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..all bickering aside.....is there much talk up there about them going to Brooklyn?

on WIKI::

It has been suggested that the New York Islanders could play games at the Barclays Center once their lease at the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum expires in 2015. Brooklyn is geographically the western end of Long Island, and many on other parts of the island have roots there.[9] Also, the Nets and Islanders had previously shared Nassau Coliseum from 1972 to 1977. Financing documents for the arena released in December 2009 indicate that “The New York Islanders could potentially become a tenant” at the Barclays Center.[10] The Islanders' agreement with the New York Rangers allows them to relocate anywhere on Long Island, including Brooklyn and Queens.[11] Whereas the original Gehry design would have featured a hockey configuration with capacity typical of the arenas used in the National Hockey League, the final design for the Barclays Center is designed mainly for basketball use. It can nevertheless accommodate an NHL-size rink, though the arena will only be able to seat 14,500 fans in its hockey configuration, which would give it the lowest seating capacity in the NHL.[12] The Islanders are scheduled to play a preseason game against the New Jersey Devils at the Barclays Center on October 2, 2012.[13] The Kontinental Hockey League announced that it will host KHL (regular season and preseason) games in Brooklyn starting with the 2012-13 season.[14] In April 2012 National Hockey League commissioner Gary Bettman expressed concerns that Islander fans from Queens and Long Island would have a hard time reaching the center.[15]

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Sheesh! Why so aggro zeplives66? What the hell is aggro some type of new shit you guys growin on the west coast? If so i want some! BTW, thanks bcz not only did i enjoy the playoffs immensely this year for the 1st time in a long time i also enjoy at least tryin just to talk about hockey in this thread while tryin to avoid the trashtalkin and absurd statements.. It was like visiting a favorite pastime for me you know like a blast from the past.

First of all, I don't know you well enough to want to bother trying to insult you...insulting anyone was not the reason nor the intent of my post. Never stated you insulted me but i wonder how the Islanders alumni would respond if you made the comment to their face that you werent impressed with their play when in the midst of a dynasty when you hardly saw them play??? In regards to you not tryin to insult nor was it your intent i say BullSHIT. Try again. And remember you get no room for error with all of the nice elaborate posts of your past on these here forums you are a mighty fine writer. Just 1 question, Do you actually go out of your way to insult others when you know them well enough? Please say it aint so Strider! Are you a West Coast snob who has nothing better to do then to stick your nose in the air? Please say it aint so?

In my haste I should have worded it better...I wasn't saying the stats don't matter, they do. Does stating you dont care about figures and all that is whcih how you put it imply just the opposite??? I was merely offering my opinion that, apart from the stats, the Canadiens and the Oilers were the two teams that stood out to me as the best, most memorable hockey teams that I was able to witness.

Obviously, the Islanders were great, too. You don't make 5 Cup finals in a row, winning 4, without being great. It's just that I wasn't able to see them as much, so they aren't imprinted in my mind and memory as much as those other teams. well its about time u showed a little respect not only to the islanders but the game and especially Lord Stanley's Cup!

But it's all a matter of minute degrees anyway , Did he just fucking say minute degrees???? which team is the greatest and all that. trying to compare teams from different eras makes it tougher. I guess you didnt enjoy when Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall barber shop scene discussing the greatest boxer of all time. in Coming to America.

No need to feel so slighted, though. Nah, i dont get slighted and oh yeah 1 more thing before i go New York is 3 hours ahead of California and will always be 3 hours ahead of California!

p.s. My advice to you is keep drinking till the parade is over tomorrow but in the meantime listen to Zappa'a Joe's Garage especially the part "Joe:Guess you only get one chance in lifeTo play a song that goes like...hehe.... i could just hear the twang now. :hysterical:

It was nice talkin to ya'll!!!!

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Man talk about being all over the place. You seem to be the one that is drinking. I never put down the Islanders so my name should not have been mentioned. And did you just tell Strider to go rebuild? And something about losing? The Kings have the Stanley Cup. The Islanders had their days. /They were great. I always had Denny Potvin in my top four of all time defensemen unlike most. But this is nonsense. The Islanders will never win another Cup. They will be out of town first.

