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And, frankly, you shouldn't have to say use the disclaimer, 'In my opinion', either, because it's coming from you. Whos else's opinion would it be? Mine?

You must be unfamiliar with message board debates, either you state something is your opinion or post evidence in support of your argument. Like evster said "At least have the courtesy to say "In my opinion" or "so I have heard". That's how discussion turns into argument. Civility goes out the window when someone's talking out their ass."

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Not to carry this inanity on any longer than it needs to, but if for example we're having a discussion about Led Zeppelin's albums and I say, "In Through The Out Door is not that good as compared to other albums they released".....shouldn't it be obvious to all and sundry that I am stating my opinion? If I was stating a fact, I would post some links, some numbers, an article.....something that would back up what I'm saying, as that's what you do when stating a fact.

When stating an opinion, you merely say it and then see if people either agree with you or disagree with you. Jumping down someone's throat because they didn't post a disclaimer before a statement that was clearly an opinion is just you (universal "you") looking for an argument.

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You must be unfamiliar with message board debates, either you state something is your opinion or post evidence in support of your argument. Like evster said "At least have the courtesy to say "In my opinion" or "so I have heard". That's how discussion turns into argument. Civility goes out the window when someone's talking out their ass."

No, I've had a fair few of them. I'm not saying people shouldn't say it, because I always say it, but sometimes it's like you just think, 'Well, who else's opinion would it be here?' I'm not typing an opinion on behalf of, say, Electro or Aqua. It's all me.

Count it down to being another of my personal peeves.

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for example we're having a discussion about Led Zeppelin's albums and I say, "In Through The Out Door is not that good as compared to other albums they released".....shouldn't it be obvious to all and sundry that I am stating my opinion?

That's not what happened in this case, she said "The fearmongers have indeed been successful enough to turn people against reform, by raising the groundless specter of Communist overthrow etc. and mischaracterizing scary changes that nobody has in fact suggested." This looks to me like it was meant to be statement of fact. I very calmly invited her to post something to back it up, instead she went off on me swearing etc. If she had just said "that's what I think or "it seems to me"or "IMO" etc this argument never would have happened, but instead she continued to say my data backed up her point which was untrue. At no time did she admit it was an opinion or post any thing to back up her statements.

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Holy fuckin' shit, people! LET IT GO!

All of you! I mean, seriously... I've seen some pathetic arguments on this forum, but this one is angling for the most pathetic argument on the internet of all-time. Does it really matter? Is it really that important? Who cares whether or not it was an opinion? And why is the Revolution thread leaking into the Pet Peeves thread, anyways? Last I checked, the Pet Peeves thread wasn't about anybody screaming "revolution".

Let it go. Okay? Let it go.

And to start the "letting go" process, I'm gonna post a new pet peeve:

Web browsers:

The latest Firefox update made Firefox shitty. Internet Explorer is still shitty. Now I have to play games to do anything I want.

I still use Firefox for most of my browsing. Checking email, posting on message boards, etc. But now, to do searches on Google, I use either Internet Explorer or Opera because, for some fucked up reason, Google slows Firefox to a deathly crawl and I have to restart Firefox to get it moving again. I also can't watch videos on Firefox or IE. On Firefox the video is constantly freezing, even after it's buffered completely, making it impossible to watch. IE just takes a year and a half to buffer a video, even if that video is under a minute! So I have to use Opera to watch videos.

But then I can't use Firefox, IE, or Opera to view pics loaded in most Image Hosting sites, and I can't even figure out why. It loads just fine, but where I should see a pic I just see white. So now I have to use Flock to view most images. But I can't even use Flock to get in to the Comcast Web Controls... well... you know... that page you open up when you put your IP address in your browser? I had to download and use Google Chrome for that.

Are y'all reading me? I have IE, Firefox, Opera, Flock, and Google Chrome just to do all I need and want to do on the internet. So I ended up downloading Safari and this browser called Maxthon 2 just in case, but, so far, I haven't had to use them for anything, yet. We'll see...

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My current pet peeve is that I just wanted to learn Windows Moviemaker, wow, cool software! I did a pic show of Jimmy and used three background songs. All three of them are from Zeppelin Classics - the album with all of the original recording artists. So I choose songs by Bert Jansch, Albert King, and Elvis Presley. I give the artists their due in the description and use them all and the song names in the tags. I've also got a credits page in the video giving the artists credit.

