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The NHL Thread

wanna be drummer

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:P we will share them someday,.... ;)

Unless you live in the area why would you want those dirt bags with that bird brain frenchman of a coach to win? What kills me is the Sabres dont have much trouble with them. We beat them two of the last three times we played them and somehow they beat Philly four straight. I will never understand how they beat Philly in four straight after having so much trouble with Montreal and Tampa. Dont forget, Tampa had them on the ropes. Could have gone either way. But that is how the league is now. Parity. The days of the Islander and Edmonton dynasties are gone. And add Detroit to that list too. We played them both. I still say Vancouver is the best team. Luongo let them down. I would shio him out yesterday.

Correction. The Sabrees beat Boston the last four times in a row they played them. went 4-2 against them. So I guess its all about matchups. We hold on in the last 8 minutes against philly and who knows. I know one thing. No way Boston would have swept us. Or beat us 8-1. Not in a million years.

Edited by silvermedalist
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We????? You dont live in Boston? And its the first time they won since 1974 you dim wit. Why dont you lose that stupid avatar? Oh, it fins perfectly. You dont care about any sports so why even post? Go to hell. You are the biggest asshole here and just about everyone agrees with me on that.

Oi Oi Silver,

Surely that accolade is mine? :notworthy:

Kind Retards, Danny the Arsehole

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The series is over and Boston has won it. More important to me is that the City of Vancouver's reputation has been severely damaged by these hooligans who went on a premeditated rampage last night. Some truely ugly scenes that have embarrassed all the good citizens of this fine town. Let me be the first here to apologize to everyone from Boston and to all Canadians in general for what has happened. Guess there were no lessons learned from 1994. As they say, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.


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The series is over and Boston has won it. More important to me is that the City of Vancouver's reputation has been severely damaged by these hooligans who went on a premeditated rampage last night. Some truely ugly scenes that have embarrassed all the good citizens of this fine town. Let me be the first here to apologize to everyone from Boston and to all Canadians in general for what has happened. Guess there were no lessons learned from 1994. As they say, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.


I was very saddened to see it, but as a regular visitor to Vancouver I know this is all the more shocking because it just doesn't happen, as a rule.

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I was very saddened to see it, but as a regular visitor to Vancouver I know this is all the more shocking because it just doesn't happen, as a rule.

Yeah, even more than Vancouver's losing at home and Luongo's disappearing act, I was shocked by the scenes afterward...I'm not used to seeing Canadians behave in such fashion. Sad.

Edited by Strider
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We????? You dont live in Boston? And its the first time they won since 1974 you dim wit. Why dont you lose that stupid avatar? Oh, it fins perfectly. You dont care about any sports so why even post? Go to hell. You are the biggest asshole here and just about everyone agrees with me on that.

Can't say I know everyone here yet, but Beetleron is certainly at or near the top of the list of assholes I've spotted so far. I don't think I've seen a single non-retarded post from him yet.

But I have to disagree with you about his avatar. I think that's pretty cool.

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I was very saddened to see it, but as a regular visitor to Vancouver I know this is all the more shocking because it just doesn't happen, as a rule.

Thanks for that ! :beer:

Edited by ally
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Hi all,

The series is over and Boston has won it. More important to me is that the City of Vancouver's reputation has been severely damaged by these hooligans who went on a premeditated rampage last night. Some truely ugly scenes that have embarrassed all the good citizens of this fine town. Let me be the first here to apologize to everyone from Boston and to all Canadians in general for what has happened. Guess there were no lessons learned from 1994. As they say, the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.

As I told you in a email Bro,many fans were on the local Boston newspaper website trying to apologize for the few @holes that maybe gave that wonderful city a black eye.Most us know better.They don't not,in the least, represent the people of Vancouver or the nation of Canada.

What those morons for got is that this the age of cell phones cameras,etc.They can all be identified and the police are going to very busy ;)

Thanks for a great series!!!!!!!! :beer:


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Hi all,

As I told you in a email Bro,many fans were on the local Boston newspaper website trying to apologize for the few @holes that maybe gave that wonderful city a black eye.Most us know better.They don't not,in the least, represent the people of Vancouver or the nation of Canada.

What those morons for got is that this the age of cell phones cameras,etc.They can all be identified and the police are going to very busy ;)

Thanks for a great series!!!!!!!! :beer:


Many of them tried to remove the pictures and vid's they posted from last night but from what I understand, some individual citizens have copied all of what was posted and have already passed them on to the police. I believe action will be swift. I'm actually thinking of setting up a lawn chair downtown just to watch the round up :D .

Thanks again KB B)

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Many of them tried to remove the pictures and vid's they posted from last night but from what I understand, some individual citizens have copied all of what was posted and have already passed them on to the police. I believe action will be swift. I'm actually thinking of setting up a lawn chair downtown just to watch the round up :D .

Thanks again KB B)

Now that would be "reality t.v."! Don't they ever learn that when something is posted, it's forever?!?

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Now that would be "reality t.v."! Don't they ever learn that when something is posted, it's forever?!?

The majority of these idiots are quite proud of their actions and want to be recognized as tough guy's within their gangsta circles. They'll be recognized alright !

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We????? You dont live in Boston? And its the first time they won since 1974 you dim wit. Why dont you lose that stupid avatar? Oh, it fins perfectly. You dont care about any sports so why even post? Go to hell. You are the biggest asshole here and just about everyone agrees with me on that.

it was since 1972.... and I don't think he's an asshole.

relax dude.

