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seen RUSH, recently?


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i have all the rush albums up to "power windows". i've seen them 3 times in the 70's, and twice in the early 80's. i've been meaning to pick up the "rio" dvd, haven't yet. is it as good as the hype? i might go to see them in atlantic city, small venue, on july,4. AC shows are a bit expencive. should i put out the money? has anyone seen them in past year? how were they?

ok, thanks, guys, i'll be getting tickets tomorrow, thanks again. can't wait....

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i have all the rush albums up to "power windows". i've seen them 3 times in the 70's, and twice in the early 80's. i've been meaning to pick up the "rio" dvd, haven't yet. is it as good as the hipe? i might go to see them in atlantic city, small venue, on july,4. AC shows are a bit expencive. should i put out the money? has anyone seen them in past year? how were they?

Hell yeah...I saw them last summer...good show...from what I got (I like RUSH alot but I'm no expert on them), they played some rare stuff...it's the same tour...GO!!

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I've seen them just twice - in 1981 on the Moving Pictures tour and then in 2004. I can honestly say that, irrespective of the fact that I preferred the setlist of the first gig, when it comes to performing, they are just as good now as they were then - if not better.

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Got great seats for May 6th in Los Angeles! The guys in my band have had a decades-long tradtition of never missing RUSH. Permanent Waves, Moving Pictures, all the way up to Vapor Trails and R30. Ain't gonna miss this one!! :beer:

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