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Post A Picture Of Yourself!


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It's funny how you two look so similar in those photos, though! :)

Anyway, I can confirm what you're saying about Stevie's skin. I was in the second row for one of her shows and was close enough to see that she has skin like a porcelain doll. She came close to the front row to shake hands with people, and even that close up, her skin is beautiful. She's really a knockout.


Nice revew on Stevie's skin, thanks for sharing.

And what about your pic, eskimo? :rolleyes:


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Too much information on Stevie, Celia? I'm sorry... :(

No, no, I guess you didn't get what I wanted to say... I just made a joke on your review on her skin and how great she looks...and you didn't say a word about YOUR pic, something Aqua asked you. Kind of: I'll talk about something else and she 'll forget her question...you get what I mean? ;)

Oh, I'll get around to posting a pic one of these days. :whistling::)

:cheer: Thtat's the answer I was waiting for!!

Now I hope you do post your pic here.

Or maybe you can send me a PM. :D

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No, no, I guess you didn't get what I wanted to say... I just made a joke on your review on her skin and how great she looks...and you didn't say a word about YOUR pic, something Aqua asked you. Kind of: I'll talk about something else and she 'll forget her question...you get what I mean? ;)

:cheer: Thtat's the answer I was waiting for!!

Now I hope you do post your pic here.

Or maybe you can send me a PM. :D

Ah ha... you caught on to my trick! :lol: Can't fool you, Celia. ;)

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