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Edit: decided everyone's heard enough about how Twitter sucks, so I'm going to re-purpose this post.

Washing machines are NOT CONVENIENT ENOUGH. That's right, I'm not content with not having to walk down to the river and slap each individual shirt against a rock to get it a tad cleaner; I want MOAR, dammit! Where is the FOLD function?! That's what I wanna know! I want those suckers to pop out of the dryer pre-folded, man!

I suggest thinking outside the bidet :blink:


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You said "The fearmongers have indeed been successful enough to turn people against reform, by raising the groundless specter of Communist overthrow etc. and mischaracterizing scary changes that nobody has in fact suggested."

This is clearly an opinion not a fact.

Well, if it's clearly an opinion, what was the whole argument for? If you think it's clearly an opinion, why didn't you treat it that way?

Just my opinion...

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Edit: decided everyone's heard enough about how Twitter sucks, so I'm going to re-purpose this post.

Washing machines are NOT CONVENIENT ENOUGH. That's right, I'm not content with not having to walk down to the river and slap each individual shirt against a rock to get it a tad cleaner; I want MOAR, dammit! Where is the FOLD function?! That's what I wanna know! I want those suckers to pop out of the dryer pre-folded, man!

Why not the IRON option as well?

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The drum machine clap in Big Log. It's one of my favorite vocals by Robert but the clap makes me want to scream-sometimes I can't listen to it, which makes me mad. The vocals are so gorgeous. I also don't like the "click-click" sound in Ship of Fools, but at least it's more quiet/subtle than the clap in Big Log.

Someone should pass a law that Peter Gabriel is the only guy who is allowed to use programmed stuff like that, because he knows how to make it sound not mechanical/irritating (don't take me literally-I don't think Congress/Parliament should spend their time on that).

It was the 80s, nearly every record released back then was marred by the sound of the drum machine. Hell, Bill Berry even became a human one for Lightnin' Hopkins on R.E.M.'s Document album. Some records released back then have aged well while others haven't. For those that didn't, they're instantly recognizable because of the overpopularity of the drum machine (just ask Huey Lewis).

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Why not the IRON option as well?

Some now have the steam option, and when I bought my washer (at $2K just for the washer), I saw the steam ones. They were brand-new and they were over $3K!

Now if only we could get the "self-putting away" washer, it would be perfect!

My aunt has a washer that also dries. Crazy, eh?

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Missing someone and being unable to do anything whatsoever about it.

I also can't stand it when you can't open beer because the ridges are too close to the actual bottle, so you have to pull on it for ages with a knife or a fork or something equally ridiculous.

Oh..and out of date cheese, makes me hurl AND mozzarella goes the quickest I find because it's quite moist. Dreamy ontop of baked beans too. What a bum. :(

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I also can't stand it when you can't open beer because the ridges are too close to the actual bottle, so you have to pull on it for ages with a knife or a fork or something equally ridiculous.

I keep a bottle opener around the house for this specific reason. ;) It's a lot quicker than a fork.

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It was the 80s, nearly every record released back then was marred by the sound of the drum machine. Hell, Bill Berry even became a human one for Lightnin' Hopkins on R.E.M.'s Document album. Some records released back then have aged well while others haven't. For those that didn't, they're instantly recognizable because of the overpopularity of the drum machine (just ask Huey Lewis).

Pink Floyd's album A Momentary Lapse of Reason is rife with drum machines. Some of the songs on there I really love, but the rest.....too many damn drum machines. I know Nick Mason wasn't too confident in his drumming skills at that time so it's why Gilmour used them, but he went a tad overboard.

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My dad, when he wants to show off, can take the top off a beer with his belt buckle. It was something his brother taught him to do many, many, many moons ago.

I'm still not quite sure when that skill would come in handy, but at least I know if he had to do it to save his life, he'd be set.

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My aunt has a washer that also dries. Crazy, eh?

Me too.

