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Is anyone else annoyed that it's now considered OK to capitalize every bleeping word in a title? No? Just me? OK, I am officially a cranky middle-aged person.

It especially makes my blood pressure rise when my computer (in Word) corrects me for not capitalizing every word, such as [this is just an example] The University Of New York. Grrrr.

[Msft Word wants you to say New York University]

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I KNOW there's no such school as The University Of New York - it was a made-up example to illustrate my point.

Death to Random Capitalization Syndrome as well, since we're in the neighborhood. "RCS causes writers to capitalize Words that they think are Important. It is related to, but not the same as, CEWIASS (Capitalize Every Word in a Sentence Syndrome), which often affects children, and it's not to be confused with CELS (Capitalize Every Letter Syndrome), which is sometimes known by the colloquial name SHOUTING."


Edited by FireOpal
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I understand that there are a variety of viewpoints on everything. And I appreciate healthy discussion. What irks my no end is so-called "clever" put-downs of people and things one doesn't agree with. Someone on another thread referenced the "black guy pees" and there's "titts romeny" and all sorts of takes on President Obama. Honestly people, if you want to convey your displease with things, this is not the way to go. It's juvenile.

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I understand that there are a variety of viewpoints on everything. And I appreciate healthy discussion. What irks my no end is so-called "clever" put-downs of people and things one doesn't agree with. Someone on another thread referenced the "black guy pees" and there's "titts romeny" and all sorts of takes on President Obama. Honestly people, if you want to convey your displease with things, this is not the way to go. It's juvenile.

You're a very nice person, and I wouldn't want to offend you, personally. However, I've been offended by that musical group's appearance in the Superbowl, and internet story / pictures of how one of their members performed in pee-soaked jeans. The so-called juvenile reference was in fact, spot on. I will, however, keep people like you in mind in the future, here.

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You're a very nice person, and I wouldn't want to offend you, personally. However, I've been offended by that musical group's appearance in the Superbowl, and internet story / pictures of how one of their members performed in pee-soaked jeans. The so-called juvenile reference was in fact, spot on. I will, however, keep people like you in mind in the future, here.

Thank you so much for engaging seriously in this. This wasn't directly personally at you - I guess it was just bad timing. I read your comment and it just hit me the wrong way after reading so many others. I totally understand...I'm not a fan of the group either. I do think points can be made without going down the insult road, though.

And I'm not bashing humor - please don't take me for a stick-in-the-mud. It's just sometimes...

Anyway, thanks again. I do appreciate your response.

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Tommy's Pet Peeve #7

[my roomate profresses strongly about electric vehicles and the need to 'reduce the carbon footprint and demand on foreign blah blah' and that, and then proceeds to throw plastic water bottles in the garbage, leave all the lights on everywhere in the house, leave doors open when the A/C is on, et. al]


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People who say a-loo-min-um.

Take another look at the word, chaps: AL-U-MIN-I-UM. See where you're going wrong now? No? Ah, forget it.

That is because Americans have a different spelling than you people! ^_^

I hate it when you let people borrow your precious $40 brand-new book and it comes back to you looking like it was used for 6 years!!!!! It has happened 3 times to me! No more am I lending my books. :P

Edited by Victoria7
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I hate it when you let people borrow your precious $40 brand-new book and it comes back to you looking like it was used for 6 years!!!!! It has happened 3 times to me! No more am I lending my books. :P

I learned my lesson long ago about lending out books, albums, etc. It may piss some people off but it just doesn't happen anymore.

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I learned my lesson long ago about lending out books, albums, etc. It may piss some people off but it just doesn't happen anymore.

I know!!!! At first I was like "this is a different person maybe it won't happen again" But it does!!!! :P ALL of my books look brand new except the ones I lent to people.

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I know!!!! At first I was like "this is a different person maybe it won't happen again" But it does!!!! :P ALL of my books look brand new except the ones I lent to people.

Out of all the books and records I used to lend out that never got returned only one person actually went to the trouble of replacing it (a copy of Timothy White's Bob Marley bio Catch A Fire). Not a very good track record. I even lost an original printing of Hammer of the Gods the same way to a childhood friend I grew up with, a person I thought I could trust above all others. Back in high school I allowed a so-called "friend" to take home this very special edition of Rolling Stone (see below). It evidently changed hands several times on it's way back to me but it was never returned. These days it fetches a pretty penny on eBay. Everybody says, "you can trust me with it, I'll have it back to you right away". That may be true but after getting screwed more times than I care to remember, I'm not willing to find out, especially if it's a rare item like a first pressing or limited edition.


Edited by Jahfin
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Out of all the books and records I used to lend out that never got returned only one person actually went to the trouble of replacing it (a copy of Timothy White's Bob Marley bio Catch A Fire). Not a very good track record. I even lost an original printing of Hammer of the Gods the same way to a childhood friend I grew up with, a person I thought I could trust above all others. Back in high school I allowed a so-called "friend" to take home this very special edition of Rolling Stone (see below). It evidently changed hands several times on it's way back to me but it was never returned. These days it fetches a pretty penny on eBay. Everybody says, "you can trust me with it, I'll have it back to your right away". That may be true but after getting screwed more times than I care to remember, I'm not willing to find out, especially if it's a rare item like a first pressing or limited edition.


It never ceases to amaze me how people can be so irresponsible.

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Lakey I am sure I have just about pleaded with you in the past to get on Facebook. Not everyone on there is trying to be something they are not. My pic on there is from two weeks ago and I'm in my 40s - I'm happy to be who I am and happy with all my friends being who they are, whatever age they are. I would love to see you and your wit and grace among my pals on there - miss you! xx

You have... and I don't actually have a problem with Facebook... I just haven't had the time and inclination to join yet. It'll happen soon. My actual peeve was with something else said by that poster... and looking back on it now, I'm not quite sure if my immediate assumption was correct.

Don't worry, I will get on FB one of these days... maybe even fairly soon. It's just the last couple years have been kinda tough, and I haven't had the energy or willingness to get "social".

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Understood - but we're waiting for ya ;)

Back on topic -when you can't get in/out of a supermarket with your trolley, because there are cars sitting all along the kerb waiting for people who are too lazy/self-important to park in the ample parking spaces and walk all of ten yards.

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