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Pet Peeves


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Well, it seems that my cousin is now nationally famous for being a complete jackass. He's been sitting in a tree at UC Berkeley for two years(!!) now, and two days ago the police finally made them get out and arrested them. I'm not sure why this is on the national news (my mom saw it on Fox News, for pete's sake); it's pretty ridiculous. Then again, maybe that's why.

I might support him if I thought this "activist group" was actually having a positive impact on the environment, but basically they're just a bunch of rabble-rousing stoners who want to stir things up because it's Berkeley and they can. They cut the trees down yesterday. Yeah, tree sitting sure is an effective method of promoting conservation... :rolleyes: Thankfully, we don't have the same last name. Here's the whole story if you'd like to laugh at my family:


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Well, it seems that my cousin is now nationally famous for being a complete jackass. He's been sitting in a tree at UC Berkeley for two years(!!) now, and two days ago the police finally made them get out and arrested them. I'm not sure why this is on the national news (my mom saw it on Fox News, for pete's sake); it's pretty ridiculous. Then again, maybe that's why.

I might support him if I thought this "activist group" was actually having a positive impact on the environment, but basically they're just a bunch of rabble-rousing stoners who want to stir things up because it's Berkeley and they can. They cut the trees down yesterday. Yeah, tree sitting sure is an effective method of promoting conservation... :rolleyes: Thankfully, we don't have the same last name. Here's the whole story if you'd like to laugh at my family:


lol You're a brave soul for sharing, but don't fret too much about it, I'm sure we all have weird family members we'd love to bitch about but don't for all sorts of weird family reasons. I think if there were a thread on its own about this, it might quickly become the longest one! :D

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People going shit-ass crazy over gas prices. Because 1 out of every 4 gallons of gas we get come from the refineries off the coast of Texas, I expected gas prices to go up. They were $3.56 on Wednesday, today they're $3.79. However people are acting like we will never have gas anywhere ever again, and they're tying up traffic and sucking up all the gas people who don't currently have any would otherwise need to get. There are a couple gas stations a little north of Dalton, GA that are at $6.19 a gallon.


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$6.19! That's a lot of money for gas.

Otherwise, I agree. I know that it costs more for gas, but it isn't going to go down. People really should just accept it. No matter how much complaining is done, no one in government is affected by it, so they don't care.

Edited by lzfan715
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yesterday, at the end of the day, went out to smoke a cigarette and this group of kids on their bicycles went by and the last kid, maybe a 10yr old girl, says out loud....smoking is not cool.

it struck me as nothing, but maybe good advice for the other kids. i saw she looked over at me twice to see a reaction and in retrospect, i guess i did that in a way...except i threw snowballs at trucks and buses.

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yesterday, at the end of the day, went out to smoke a cigarette and this group of kids on their bicycles went by and the last kid, maybe a 10yr old girl, says out loud....smoking is not cool.

it struck me as nothing, but maybe good advice for the other kids. i saw she looked over at me twice to see a reaction and in retrospect, i guess i did that in a way...except i threw snowballs at trucks and buses.

She gave you really good advice :) wisdom at ten is something to take seriously.

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lol You're a brave soul for sharing, but don't fret too much about it, I'm sure we all have weird family members we'd love to bitch about but don't for all sorts of weird family reasons. I think if there were a thread on its own about this, it might quickly become the longest one! :D

Haha, you're probably right! I could definitely contribute some length to that thread, hehe. Nah, they're pretty cool on the whole; I only really like to bitch about him and one other cousin (I have five first cousins total, so there's plenty to choose from, lol). I probably have more funny stories about them than bad ones. Things never get boring around here, though, that's for sure. I'm an only child, but they more than make up for any drama I'm lacking in my familial life. :rolleyes:

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Tommy's Pet Peeve #29

Just graduated college with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and am currently on the job hunt (and have been for months).

Let me sum it up for you:

Residence: Michigan <_<

Jobs: 0 :angry:

Bank Balance: $3.62 USD :(

College Debt: -$95000.00 USD :o

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All of these "Different" political threads, how about merging them all into one

we'll call it "Political Bullshit~Let's Bitch" :rolleyes:

You can say that again. It's ridiculous. There are about 4 or 5 different threads on this first page alone.

C'mon people. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Sort it out will ya. Stop making more fecking political threads.

Edited by Mangani
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Tommy's Pet Peeve #29

Just graduated college with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and am currently on the job hunt (and have been for months).

