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Del Zeppnile

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NO were just looking through the eye glasses of spats, im pretty sure thats how hw sees things!! No offense im just sayin! :)

Once again, even though you're not using caps lock, I don't understand what you're sayin'!

He said that spats need to figure out that men have one lever/switch and women have many more buttons...

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Hi all,

Yeah,that's the way,....

It is really so simple,men=bad,women=good.Right? :D .

Been Dazed and Confused for so long it's not true.

Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.

Lots of people talk and few of them know,

soul of a woman was created below.

So Pagey got hurt,by a broad.How does the flip side fell,crappy,.....


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Once again, even though you're not using caps lock, I don't understand what you're sayin'!

He said that spats need to figure out that men have one lever/switch and women have many more buttons...

YES your right im sayin that spats view is........ slightly distorted through shit i dont know ya got me i give up!!!!! :coffee:

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As far as the toilet seat goes Del, if you want a happy woman you'll put the seat down.

Have YOU ever sat on it while it was up?? Not so much fun.

I've had the upper hand, so to speak in these cases where I've had to live with men.

I charged one dollar for every time said violater did the deed, marking the times on the mirror with soap.

It always worked.

Yes, I was a hard-ass about it but you have to teach little boys respect or they'll never learn it.


And.. I WAS the one who had to Clean the stinkin thing anyway! <_<

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First of all, I am sooo glad I am happily DIVORCED, so that I don't have to deal with this football crap, besides the only reason to watch football is to watch guys in tight pants!

Well, we sure wouldn't be a match made in heaven! :lol:

(I love football, what can I say?)

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Speaking as one of the charming and cute (not pretty) girls.

TRUST is the key word. My husband ( who is also cute -- not gorgeous) and I trust each other implicitly.

That's one of the keys to a long, happy marraige.

You are lucky. It's not easy to trust the women on the dating scene these days.

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As far as the toilet seat goes Del, if you want a happy woman you'll put the seat down.

Have YOU ever sat on it while it was up?? Not so much fun.

I've had the upper hand, so to speak in these cases where I've had to live with men.

I charged one dollar for every time said violater did the deed, marking the times on the mirror with soap.

It always worked.

Yes, I was a hard-ass about it but you have to teach little boys respect or they'll never learn it.


And.. I WAS the one who had to Clean the stinkin thing anyway! <_<

I HATE it when there's actually piss on the seat! Or on the toilet bowl itself and you fall in! (okay--my ass is too big to let me fall in, but still--its gross).

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