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The NHL Thread

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Great night for Detroit sports...Wings smoke the Avs to close out the series, Pistons smoke the 76ers to close out the series, and the Tigers beat the Yankees to sweep their series (sorry Electro). #1 sports town in America, baby! (we have to have something to cheer about here)


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Hey, don't feel bad. We suck balls right now. It's depressing, but it was bound to happen sometime.

But not our Wings :D

Franzen, my God! Where in the hell did that come from? I always thought he was good, but not two hat-tricks in the playoffs good :P

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But not our Wings :D

Franzen, my God! Where in the hell did that come from? I always thought he was good, but not two hat-tricks in the playoffs good :P

The Mule is kicking ass right now. I hope he does it against Dallas (I'm pretty sure that's who we're playing).

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Let's Go Flyers baby!

Awww, poor Montreal. Despite having won 24 cups, they still need every call to go their way. Bunch of Canuk pansies.

The days of the Russian Five, the dreaded Claude Leimeux and some of the best hockey fights of all time. Damn, I miss playing during those times.

Flyers all the way!!!!

What a turn-a-round from last season! Flyer fans rejoice!! :banana::banana::banana::yay:

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I have heard nothing but whining over the fact there are no Canadian teams in the play-offs this year..

Well then why are you letting Sydney Crosby play with a US team? Why is any Canadian allowed outside this country? I pay alot for my cable service and I am sick and tired of all this whining....

Change the rules or ya can pay for my cable.....Mr. NHL Commissioner


PS Perhaps a female should be the Commisioner....clean up this act and change the rules in no time...

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I don't get what you're whining about yourself; you think Canadian hockey players should play only for Canadian teams?

That's pretty dumb. And you know something else, a woman as commish won't make the NHL better. You know what will? A former player running the show.

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A pretty huge let-down that the Habs are already out. They had a team this year that could've made it to the conference finals. I have never seen them finish a season like this and enter the playoffs this strong before for the last eleven years I've been watching 'em. If they would've skated hard and played a fast pace in the start of the game like they did in the regular season, they could've took out Boston much faster and this series against the Flyers would have a much different outcome. We'll see what happens next year...

I think the Flyers will advance against the Pen's to the Cup Finals and win it all, because... They had to beat the best to be the best, in which they did. :rolleyes:

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I don't get what you're whining about yourself; you think Canadian hockey players should play only for Canadian teams?

That's pretty dumb. And you know something else, a woman as commish won't make the NHL better. You know what will? A former player running the show.

Hi E:

I am not whining...I am hearing whining from sports reporters and fans etc. on tv after Montreal lost.


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The only reason the flyers ousted the Habs was becasue goaltending failed the Canadiens..you can't have poor goaltending and expect to advance in the playoffs, simple as that.

My Rangers lost to a better team, but did have some shall we say unfortunate calls go against them......but they did have plenty of power play chances of thier own which they didn't cash in on.

The Flyers have been playing tough hockey but unless Fleury has a meltdown similar to Price, the Pens will dispatch them. That and the NHL's clear Crosby favortism will be too tough for Philly to overcome

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The Flyers have been playing tough hockey but unless Fleury has a meltdown similar to Price, the Pens will dispatch them. That and the NHL's clear Crosby favortism will be too tough for Philly to overcome

Like the league's favoritism for Ovechkin?

I think we'll be fine. As long as Umberger keeps it up and Biron stays sharp.

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Like the league's favoritism for Ovechkin?

I think we'll be fine. As long as Umberger keeps it up and Biron stays sharp.

u sure about that ;)

The Pens get waaay more calls than the Caps ever did, not too mention they're a much better team than the Caps......if your a Flyer fan i'm sure you saw that penalty called on Hatcher against Malkin? i mean you gotta give credit to the Pens for seemingly always cashing in on any opportunities.....but that was a good example

they get every questionable call in their favor

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Really wish I could watch my team on TV :rolleyes:

Stupid Versus <_<

There is a real irony with that. I can watch the Wings games and my home team didn't even make the playoffs :D Anyway's, they look really good at the moment. I was expecting the Wings to do another melt down this year but they have surprised me.

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