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wanna be drummer

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Well I hope tomorrow's games are more entertaining than tonights. Washington needs a goalie as I said before. I would not fire the coach if I were the Caps. Teams tend to do this after a game like this, but you have to look at the big picture. They had a good season. They probably should have beat Pittsburgh but their goaltending would have done them in sooner or later.

I'd be very surprised if they fire their coach, Yukon. Goaltending was pretty good until the last couple of games, but their focus is on offense. Ovechkin did a decent job backchecking, but he tried to do too much by himself on D. He was trying to get through two Pens players by stick handling rather than making crisp passes up the boards. Same thing on offense - he was trying to get around several players rather than playing within the game. Great energy but it's a wasted effort, very erratic and in the end ineffective. You can only blame so much on bad bounces and fluky goals. The Pens were much better defensively even with the loss of Gonchar (until the last game) and they were more disciplined. An offensive juggernaut like the Caps was in the penalty box way too often. The better team won, in my opinion.

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I want Pittsburgh to lose. If I were Chicago Id be cheering for Anaheim tonight. Far better shot at them winning against the Ducks than Detroit. Detroit knows them very well. As much as I kind of like chicago, I just dont want Campbell to win because of the shit he pulled on us. I just hope Detroit wins again I guess. I will cheer for Boston tonight and to beat Pittsburgh if they win. But to win the whole thing, let Detroit have it again. They deserve it.

Well I wonder if the Hawks do want Anaheim to win tonight. I think it will take a team that has that mean streak to beat Chicago and although Detroit has more skill, I'm wondering if they will be able to tolerate the way the Blackhawks play. They force teams to retaliate to their tactics and against us and Calgary, they were very effective at doing so. The Ducks are similar in that way by being a team that initiates the chippy play. Dustin Byfuglien was a constant source of agro in the first two rounds and I wonder if Detroit will be able to handle him any better than us. I think Anaheim might be a tougher opponent for Chicago. The Hawks remind me very much of the 80's Oilers. Great skill but also an in your face attitude that draw's penalty's and they kill you on the power play

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But when you watch the ice bowl II that was played in Chicago, Detroit had little trouble with them. I say Chicago cant beat Detroit.

I'm not so sure Yukon. One thing for sure, if they play the Wings, they will show the champs absolutely no respect. Especially the veteran's and, the vet's will react to that. I haven't seen as cheeky a team in years and I think the officials for the most part seem willing to let them away with it. The team that reacts will be spending plenty of time in the penalty box.

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Booooooo!!!!!!!! Get out of here Patricia! Wait til I see you at a Leafs/Sabres game! :o

Ahahahahaha!!! I'll be the one getting a free beer after I win the bet. It wouldn't be any fun if we cheered for the same team. But I'm not choosing them for that reason, I actually like most of the team, especially Crosby. Why do hate them so much?

Edited by Patrycja
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I like the Pens :tomato:

The Pens ???? :lol: Fair enough Pat. I won't hold it against you. I've gotta go with Chicago. For no other reason than they knocked us out.

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We know Wanna Be, Rorer and Electro will be rooting for their teams but who is everyone else rooting for now ?

I guess at this point I have to find out which team we have more clients playing for and root for them. That will have to wait for Monday though, since I'm off tomorrow. Yay!!!

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Thanks to Carolina winning, the Red Wings have home ice throughout the whole playoffs since they now possess the best record of all teams remaning and they are, I believe, the highest seed from both conferences still remaining.


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The Pens ???? :lol: Fair enough Pat. I won't hold it against you. I've gotta go with Chicago. For no other reason than they knocked us out.

Well somebody's gotta pick 'em! I don't really like their goalie, though we've already seen two teams with top goalies go down. Crosby used to whine a lot, but he's matured and is old school, and super-intense - I like that. Malkin often leaves his team hanging, creating mini 5-on-4 situations because he takes his sweet ass time getting back on D, but when he's awake he's a beast. A well-coached, balanced team. Should be a great series against...

BooYah!!!.......................Nuff said!!!!!!! Go Scotty Walker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Canes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...the giant slayers! Congrats, Rorer. A well-deserved win. One Boston team down, one to go. I'd wish you good luck the rest of the way, but you're up against my horse in the next round.

