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Guess there will be a game 7 after all.

Just what IS IT that makes Vancouver melt as soon as they hit Boston airspace?

Luongo letting in bad early goals and Thomas making great early stops.

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Guess there will be a game 7 after all.

Just what IS IT that makes Vancouver melt as soon as they hit Boston airspace?

And just look at the trouble Tampa gave them? Its mind boggling. But its Luongo stinking up the joint too. Which Luongo is going to show up in game seven if there is no rally here? Better be the one from the first three games and the Olympic Gold. Vancouver needs the next goal. They need to get out of the second period with a two goal deficit. Then its possible. At least build some momentum for game seven if they cant tie it. But I still think its possible, as Tampa was able to score on them in droves. I would love to hear Vignault.

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And just look at the trouble Tampa gave them? Its mind boggling. But its Luongo stinking up the joint too. Which Luongo is going to show up in game seven if there is no rally here? Better be the one from the first three games and the Olympic Gold. Vancouver needs the next goal. They need to get out of the second period with a two goal deficit. Then its possible. At least build some momentum for game seven if they cant tie it. But I still think its possible, as Tampa was able to score on them in droves. I would love to hear Vignault.

Beetleron's right, they look like an AHL team and so far, they've acted like one. Come on Vancouver...show some of the damn character we know you've got :angry:

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Those comments about Thomas were unnecessary and obviously fired Boston up.

The Boston media has been great at playing up everything. If you get a chance to see the whole interview, Luongo's comments were quite different.

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The Boston media has been great at playing up everything. If you get a chance to see the whole interview, Luongo's comments were quite different.

They sure know how to make me look stupid. And fucking Paille!! A sabres castaway. Not good enough to make our roster WTF???:wtf: But they played better in the second. If that puck goes in instead of hitting the pipe, who knows. They came back from an 8-1 pasting. They will come back again. Still, they need to fucking bring it in the third. Roll the dice. It aint over til its over. Remember that? I think my medicaton is kicking in. I think Ill need more. I think I am going to put on a movie. Maybe Saving Private Ryan or Carlitos' Way or Collatoral. Fuck.

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It'll be quite a night !

I feel for Cory Schneider. He has to come in at garbage time and he plays well. But we know the mind set of Vignault. He is going to live or die with Luongo. They have answered every one of these challenges so far. Granted, one goal victories as opposed to blowouts in Boston. But the score is decieving. A four minute meltdown did them in combined with Luongo having another bad night. We cannot afford another bad night. I do take some comfort in the fact Vancouver has dominated the play at home. Big time to overcome the goaltending. Thomas has clearly outplayed Luongo. But Cory? He is the big question. Do you have the faith to play him? In a game seven? This is Boston's first ever game 7 in a Stanley Cup final in their storied history. I cant take this. I want the Canucks to win this so fucking bad.

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Ok. Lets have a poll. What say you guys? Ally, Babs, Strider, Patricia, Wolfman, the Bruins fan whos name starts with an A and I have no clue how to spell it, Anjsun? Who do you guys start if you are Vignault? Luongo or Schneider?

Luongo, because he's hardly let anything in at home during this series, but I'm keeping Schneider lose and ready with his mask on on the side lines. FFS.

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Luongo, because he's hardly let anything in at home during this series, but I'm keeping Schneider lose and ready with his mask on on the side lines. FFS.

I guess I am leaning your way. I saw Cory the night they were in Buffalo and I was there live. I have faith in Cory too. Think maybe his head is screwed on a bit tighter? Weigh in all of you please. Ally, Babs, Juliet, Wolf, Strider, and all you hockey fans I hear from. I have gone over this a thousand times. And I am really tempted to go with Cory. But Luongo did pitch the shutout in his last home game. And I do not blame the entire meltdown on him. Alot of bad luck and some great saves by Thomas. Hit the post louder than a dinner bell. Vignault has 489 hours and his life will flash before his eyes. 40 years since the Sabres and Canucks came into the league. I bought their metal teams for my hockey game of those days. The stick men. It came with Montreal and Toronto. So I had four teams. Had my own little league. Man, I sure pray the Canucks dig down one last time. They have the horses. They are battle tested. They took care of Chicago in a pressure packed similiar situation. Go Canucks. I await your votes.

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Luongo for sure but Vignault has to be ready to pull him early if he isn't on his game. I know it's happened to the Bruins in earlier rounds but being realistc, neither team can spot the other a 3 goal lead and expect to win.

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Luongo for sure but Vignault has to be ready to pull him early if he isn't on his game. I know it's happened to the Bruins in earlier rounds but being realistc, neither team can spot the other a 3 goal lead and expect to win.

The first goal, was a great shot and a high shot just under the cross bar. But he probably should have had that one. The next one he was out of position and flopping. He should bounce back. They have been great at home. both teams have just dominated at home. I never would have expected this. During the last few years Boston has had more trouble at home than on the road. When the /Sabres play them we have faired very well on their ice. I have always been more afraid of them on the road. Not in this series. Lets hope the Canucks can just dig down and get it done. Just play like they did the last game at home and they will be fine. A four minute meltdown did them in last night. They have been brutal in Boston. If Sedin gets his stick on that first bouncing puck and puts it home, I think the game would have been different. Tomorrow night the Cup will be brought out. I just hope it goes to the Canucks.

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Well, I'm a firm believer in you go with what brought ya here...so I'd stick with Luongo, as he seems to play better when he sleeps in his own bed. Plus, let's not forget Boston will be flying across three time zones, too.

But if Bobby Lu shows any signs of shakiness early, and gives up an early goal, I wouldn't hesitate to pull him.

Stat in Vancouver's favour...home teams are 17-2 in Stanley Cup game 7's.

Another odd statistical quirk: Boston has outscored Vancouver 19-8. If Vancouver wins, it could be the biggest margin that a Stanley Cup Champion was outscored by its opponent.

It reminds me of the 1960 World Series between the NY Yankees and Pittsburgh Pirates; the Yankees outscored the Pirates by a huge margin, 55-27. Yet, thanks to Bill Mazeroski's ninth-inning blast in game 7, the Pirates won the Championship.

Who will be Vancouver's "Mazeroski"? Methinks it's time for one or both of the Sedins to step up to the plate.

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