Your posts are as lame as you are. I was watching hockey since the sixties. I know the sport inside out fella. Go take your aggression out somewhere else you moron.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Man talk about being all over the place. You seem to be the one that is drinking. I never put down the Islanders so my name should not have been mentioned. And did you just tell Strider to go rebuild? And something about losing? The Kings have the Stanley Cup. The Islanders had their days. /They were great. I always had Denny Potvin in my top four of all time defensemen unlike most. But this is nonsense. The Islanders will never win another Cup. They will be out of town first.

Your posts are as lame as you are. I was watching hockey since the sixties. I know the sport inside out fella. Go take your aggression out somewhere else you moron.

Go cry to your mama and dont forgot to print out your post you made 2 days ago in Legalize Marijuana Thread in which you stated the following:

"Prescription drugs now are better than most of those old street drugs. LSD was a bad drug in my opinion. I was stupid enough to do it a few times back in the day. coke was far safer I would say. But I am quite happy being fucked up on narcs like Oxy and such. I do not care much for morphine, makes you tired. Just like Fentanyl."

And bring it with you to your next stint in the pen, maybe they wil be able to HELP YOU this time!!! LOSER!!!

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Go cry to your mama and dont forgot to print out your post you made 2 days ago in Legalize Marijuana Thread in which you stated the following:

"Prescription drugs now are better than most of those old street drugs. LSD was a bad drug in my opinion. I was stupid enough to do it a few times back in the day. coke was far safer I would say. But I am quite happy being fucked up on narcs like Oxy and such. I do not care much for morphine, makes you tired. Just like Fentanyl."

And bring it with you to your next stint in the pen, maybe they wil be able to HELP YOU this time!!! LOSER!!!


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Come on, be a man and stop sending me PM's saying i suck and im an asshole and tell me here. Trust me I can take it!!! Do i scare you that easily? Do i intimidate you? I thought you were 1 who said you werent going to reply to any more of my posts.way back unless i retaliated. your word not mine.

I do believe this is grounds for being banned and if it isnt it should be.

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Come on, be a man and stop sending me PM's saying i suck and im an asshole and tell me here. Trust me I can take it!!! Do i scare you that easily? Do i intimidate you? I thought you were 1 who said you werent going to reply to any more of my posts.way back unless i retaliated. your word not mine.

I do believe this is grounds for being banned and if it isnt it should be.

You are the one that should be banned for starting all that crap with strider and me. You suck. Dont bother me again you idiiot

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Parade was fun. Been to plenty of other parades in my life...the Lakers and Dodgers and Angels(I missed the Raiders parades as I was out-of-state at the time)...but the first Stanley Cup won by the Kings was something special. Plus, I'll be dead if it takes 45 years to win another, so this was my only chance.

Not posting photos as there's plenty online that are better than my crappy cellphone shots.

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Parade was fun. Been to plenty of other parades in my life...the Lakers and Dodgers and Angels(I missed the Raiders parades as I was out-of-state at the time)...but the first Stanley Cup won by the Kings was something special. Plus, I'll be dead if it takes 45 years to win another, so this was my only chance.

Not posting photos as there's plenty online that are better than my crappy cellphone shots.

Congrats on the cup Strider . One day I hope to be attending one of those parades myself :)

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it was great to see the City of Angels finally celebrate Lord's Stanley Cup. It was great for the fans as well as for Hockey. Im sure it will inspire many kids in the L.A area to pick up a hockey stick like it did here in LI. Before 1981 there were only 2 Native Long Islanders that played in the NHL ever. Since the Islander cup years there have been 14 (6 presently including Rob Scuderi, the Kings player who took the nasty hit in Game 6) native Long Islanders currently playing in the NHL and there are currently approx. 100 active hockey players either in the farms or at the collegiate level that come from Long Island. Even Jonathan Quick comes from Milford Conn. which is a stone's throw from the Island. The only drought when we didnt produce any players was from 1995-2000 after when the rangers bought the cup in 94 and contributed to the Players/NHL lockout where it wasnt the players against the owners as the owners were split as well as the players were split as many felt the integrity of the game was at risk. It was so obvious by what happened in the last 2 minutes of the supposedly "Historic" game 6 in the 1994 Conference Final between the Rangers and the Devils. I am not talking about Messier's prediction or hat trick. I'll refrain from telling you and see if anyone remembers? Just a trivia question that i will explain tomorrow if nobody remembers for anyone who is curious.