Thanks to Carolina winning, the Red Wings have home ice throughout the whole playoffs since they now possess the best record of all teams remaning and they are, I believe, the highest seed from both conferences still remaining.


Yeah that was harder for them than I thought it would be, but congrats on the win. I'm so glad that dirty scumbag Pronger is out of the playoffs. I hate it when things that he does get rewarded with wins.

I'd be wary, though, of home ice 'advantage'. It doesn't seem to have been so for a lot of teams this year. I can't recall off hand which team that last won the President's Trophy went on to win the Cup, but the stats weren't in Boston's favour. Oh well :D

An original six match up is next - LOVE IT!

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I hear you Patrycja.

Actually I have to agree about Crosby gaining some maturity. To me that was the only thing missing from his game.

The Pens probably did more to help themselves at the trade deadline than any other team. They gained some toughness and strengthened their D. I'm not suprised that they are in the conference finals. Carolina has shown once again that they have what it takes to win a series. Nobody can say that Boston played poorly. It should be a great series but sorry Pat, I gotta go with the Canes to win it. :beer: Mind you , this is coming from a guy that picked the Canucks to go all the way :D

Detroit / Chicago, This will be a war and IMO it will come down to whoever has the better PP and PK

One thing for sure folks, we're in for a real treat as all four remaining teams do try to play and all can skate. I think the game itself wins this year

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I know I'm late but WINGS WIN! B)

Fuck Chris Pronger, he crosschecks Jiri Hudler from behind who falls into the goalie and somehow gets a penalty whereas Pronger gets: Nothing. Ducks scored on that PP.

Fuck Corey Perry, he "fought" Brian Rafalski by cheapshotting him and following through with multiple unfair punches to the face.

Fuckthe Niedermayers, they're cheap-shot artists too and for some reason never got called for a pentaly for their actions after the play was over. Seriously, I dont give a shit if the whistle was blown, when a player is trying to get up but Scott the dick keeps cross-checking them into the ice, thats a penalty!

Fuck Hiller. He's just one more unknown goalie who almost beat the Wings singlehandedly (that happens far too often to us...) :P

Anywho, Wings rock. Good luck Chicago, you're going to need every ounce of it to win even two games.

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Trash talkin after barely escaping with your butts. That is like someone else here that wouldn't have shown his face for months if things had gone the other way. Sounds like you feel about the Ducks like I do the Flyers. You have to admit, they put up a hell of a fight and could have won. You have to be just as lucky as you are good in hockey.

Anywho, Wings rock. Good luck Chicago, you're going to need every ounce of it to win even two games.

yeah I'd be trashin the Ducks regardless of if we won or not. I'm just letting out my post-series aggression so I can chill out while we play the Blackhawks.

I'm a big hockey fan, and I'm well aware of the talent the Ducks have. I just hate their style of play. Don't get me wrong, I love old-school hockey. But even when we had enforcers like Probert and Kocur, we weren't cheap-shotting the other team nonstop. Seriously, the Ducks are by far the most thug-happy team in the NHL, which disappoints me when you have talents like Perry and Getzlaf. But I digress. Cheers to the Ducks who put us Wings fans through hell, and to yin-yang the situtaion fuck the Ducks who put the Wings players (see Rafalskis face right now) through hell :beer:

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The Ducks are dicks. I counted about 8 blatant interference calls last night that the refs missed. Meanwhile if Homer so much as sneezed on Hiller, he'd be sent to the box.

There was some piss-poor reffing in this series and if not for Cleary's last-minute goal....it would have gone to OT and we would have lost.

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The Ducks are dicks. I counted about 8 blatant interference calls last night that the refs missed. Meanwhile if Homer so much as sneezed on Hiller, he'd be sent to the box.

There was some piss-poor reffing in this series and if not for Cleary's last-minute goal....it would have gone to OT and we would have lost.

Wait till you see Chicago Liz. It will be more of the same only with more scoring punch. Without sounding like a poor sport I have to say that they got away with murder against us

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