Let me sum it up for you:

Residence: Michigan <_<

Jobs: 0 :angry:

Bank Balance: $3.62 USD :(

College Debt: -$95000.00 USD :o

It's disheartening to hear. Things are projected to only get worse with this economy and yesterday's horrifying events. I heard Hewlett/Packard is going to lay off, too. I hope you find a job soon. My dad is a retired Electronics/Biomedical Engineer and that used to be a great field to be in. Maybe you need to find out what cities offer the best employment opportunities to land yourself a job. It's more challenging than ever. Good luck to you.

Pet Peeve, confusion, lol... :) and lack of sleep.

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What pisses me off is oil in general, we wouldn't need it if it wasn't exploited by those greedy fucks in their towers!!

Now we're dependent on it, too blind to see the damage it's done. There are better solutions, but NO, you're all stuck in your ways. "I can't walk, I have a car." Stick it up your ass, Mrs. O'Hooley!!

Edited by Bonham
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Tommy's Pet Peeve #29

Just graduated college with a Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering, and am currently on the job hunt (and have been for months).

Let me sum it up for you:

Residence: Michigan <_<

Jobs: 0 :angry:

Bank Balance: $3.62 USD :(

College Debt: -$95000.00 USD :o

I hear you, and the toughest part is getting the proverbial foot in the door. So many people also have the added pressure of getting any job to start paying off the Mount Everest school debts.

Are you willing to relocate?

Hope your tide turns...



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Thanks for the kind words everybody.

I'm willing to do anything, but with a bank balance of $3.62 (and I'm not exaggerating), its sort of impossible to relocate. Meanwhile, all my friends that didn't go to college are enjoying their decision <_< I suppose the tables will turn in due time.

In the meantime:

Tommy's Pet Peeve #60

Having constant nightmares of working at McDonalds with a substantial college degree.

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Pet Peeve today = school fundraisers.

I have 3 kids in 3 different schools; each are also involved in sporting activities that actively fundraise. For the most part they are selling overpriced junk and candy. The gift wrap is actually nice, and sometimes the dancers sell Partylite candles, which are nice, but still everything is pricey and nobody really wants to buy it.

You can't go after the same people 6 times; grandparents included. If you take your kids' forms to work, then according to Fundraising Karma, you need to buy from other people's kids that many times too. (Which is totally fine when it's Girl Scout cookies, because my kids aren't Girl Scouts; but not fine when it's a $20 1 oz cannister of peanuts).

Sometimes I do relent and fundraise for their sports, if there is a direct benefit to our specific kids and the proceeds will help defray the cost of their tuition/costumes; but usually I chuck everything in the trash can.

It's a never ending cycle. The politicians all say they won't raise taxes. Maybe they need to if the schools have to resort to this in order to pay for necessary gym and playground equipment, etc.


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Pet Peeve today = school fundraisers.

I have 3 kids in 3 different schools; each are also involved in sporting activities that actively fundraise. For the most part they are selling overpriced junk and candy. The gift wrap is actually nice, and sometimes the dancers sell Partylite candles, which are nice, but still everything is pricey and nobody really wants to buy it.

You can't go after the same people 6 times; grandparents included. If you take your kids' forms to work, then according to Fundraising Karma, you need to buy from other people's kids that many times too. (Which is totally fine when it's Girl Scout cookies, because my kids aren't Girl Scouts; but not fine when it's a $20 1 oz cannister of peanuts).

Sometimes I do relent and fundraise for their sports, if there is a direct benefit to our specific kids and the proceeds will help defray the cost of their tuition/costumes; but usually I chuck everything in the trash can.

It's a never ending cycle. The politicians all say they won't raise taxes. Maybe they need to if the schools have to resort to this in order to pay for necessary gym and playground equipment, etc.


Hmm... is this a real heart-felt pet peeve :shifty: or some sort of evil ploy to get the un-tapped forum members to buy your candy...

You're a shifty one alright.

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I swear to goodness; no sooner had I posted that than the doorbell rang and 2 little kids from up the street were here selling Virginia Diner peanuts! I am totally not kidding either. I felt like the Grinch, telling them I was sorry but all of our kids were fundraising too :(

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two (for now):

men who think my eyes are on my breasts

and customers who walk by me while i stock the freezers at work and ask "it's cold, ain't it?" or "brrrr...it's cold. are you froze yet" i swear, a dozen people asked me this in a roll the other day...


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two (for now):

men who think my eyes are on my breasts

and customers who walk by me while i stock the freezers at work and ask "it's cold, ain't it?" or "brrrr...it's cold. are you froze yet" i swear, a dozen people asked me this in a roll the other day...


The way women dress these days, I didn't think it mattered anymore. I don't know how you dress but if women wear low cut tops, don't be surprised if we try to get a shot. It's only human, or?

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