I watched some of the coverage of the Kings parade on NHL tonight and Youtube. I was surprised and dissapointed that the rally after the parade was held indoors at the Staples Center and not outside where there was a reported estimated 250,000 "DESERVING" fans. Maybe the self proclaimed degenerate gambling drug addicted Hockey expert fellow forum member was onto something??? I wont mention his name as this upsets him, maybe becaause he is so close to the edge that if a bird chirped his name he would fall over the edge and his world would come tumbling down. I dont mean you Rick, opps sorry ;)

Again, Congrats to the LA Kings!!!! Even though i wasnt impressed with how the Kings organization celebrated the winning of the Cup. Guess i am spoiled living in NY even though i am proud NY Islanders, NY Mets and NY Jets fan and know what fan suffering is all about but do enjoy when the other NY teams win and celebrate except for the NY Rangers the only NY pro sports team i refuse to root for.

p.s - Strider,

Have some confidence in your team, you really have a good solid 'kick ass" team that is going to compete for years to come and has a good chance to repeat! Enjoy!!

p.p.s - I really wished at the rally, Bob Miller (Kings play-by-play announcer) after stating the Kings great accomplishments this year would have given some credit to the PORN actress who successfully distracted the Devils (Judging by their play, weak knees and loss of composure) helped the Kings win their 1st cup. I could just hear Bob say " The 1st NHL team to ever win the cup with the assistance of our homegrown filth and smut from Hollywood the BUTTHOLE city of America". that would have been great dont yo think??? I know i would have been amused if i were a Kings fan! :hysterical:

p.p.p.s - Im just joking as i love L.A but it is my least fav city in California maybe bcz all i can remember while visiting L.A on a beautiful 85 degree Sunny California day when there wasnt a cloud in the sky, my friends and i decided to go to the famous Santa Barbra Pier where i couldnt see 5 feet in front of me bcz of all of the smog. No exageration! Well since you have stated that Jersey blows maybe if LA did the same they wouldnt have a snob opps i mean smog problem. :P

p.p.p.p.s - Rick, before you respond dont forget to take an OXY!!!! I wouldnt want you to hurt yourself!!!! See there buddy, im looking out for you! :watchingyou:

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As this draft was considered such a rich one on defense, my Sabres were able to pluck a Center that was projected to go at the 3rd pick at number 12! This big Russian, Gregorenko, looks like Drago from Rocky IV. He has a chip on his shoulder for being passed over and is eager to prove to those teams they made a mistake. He is expected to start. The other Ruskie could start also but my guess is a stint in Rochester first. I am waiting daily to see if Roy is traded. He is being shopped as him and Lindy are at odds. He would be a great pick up for many teams. He is a darn good player and it would be sad to see Derrick go. But I think he will. Still no movement on Nash, or Thomas, or Arnott or Parise as all of these damn GM's are playing hard ball. Another worry is the union contract. We cannot afford another lockout in the NHL. And a realignment was of necessity. Hell, the schedule is out!!! And Winnipeg still sits in the east? What is up with that?

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Brad Boyes is now an Islander. I think the Islanders got a good sniper in Boyes who has to have a better season there, as he will get more ice time. I wish him luck. So long Brad.

We just picked up a Goon. John Scott. For enforcment.

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Add Jagr to the mix

Dallas is sure making moves. Can you imagine Jagr, Whitney and Roy on the same power play? I always wanted Whitney. You guys got a great player there. With Letinen in the nets you guys are a cinch to make it this year.

SHOCKING NEWS Parise and Suter both sign with Wild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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