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Pet Peeves


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You should try one of the online traffic schools. Most cost around 15 - 20 bucks and if you are quick you can finish in less than an hour.

(some require you to be online for a certain period by law, but just keep the browser window open and it usually counts for the time)

I didn't know I could take it on line, 'cuz I saw a misleading ad in the paper that said "the only official traffic school!" for my area. Lies, all lies.

Pet Peeve: lying ads.

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I'm sorry if you are one of these people but, the door to door religion salesmen drive me nuts. It wouldn't bother me if after you said you weren't interested they left. But they don't. After you say no, then that should show you aren't interested. It doesn't mean that you think they're creepy it just means that you aren't interested.

I had a Jewish roommate once who would respectfully engage such people in serious discussion as to why there is no such being as Jesus. It was hilarious (well, at least to us), and they tended to never come back. :)

Pet Peeve of the Fucking Year: the guy with the backhoe who cut through the single fiber optic bundle that brings internet, long distance, cell phone and 911 services to our area yesterday.

It was like 1980 all over again...

Edited by SunChild
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i hate it when the anti-abortion people hold up those disgusting signs with dead fetuses on them. they only gross people out, plus people HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOSE. if you chose to let the little baby live, that's your perogative. if you don't, that's also your perogative. just don't go around with those revolting signs.

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^ I think that's terrible too. Especially when they have their children holding signs of dead fetuses. I also hate it when people who are pro-life kill others in protests gone out of hand. It's murdering to stop murder if that's how the pro-lifers view abortion. (I tried to make that an objective statement, but I don't think there's a way to do that.)

I'm irritated right now because I have an ear infection and I feel like total shit. I was going to do a TON of things today, but I think I have a fever and I have a headache, and I feel icky all over.

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Someone cut me off on Lambeth Road today, nearly drove me right off, and then had the bollocks to give ME the finger. She didn't even signal. Baaahhhh.

Also, Manderlyh, I'm having some sort of severe ear troubles too. Solidarity!

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You know what really irritates me? That damn "So you think you can dance" commercial. More specifically that annoying song. I have no idea who sings it, but I think if I ever met that person, I would be readyreadyreadyready to slap them.

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Government is basically organized crime.

I had an ex-MOSSAD government and politics lecturer who put it like this;

The state (government) uses the same coercive techniques as organised crime. They force you to give them money and do what they want, or else they will do to you whatever they want. In the mob's case they will probably beat you up or kill you, in the state's case the are more likely to put you in jail.

If anyone threatens the state/crime organisation's authority and influence, the state/criminal organisation will use force to remove that threat.

Edited by Cactus
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People driving who think they have the right of way over pedestrians. :angry:

All the commercials on Primary Election days. <_<

People who can NEVER, ever just let things go. Like, GET OVER IT already.

Insects that eat any outdoor plants I've planted. Jerks. <_<

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It pisses me off when my investment portfolio dips below $2,000,000.00. It's just plain irritating.

Oh fuck off. I mean that in the nicest way. B)

It pisses me off when my checking account drops below $0 before pay day.

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I hate it when you don't answer the phone becuase you're busy or something, and the person who called you the first time calls you about five more times in fifteen minutes! WTF?

That didn't happen to me--it happened to my mom. :rolleyes:

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What really gets my shorts in a knot are those people who stare at me, when I'm picking my nose, while I'm driving. It's like masterbation. Everyone does it.

Back off or I'll fick a bugger on your windshield. (Can we say, "bugger" on this website?)



Know something weird? We need that stuff to coat our innards. Kinda nauseating to contemplate... but, normal and natural.

I think the objection, as with masturbation, is to people doing it in public.

Reminds me of my little nephew when he was quite small, wandering into the living room naked, pulling enthusiastically on his penis, as proud and happy as could be. His mom was very cool about it, just said, "we don't do that in public. Please go to your room." He did, and I'm afraid we all fell about laughing, but it was an exellent intervention.

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Pet Peeve: Gorcery stores that play Phil Collins, from any era.


Dear god, all I wanted was some paper towels, OJ and mayonaise, why are they torturing me?

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Pet Peeve: Gorcery stores that play Phil Collins, from any era.


Dear god, all I wanted was some paper towels, OJ and mayonaise, why are they torturing me?

i am with you on that one...and what the hell is a su-su-sudio anyway???

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Most students are a pet peeve of mine. Mostly clever, in an academic sense, so many I meet are completely ignorant about....well, life. So many have NEVER worked. In terms of anything that's not a glowing essay or whatever they're blithering idiots with absolutely no common sense. The strong 'opinions' so many have are usually unfounded and, well, wrong.

Not all students, just the majority. I'm getting tired of predictable girly conversations on the bus into campus. And girls, they're almost always shit.

I also truly hate holding the door open for someone without the courtesy to stop for a millisecond and say 'thanks', argoant dicks. I don't have to do it, especially if I don't know you.

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