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We've all been here - The Doghouse

Yep,the good ol' doghouse.

However,it is hard to not appreciate the beauty in nature.Preferably without cns.(crained neck syndrome)Busted with ringside seats to boot.Bummer.

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two (for now):

men who think my eyes are on my breasts

and customers who walk by me while i stock the freezers at work and ask "it's cold, ain't it?" or "brrrr...it's cold. are you froze yet" i swear, a dozen people asked me this in a roll the other day...


I love it when women walk around with no bra and boobs hangin out and then they look at you like you are a pervert if you check them out. In the words of Bob Seger: Ain't good looking, but you know I ain't shy Ain't afraid to look it girl. The way I see it is, if you show it they will look!

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My neighbour's dogs. Now, we live pretty much right in the middle of the city, plenty of people around here, and this asshole has two german shepherds on his deck. All they ever do is bark. Car drives by? bark. A person is in their sight(and there'd be plenty due to kids playing around here)? Bark. A loud noise? Bark. Bored? bark. He never does anything with them, he's gone for days on end sometimes, and all they do is bark. It's so infuriating listening to that shit every day all day. But apparently there haven't been enough complaints yet to warrant the city getting involved.

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was flipping through the channels a few nights ago and watched a bit of some old movie. there was this kid who was speaking in sort of a shrilling loud voice, kind of annoying and unnatural. after thinking about it later, remembered the sound of -the little rascals and shirly temple, sort of loud and with adult written scripts ya know.

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Minor peeve...Now I dig Ashley Judd,but in this recent TV commercial where she's pushing her clothing line,at the end of the spot,there's Ashley standing halfway up on a stepladder,in a field,with one foot arched,looking off into the distance.

Why is Ashley standing on a stepladder, in a field,out in the boondocks?Aren't any apples to pick,no posts to paint,kite's not hung up on a limb...It's bugging me,in a minor pet peeve kind of way.

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^ I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me, but it gave me a chance a spiffy new flat screen monitor (once I saved up for it, that is ;) )


Kiera Knightley. Just bugs the hell out of me. Not so much in movies, but in interviews...uuuuuuugh

Don't know why.

Italians have this expression where someone just has a face you want to slap. Kinda like that.

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^ I feel your pain. Same thing happened to me, but it gave me a chance a spiffy new flat screen monitor (once I saved up for it, that is ;) )

Meh. We HAD a spiffy new flat screen monitor. We bought the computer a few years ago and the monitor took a crapper.

My boyfriend's excited now because he wants like a 26" HDTV to hook up to the computer. Whatever. :rolleyes:

DZLDOC, thanks for the offer, but I'm sure it's not going to be what HE wants. (double) :rolleyes:

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