I go to upload it...wow! That went fast! I see, it was not uploaded due to copyright violations. I figure, how could have they figured that out so fast? Had the be the keywords or my text so I just upload it and call it Jimmy Page, no text no keywords except Jimmy Page. Uploads after the usual wait and when I go to play it, the audio has been disabled due to copyrite infringement. DAMN IT!! I notice when I'm playing the vid the ad is to buy Elvis music so I figure that's the song that somehow is causing the issue. Darn it!! I had spent so much time on the timing to get the slides and music in synch.

I'm in the process of removing the Elvis song and trying a different one but...my question is...

How is everyone else doing this? You see all current songs, old songs, everything under the sun and I can't upload one frikking vid?! Any advice???


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The ads are a deal I believe, between YouTube and iTunes, in order to direct business. You're listening to a song by say.......Goldfrapp and an ad will appear letting you know you can buy the song in iTunes. I like what they want to do with that, I just wish they'd find a less obnoxious way of instituting it.

The best thing I can tell you is watch your tags. There's no rhyme or reason behind why some videos are still allowed up and why others are not. If you tag the video with words that have nothing to do with the video, you might be able to escape getting it flagged. Other than that, if there's a copyright infringement, they legally have to either remove the video or disable the audio.

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The thing I don't get is it is IMMEDIATE! Like, are they scanning metadata? I would think it would be kind of hard to get to the mp3 metadata on an mpg file :unsure:

That's OK, piss on em, I'm going to upload it to Photobucket. I shall share here if anyone is interested! Probably on the Hot Pics of Jimmy board :veryhot:

Thanks Electro, I think I'm 'flagged' right now or something, maybe I'll try again in the future and make sure the original tags aren't set. Gee, that's what I get for trying to do the right thing by the artist. Oh yeah...the poor artists don't own their music. <_<

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MY DEAR LORD, ITS ONLY BEEN 3 DAYS!!!!! It feels like I've been doing this for a month. I want a Marlborough sooo bad. I'm going through withdrawals even though I'm still smoking. On a brighter note, I'm definitely smoking less than I was, and keeping in mind that this is for my son and my health.

Keep doing what ever is helping, I quit a week before my last surgery in March and never looked back.

I have to admit that I have absolutely no craving what so ever. It's best that you stop before you're

diagnosed with cancer though or some other respiratory disease.

Either way I wish you the best and stay strong.smile.gif

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The thing I don't get is it is IMMEDIATE! Like, are they scanning metadata? I would think it would be kind of hard to get to the mp3 metadata on an mpg file unsure.gif

That's OK, piss on em, I'm going to upload it to Photobucket. I shall share here if anyone is interested! Probably on the Hot Pics of Jimmy board veryhot.gif

Thanks Electro, I think I'm 'flagged' right now or something, maybe I'll try again in the future and make sure the original tags aren't set. Gee, that's what I get for trying to do the right thing by the artist. Oh yeah...the poor artists don't own their music. dry.gif

Hi Mindy, I used windows movie maker when I made that Zeppelin calendar girls video and had no problem with Neal Sedakabiggrin.gif

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Hi Mindy, I used windows movie maker when I made that Zeppelin calendar girls video and had no problem with Neal Sedaka:D

LOL!! I just created an account at Motionbox and my vid uploaded in less than a minute. For some reason Photobucket hung so...I have ANOTHER account to remember a password for!

How are you doing Charlie?! Are you feeling stronger? I see you have your old pic back, I take that as a good sign, :D. I hope it's true!

Since we're on the peeves board, I'm so sorry about your son. When I read that I was just too stunned to respond. I think you got some really good advice from our fellow Zepsters though. Hang tough buddy. There's surely a BIG reward for you down the line!


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LOL!! I just created an account at Motionbox and my vid uploaded in less than a minute. For some reason Photobucket hung so...I have ANOTHER account to remember a password for!

How are you doing Charlie?! Are you feeling stronger? I see you have your old pic back, I take that as a good sign, biggrin.gif. I hope it's true!

Since we're on the peeves board, I'm so sorry about your son. When I read that I was just too stunned to respond. I think you got some really good advice from our fellow Zepsters though. Hang tough buddy. There's surely a BIG reward for you down the line!


Thanks, I'm doing ok just get real tired and the doc won't give me another script of delaudid

because the cancer is gone now and he couldn't justify the prescription. It helped with the fatigue

big time but he said I might get addicted because it is a very strong narcotic.

