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Pet Peeves


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Perfume and/or cologne drenched people I have the pleasure of walking behind or passing through in public.

It happened again today while shopping. I asked my wife if there was a new repulsive, overpowering sickly sweet scent on the market now. She was not aware of any new scent.

No offense to senior citizens, but it seems to be mainly older women pouring it on.

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No offense to senior citizens, but it seems to be mainly older women pouring it on.

Some folks, like the wannabe hippie crowd, love to bath in patchouli oil. Perhaps to cover up the stench from not bathing but whatever the reasoning, it can be a real nose burner. I once knew a girl I was taking some classes with back in the 90's that doused herself so heavily with it, that I could tell if she had just left whatever classroom I was in. I loved her to death and she was a real sweet person but she must have had hot and cold running patchouli back at the house.

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Perfume and/or cologne drenched people I have the pleasure of walking behind or passing through in public.

It happened again today while shopping. I asked my wife if there was a new repulsive, overpowering sickly sweet scent on the market now. She was not aware of any new scent.

No offense to senior citizens, but it seems to be mainly older women pouring it on.

me too, jabe! i have a sensitive nose, cannot bear strong odours good or bad!

seems to be the young girls ( 15 - 25 ish ) and the oldies ( 70 + ish )

i've heard you lose part of your sense of smell as you age, so i think the dear old things just genuinely don't realise how much they have on.

with the young girls, they are so heavily marketed to, they think they HAVE to have the latest fragrance.

myself, i prefer to just smell CLEAN. :)

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You're right about the young girls, slave to zep. I rarely frequent malls but was in a crowded mall two weeks ago and did notice/nosetice all the overpowering aromas. A busy perfume kiosk probably doesn't help...

I'm with you, clean and natural works for me too.

Major Major, with your ever present charm, I figured you just let your natural pheromones do the work for you.

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waiting around for a washing machine repairman to show up ....

been without the machine for a week now, should see the pile of dirty clothes!

why do they make things so shoddily these days? it's as if they know they will break down within a couple of years. i bought the extended warranty, so this will be free, otherwise, half the time they say : " oh, it's almost not worth fixing, may as well buy a new one......."

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Slave .... and like mine, did your washing machine break down in the middle of the cycle? ..... when you have sheets or something equally as heavy and awkward, and of course the machine is full of water and sheets are saturated :angry:

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Slave .... and like mine, did your washing machine break down in the middle of the cycle? ..... when you have sheets or something equally as heavy and awkward, and of course the machine is full of water and sheets are saturated :angry:

God that would suck. I had soap all over the floor though. My house smelled good for about an hour.

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Slave .... and like mine, did your washing machine break down in the middle of the cycle? ..... when you have sheets or something equally as heavy and awkward, and of course the machine is full of water and sheets are saturated :angry:


all fixed now. it was under warranty though, phew!

Edited by slave to zep
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I went in to the second hand record store in Liverpool today, it has been taken over by new owners, fuck, he was so rude it was untrue, I asked him if he had any Roger Waters albums....... No he said, must have a photographic memory, I spotted Amused To Death on the shelf. I walked out.......His loss not mine, I will find another shop in which to buy albums. By the way if you are in the Liverpool area, it used to be called Hairy Records, and it is in Bold Street, no longer.........avoid it like the plague. I have bought loads of albums from there in the past.I just couldn't believe how rude he was!!

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  • 6 months later...

The line of techno tossers that insist on queuing for days buying the latest brand of techno stuff that I dunno if I can mention their name without having my ass sued, not only these people have sawdust for brains but also it's a blatent rip off....wake up!!

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Children who speak and present themselves like mini adults...plain hateful

agreed to both of your last two peeves!

i can't believe people wait in line for days, when if they just waited a day or two, they could walk in and pick one up .....

my son has a friend like this, and his mum doesn't correct him. at 12, he is already what i would call a " tosser " lol one while he was at my house, my phone rang, and he answered it! i was gobsmacked! some parents .......

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agreed to both of your last two peeves!

i can't believe people wait in line for days, when if they just waited a day or two, they could walk in and pick one up .....

my son has a friend like this, and his mum doesn't correct him. at 12, he is already what i would call a " tosser " lol one while he was at my house, my phone rang, and he answered it! i was gobsmacked! some parents .......

If I was that age and I answered someone elses phone, it didn't matter whos' but I would have got the legs smacked off me!

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Everytime a baby cries in a movie theater a demon earns his horns.

Agree...and even more if some idiot parent decides to bring a small child/infant to a concert?!?!?! wtf!!!! I mean I think it was sometime last week in London, that Beiber brat was "performing" and believe me I use that term very loosely, some rent-a-brain parent brought a 5 year old. When I was that age I was probably still wetting the bed for Gods sake!!

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