen the Atlantic. Would love to though! beer.gif

It's gorgeous. I was on the coast earlier this summer. I was not prepared for how salty the water was though, but as I later read, the Atlantic is the saltiest of the world's oceans. Just keep it out of your eyes. Yowza!

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Still cruising pretty good here, but you know how fickle boards can be.

I lived in the Blue Ridge Mountains about 10 years ago. Not quite the East Coast of course. But no, I've never seen the Atlantic. Would love to though! :beer:

Yeah. Blue Ridge Parkway runs right by here. Pretty place but boring next to NYNY or Daytona. Sounds like a trip to Myrtle Beach to ride that Zep coaster needs to happen. Couple hours from here :beer:

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<br /><br /><br />

She's hallucinating. Forum looks the same as it always did on my end. BTW, I was quite soused the other night so if I offended anyone my best regards.

SAM. I think you will find the more things you add to the forum the slower it will become. Think about it, the calenders have no real practical use....just a word up. Otherwise still a nice job. Forums this big take a lot of work.

Pet Peeve. Smileys quit working on this end the box for them anyways :)

He too can hallucinate. Try IE 6.

FYI, when you are responding to my posts please feel free to refer to me as 'you'. :P

Fired up Firefox and all that vertical crap is gone. How in the world could IE be so off?! Unfortunately, I can't upgrade IE at this time since it's my work machine and we have to stay with that version until our next loadset release.

OMG!! I see we have self protecting wordspell in here! How happy is that going to make a lot of people, :lol:

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He too can hallucinate. Try IE 6.

FYI, when you are responding to my posts please feel free to refer to me as 'you'. :P

Fired up Firefox and all that vertical crap is gone. How in the world could IE be so off?! Unfortunately, I can't upgrade IE at this time since it's my work machine and we have to stay with that version until our next loadset release.

OMG!! I see we have self protecting wordspell in here! How happy is that going to make a lot of people, :lol:

Hey you.... my screen says May Cause Dizziness so who knows, maybe I put it on a potters wheel and give er an old spin ;)

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^ I think IE8 sucks.

I uninstalled it and went back to 7.

Don't use Firefox much because it is always popping up new downloads.

Peeve today...my daughter's cheap boyfriend. He quit his cell phone account and just takes my daughters. :angry: Fuck THAT! I went and bought him a cheap Virgin Mobile. He can buy the minutes. Not use my daughter's. And they don't have a land line, so I need to be able to reach her.

I'm giving it to him kindly though, so I don't screw up his 'manhood.' :)

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^ I think IE8 sucks.

I uninstalled it and went back to 7.

Don't use Firefox much because it is always popping up new downloads.

I use both IE 8 and Firefox and haven't experienced any problems, especially Firefox suddenly allowing new downloads. Perhaps the problem isn't with the browser but with your security settings. Do you have a firewall/anti-virus software? I'm anal about internet security so I make damn sure nothing gets downloaded onto my computer unless I specifically authorize it.

What features in IE 8 don't you like?

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I use both IE 8 and Firefox and haven't experienced any problems, especially Firefox suddenly allowing new downloads. Perhaps the problem isn't with the browser but with your security settings. Do you have a firewall/anti-virus software? I'm anal about internet security so I make damn sure nothing gets downloaded onto my computer unless I specifically authorize it.

What features in IE 8 don't you like?

I hate the new version of Firefox. I've had a lot of glitches since I installed it so I'm using Safari now (I have a Mac so no IE for me).

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Firefox has a lot of add-ons that you can customize your browser with; Ad Block, Forecastfox, VideoDownloadHelper and FoxyTunes are the ones I use the most. You can change the skin or theme of your browser and what not. Safari to my knowledge, doesn't allow you to do that. However Safari is an Apple product so it runs better on Macs than it does PCs.

Both allow you to store user names/passwords for frequently visited sites, both have a lot of great security features and both are pretty easy to use, even for someone who may not have a lot of computer knowledge.

If you're using a PC, use Firefox. If you're using a Mac, use Safari. They are almost essentially the same browser, just made by different companies.

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What are the plusses to using Safari versus Firefox?

I like Firefox because I can "carry" my bookmarks with me anywhere I go--as in from computer to computer.

The newest version of Firefox is driving me crazy. It keeps crashing. :rolleyes:

Well I used to prefer Firefox because Safari would crash on me but I upgraded my system and now Safari seems to work better.

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