I wished I could find something else to give me my energy back.smile.gif

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The thing I don't get is it is IMMEDIATE! Like, are they scanning metadata? I would think it would be kind of hard to get to the mp3 metadata on an mpg file :unsure:

That's OK, piss on em, I'm going to upload it to Photobucket. I shall share here if anyone is interested! Probably on the Hot Pics of Jimmy board :veryhot:

Thanks Electro, I think I'm 'flagged' right now or something, maybe I'll try again in the future and make sure the original tags aren't set. Gee, that's what I get for trying to do the right thing by the artist. Oh yeah...the poor artists don't own their music. <_<

:o M! I read that earlier and wasn't logged in and it cracked me up big time. :hysterical::mad:

Movie maker is fun. Jimmy's lawyers must have powerful detection "ware." :wacko:

I hate that when I take time to plan something really cool and then at the last minute, I lose it, or something messes up. SO aggravating.

Hey man, we'll watch it right here, no worries, have a cool glass of vino and re contemplate it all. :console2:

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I have this new roomie. Claims to be a devout Christian. I'm gonna see if he will put in a good word for me so perhaps I can get this immense bandwidth like god has. You know communicating with millions of people with no wires, no connection.

Jeez, my laptop would hop out this window, fly down the street on wings of gold and titanium for free right?

Cool....I think.

Now I was joking a bit with him and Evester. I will go with what the latter said about some of the things which were written did *perhaps* happen.


None of us were there to know. I will also accept the idea that this creature would have to *cough* exist outside the spectrum of science and be incredibly complex?


Good morning everyone. I need some TUNAGE

Oh yeah roomie started these meetings. However he wont allow me to go to the podium and make a speech of any type. So since I'm not allowed to make a speech I will not attend yawn.

Edited by Mary Hartman
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In my opinion, if it's clearly one's opinion that's being stated, I see no need for a disclaimer. Of course not. However, if one is stating it as fact (e.g. Dogs are filthy animals), the "In my opinion" should apply (imo), as someone rebutting may state factually that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's, ergo what constitues a filthy animal?

Confused? Just wait till our next episode! :D

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BTW that's factual information straight from the dogs mouth lol. I think open forums are meant to be open. To a limit of course and proving everything as factual is a waste of time.

Not aimed at anyone, just saying don't get worried over trivial things...


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In my opinion, if it's clearly one's opinion that's being stated, I see no need for a disclaimer. Of course not. However, if one is stating it as fact (e.g. Dogs are filthy animals), the "In my opinion" should apply (imo), as someone rebutting may state factually that a dog's mouth is cleaner than a human's, ergo what constitues a filthy animal?

Confused? Just wait till our next episode! :D

Just dazed :P

But for some reason I hear the Orbit gum commercial in my head :blink::lol:

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Keep doing what ever is helping, I quit a week before my last surgery in March and never looked back.

I have to admit that I have absolutely no craving what so ever. It's best that you stop before you're

diagnosed with cancer though or some other respiratory disease.

Either way I wish you the best and stay strong.smile.gif

Thank you so much! And I wanted to give you a huge congratulations on being cancer free! I just found out from your post with Medhb. I just wanted you to know that you hold a special place with me on this forum. When I was new here, no one gave me a "Hello" or "Welcome to the forum" and you were the first person to reply to one of my posts. lol.

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I'm STILL waiting to hear back on that job.

It's killing me!

My mom's already called me like ten times to see if I've heard back yet!


It's like I forget about it, then my mom reminds me that I'm waiting...

:lol: Does she think you won't call her as soon as you hear :D

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The drum machine clap in Big Log. It's one of my favorite vocals by Robert but the clap makes me want to scream-sometimes I can't listen to it, which makes me mad. The vocals are so gorgeous. I also don't like the "click-click" sound in Ship of Fools, but at least it's more quiet/subtle than the clap in Big Log.

Someone should pass a law that Peter Gabriel is the only guy who is allowed to use programmed stuff like that, because he knows how to make it sound not mechanical/irritating (don't take me literally-I don't think Congress/Parliament should spend their time on that).

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Edit: decided everyone's heard enough about how Twitter sucks, so I'm going to re-purpose this post.

Washing machines are NOT CONVENIENT ENOUGH. That's right, I'm not content with not having to walk down to the river and slap each individual shirt against a rock to get it a tad cleaner; I want MOAR, dammit! Where is the FOLD function?! That's what I wanna know! I want those suckers to pop out of the dryer pre-folded, man!

Edited by Footsteps of Dawn
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