But I have known these washers for a long time, they're quite usual in Germany, not that usual here, but you can find them in good shops. Arent' they usual in the US? :huh: I bought mine here in SP, it's from Japan and it works pretty well. And the steamer function is also helpful. :)

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Me too.

But I have known these washers for a long time, they're quite usual in Germany, not that usual here, but you can find them in good shops. Arent' they usual in the US? :huh: I bought mine here in SP, it's from Japan and it works pretty well. And the steamer function is also helpful. :)

Not so typical here - I've seen them in really small apartments but generally we have separate driers.

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I just use the edge of the desk,or the kitchen counter,or a Bic lighter,or.....

These also come in pretty handy on occasion:


My dad, when he wants to show off, can take the top off a beer with his belt buckle. It was something his brother taught him to do many, many, many moons ago.

Some folks have also been known to take this approach:


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I just use the edge of the desk,or the kitchen counter,or a Bic lighter,or.....

I'm good like that.B)

That ruins your stuff, '59!

...and I never figured out how to do it with a Bic. I tried, but I never figured it out.

Me too.

But I have known these washers for a long time, they're quite usual in Germany, not that usual here, but you can find them in good shops. Arent' they usual in the US? :huh: I bought mine here in SP, it's from Japan and it works pretty well. And the steamer function is also helpful. :)

Not so typical here - I've seen them in really small apartments but generally we have separate driers.

I've NEVER seen one. I'd buy two if I could afford it!

My fantasy has always been to have more than one washer and dryer because I hate laundry that much.

My aunt doesn't have the washer/dryer in one. I was mistaken.


What the?

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Some now have the steam option, and when I bought my washer (at $2K just for the washer), I saw the steam ones. They were brand-new and they were over $3K!

Now if only we could get the "self-putting away" washer, it would be perfect!

My aunt has a washer that also dries. Crazy, eh?

(Thinking about her cotton retro/folk/hippie shirts)I'd like to see the result... :huh:

I never cared about washers. Can it wash? Good. Now I'm using my soon to be mother-in-law's washer and I'm perfectly happy with good old clothes pins.

I HATE vacuum cleaning though.

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I knew I liked this board for a reason! Ironing, steaming, beer can opening...ohhh yes! You're speakin' my language, peeps! :D

(Thinking about her cotton retro/folk/hippie shirts)I'd like to see the result... :huh:

I never cared about washers. Can it wash? Good. Now I'm using my soon to be mother-in-law's washer and I'm perfectly happy with good old clothes pins.

I HATE vacuum cleaning though.

Clothes pins? No way. Okay, now you're going to go and make me all grateful for what I have, lol, because I must say, I love my dryer. I used to help my grandma pin up her washing on the clothesline, and that was so not my favorite job. The dryer is definitely my friend, hehe! On the other hand, I'm a vacuuming fiend; I don't mind doing it at all! I also don't mind cleaning the toilet, though, so I'm probably the weirdo. :lol:

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^I hate it all. I have a Dyson Animal, too. ;)

I guess I'm a bit spoiled, right?

Kat, my washer gets EVERYTHING out! Unless you wash whites with a stupid pair of black shorts. :slapface:

I don't think you're spoiled. I'd rather say that my approach to any housework is to flegmatic that I don't even care about all those little improvements that would probably make my life even happier.

I was hanging my clothes the other day and my alreadly mentioned soon to be mother-in-law told me that I should make my work more methodical ("you can't put underwear next to a shirt"). WTF? :coffee: Important is the result. I want it to dry, I don't need neighbours to admire my "methods."

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I knew I liked this board for a reason! Ironing, steaming, beer can opening...ohhh yes! You're speakin' my language, peeps! :D

Clothes pins? No way. Okay, now you're going to go and make me all grateful for what I have, lol, because I must say, I love my dryer. I used to help my grandma pin up her washing on the clothesline, and that was so not my favorite job. The dryer is definitely my friend, hehe! On the other hand, I'm a vacuuming fiend; I don't mind doing it at all! I also don't mind cleaning the toilet, though, so I'm probably the weirdo. :lol:

Maybe I'll change my mind as soon as I have children.

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