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You should read up on Hamilton, it's one of the biggest cities in Ontario. It's no different than a city like Tampa Bay or even Anaheim having a hockey team .

Try living there Elizabeth. It's a hole.

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So are a lot of places. Doesn't mean squat if it's financially viable. Which is what Bettman is looking at.

That's not all he is looking for. He also wants an owner that plays by the rules. This guy has been trying to bully his way into the NHL. Not all of the circumstances are right.

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Okay I need some help. Over the summer I am spending some time with family who is very into hocky. They are huge penguins fans. I don't know thing one about hockey and I thought this would be a good place to start. Any help?

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Okay I need some help. Over the summer I am spending some time with family who is very into hocky. They are huge penguins fans. I don't know thing one about hockey and I thought this would be a good place to start. Any help?

What do you want to know, specifically? I mean, the best I can tell you is watch the playoffs this season. Pick a series: Chicago/Detroit, Pittsburgh/Carolina. Follow along, make notes of terms you don't understand. Look them up and then you'll go "Oh so THAT'S what that is!". It'll become second-nature.

I mean, is there something you know you've seen but don't know how it works?

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Lets say for the sake of argument that Hamilton gets the team. Does that change the Northeast division alignment? Will they move someone West? I still think Colombus could be in the East. Perhaps they will just put Hamilton in with Ottawa, Montreal, Boston, Toronto and us (Buffalo)?

Don't know about realignment Yukon but as of late tonight, there are many senarios that could play out. The judge today ordered mediation to determine whether or not the league has the right to determine whether a franchise can move and where it moves to. All the major pro sports leagues were in the court room as this decision could affect all of them too. From all accounts, the judge seemed very leary to rule that a franchise could move without league approval. The other issue is time itself. How fast could the franchise move if it is allowed to ? What if the franchise had to wait a year to leave , who picks up the $40 million expected loss ? The new owner, the present owner , the league ??? If it is the league then you can expect Phoenix to be in the NHL next year and the sale price jump a hefty sum. If this is how it turns out then Bettman will have won and Hamilton will not be his choice.

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Lets say for the sake of argument that Hamilton gets the team. Does that change the Northeast division alignment? Will they move someone West? I still think Colombus could be in the East. Perhaps they will just put Hamilton in with Ottawa, Montreal, Boston, Toronto and us (Buffalo)?
I'm hoping for a Hamilton franchise as well.Only an hour and a half drive from my home. I know this may be off topic YC,but I drove by whats left of the Aud in Buffalo last night.Sad man. Saw lots of great games there. The first was in 1977.(Have the French Connection,Spinner Spencer and King Kong Korab's autograph on a stick,)and the last was in February 96 against the Flyers.
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I cant believe Malkin got that backhander past Ward. It had to be perfect. Pittsburgh is one of the luckiest teams Ive ever seen.

Classless Pittsburgh fans chanting at ward. Ward is better than Fleury. They might win this but will never beat Detroit.

Still think Carolina can win two at home...OK Patrycja, I can feel you waiting to say I told you so :lol:

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Still think Carolina can win two at home...OK Patrycja, I can feel you waiting to say I told you so :lol:

Welll, I'm tempted, but I'll hold out just a little longer :lol:. Carolina's not an easy place to play in, but the Pens didn't get to last year's final by fluke, they're proving that. And they've got one more year of battle-tested experience.

And sorry Yukon, but I don't buy your luck theory. Yes it's a part of it, but you're not acknowledging the skill it takes to make such plays that look lucky. It can't be both ways - if Carolina wins it's because they're a good team, when the Pens win it's luck. As Gary Player said, "The harder I work, the luckier I get." :D

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They are toast Ally. Melba. Hey Izfan, the object is to put that little black thing called a puck into the net. The guy trying to stop it from going in is the goalie. Each team has three forwards, and two defenseman. A center and two wingers to make up the forwards. A two line pass is now legal. for many years until recently it was offsides. The puck must go into the enemy zone before any attacking players do or its offsides. If a playoff game ends tied they play til someone scores, no matter how long it takes. No shootouts in the playoffs. The home teams now usually wear dark. For years it was the oppsoite and they changed that too. Looks like Detroit will defeat the Penguins again. I think the only weak link in a strong chain for Detroit is Osgood. He is good, but not as good as the rest of the goalies still playing. But Detroit can still get it done for sure and in my opinion, they will. They wont sweep Chicago I dont think. I think Chicago will win one if not two at home. But I dont think they can win the series unless Detroit falls apart. Not happening. I dont see a post by Rorer? Hell, even when Buffalo loses I post. Cmon dude. It isnt the end of the world. Oh, I know you have the Cavs too. They will win big in game two, Im sure of it.
I've known you to not show for a day of two after a bad loss. ;) That's not the case here though...

My computer is hanging on by a thread and I got a haircut and a real job! I'm having problems logging in and staying in.Anyways...

Last night we got pasted Yuk! We hung in there for a couple of periods and fell apart.Our D was not hanging tough.I'm still thinking that we can pull two out at home,the RBC Center is a loud and intimate place! Cam will be prepared and the D will show up.I'm sure of it.

Looks like ally is backing us up too,thanks bro!

I did wash my lucky shirt last night before the game(thought I could wash out the losses), it smelled sooooo bad,I couldn't stand it :bagoverhead: (bad move as we got spanked) Maybe I should wear it to work tomorrow and get it back to it's original state?

Go Canes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well Keenan just got fired by Calgary. Im a bit surprised at this. What do you have to do to keep a job in the NHL? I do not think Keenan is the coach he once was but they did have a very good season so I think this is risky.

I'm off to the airport to pick up a friend but Calgary is in deep cap trouble. They may have to go with more youth and I don't think Keenan 's the right guy for that.

Good luck in game 3 Rorer. A win is a must or Patricjya will come a calling :lol:

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I'm off to the airport to pick up a friend but Calgary is in deep cap trouble. They may have to go with more youth and I don't think Keenan 's the right guy for that.

Good luck in game 3 Rorer. A win is a must or Patricjya will come a calling :lol:

Well, I won't count my chickens, because as Rorer said, the Canes' home ice is a difficult place to play in. Momentum can shift very quickly so the Pens better not take their foot off their opponent's throats.

But I am not at all surprised that Keenan is out. I was actually surprised they hired him in the first place. He's a hard ass and steamrolls players to get his way. When you rule with an iron first but without the velvet glove, it'll only end up burning you. Keenan's coaching style is good for unruly or young players, because he gets everyone playing on the same page, but it doesn't go over well with veterans. When they got asked about him in exit interviews, if the feedback was on the whole positive he'd still have his job. He tends to lose veteran room pretty quickly. Ok, I've tried to fit in as many cliches as I could. :D

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What do you want to know, specifically? I mean, the best I can tell you is watch the playoffs this season. Pick a series: Chicago/Detroit, Pittsburgh/Carolina. Follow along, make notes of terms you don't understand. Look them up and then you'll go "Oh so THAT'S what that is!". It'll become second-nature.

I mean, is there something you know you've seen but don't know how it works?

I've not seen anything about hockey. It isn't big here so no one tries to watch it. It is on occasionally so I will try your suggestion. Thanks!

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