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it was since 1972.... and I don't think he's an asshole.

relax dude.

Well he follows me around the board and starts shit with me about subjectst that he could care less about. He is an instigater. You like the asshole be my guest and go have a drink with him/her or whatever he or she is.

Now hockey is done. Four months with no hockey. Withdrawals already kicking in. Do me a favor, if you dont like the sport, go post on another thread. This is to talk hockey. Not for trouble making assholes that dress up like old grannies to start shit on. :guns:

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The best thing about the Stanley Cup being over with...and the NBA Finals, as well...is that I can give sports a rest until the fall, when college football and (hopefully barring a lockout) the NFL and NBA start up again.

Baseball is dead to me, and I couldn't care less about golf, NASCAR, and soccer, especially American soccer. And while I am glad women have the chance to make money playing professional sports just like the men, it's still not enough to get me to watch the WNBA. Maybe if I had a daughter, but I don't, and none of my nieces like sports.

The only sporting events that take place during the summer that I look forward to watching are Wimbledon and the US Open tennis tournaments, and the Supercross series.

Besides, summer is for being in the great outdoors and engaging in physical activity...not sitting around like a slug watching others.

And few things are worse than wasting 4 hours of a glorious summer day watching baseball or golf or NASCAR on tv.

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The hubby is a happy man. He is all things Boston and we watched the playoffs. Congratulations to the Bruins.

Sorry to hear about the riots. I thought that only happend in LA. Was surprised.

I heard a comedy skid this morning on those riots. Can't figure out how to download just that skit but here is the link to Mark and Brian.



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The hubby is a happy man. He is all things Boston and we watched the playoffs. Congratulations to the Bruins.

Sorry to hear about the riots. I thought that only happend in LA. Was surprised.

I heard a comedy skid this morning on those riots. Can't figure out how to download just that skit but here is the link to Mark and Brian.



Sorry. I hate Chara. I hate Julien. I hate Thomas. I hate the Celtics. And my vacation is iin Cape Cod.. Oh well. Ill wear my Sabres and Bills t shirts. Fuck em.

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Sorry. I hate Chara. I hate Julien. I hate Thomas. I hate the Celtics. And my vacation is iin Cape Cod.. Oh well. Ill wear my Sabres and Bills t shirts. Fuck em.

Hate is such a strong word. Rivalry is more my style. I can understand your loyalty to your teams and wearing your team shirts with pride though. Have a nice vacation.

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Hate is such a strong word. Rivalry is more my style. I can understand your loyalty to your teams and wearing your team shirts with pride though. Have a nice vacation.

Thanks but I dont leave til Sept 1st and my daughters wedding first. But I use the word hate because they did not win fairly. They were dirty. Boychuk is dirty. And Thomas is dirty. Some of the shit he got away with never should have been allowed. They are not the best team. They are the luckiest at the moment. They will not win again in my lifetime.

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Thanks but I dont leave til Sept 1st and my daughters wedding first. But I use the word hate because they did not win fairly. They were dirty. Boychuk is dirty. And Thomas is dirty. Some of the shit he got away with never should have been allowed. They are not the best team. They are the luckiest at the moment. They will not win again in my lifetime.

Isn't the whole of NHL dirty? That is why I do not watch it as a rule. Never liked the ref's allowing some of the blatant battering going on. I liked watching the Olympic hockey games because that dirty behavior was not allowed to go on.

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Thanks but I dont leave til Sept 1st and my daughters wedding first. But I use the word hate because they did not win fairly. They were dirty. Boychuk is dirty. And Thomas is dirty. Some of the shit he got away with never should have been allowed. They are not the best team. They are the luckiest at the moment. They will not win again in my lifetime.

Im sorry, you dont hate, you are jealous. I dont find boychuk dirty, i dont find Thomas dirty (The best goalee in NHL) and i find you not very objective, they won fair & square, As a team, and every champion need some luck. i dont know if they will win again, but i sure do hope so.

I dont understand fans like you, when the BETTER team wins its just right to say that they diserve it, just like i did when Barcelona won the CL, or when the Lakers won the NBA (which i dont love but respect as a rival). Long story short: Bruins are Stanley cup champs. Peace.

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Im sorry, you dont hate, you are jealous. I dont find boychuk dirty, i dont find Thomas dirty (The best goalee in NHL) and i find you not very objective, they won fair & square, As a team, and every champion need some luck. i dont know if they will win again, but i sure do hope so.

I dont understand fans like you, when the BETTER team wins its just right to say that they diserve it, just like i did when Barcelona won the CL, or when the Lakers won the NBA (which i dont love but respect as a rival). Long story short: Bruins are Stanley cup champs. Peace.

I find it amazing one can be in Isreal and be up to speed on all the activity in the NHL? I am not trying to be a wise guy, I just find it hard to believe they get the coverage over there? Boychuk is dirty. Big time. And Ill argue all night on that one I am more disgusted Vancouver let this slip away as they were the best team all year. One game seven does not convince me otherwise and a shitty bunch of refs who are like blind mice do not help matters. Neither of them are my favorite team. But I like to see fair officiating. Thomas got away with one in game six. Big time. I hope he gets whats coming to him. Run through.

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