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Can somebody, maybe Ally if you are on here pal, explain this all star game and how it works? Team Alfredson and Chara? How did that come about? And it appears East and West do not matter? Nor whether you are european or Canadian or American? I do not get it? Looking at the lineups I like Team Alfredson. Any team that has the Sedin's with no checking involved is deadly.


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Can somebody, maybe Ally if you are on here pal, explain this all star game and how it works? Team Alfredson and Chara? How did that come about? And it appears East and West do not matter? Nor whether you are european or Canadian or American? I do not get it? Looking at the lineups I like Team Alfredson. Any team that has the Sedin's with no checking involved is deadly.

The format changed last year to captains choice, just like playground pickup. I didn't watch last year and I doubt I will this year. It looks like I am not alone.


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The format changed last year to captains choice, just like playground pickup. I didn't watch last year and I doubt I will this year. It looks like I am not alone.


I won't be watching it either. IMO, unless we're talking an Olympic hockey break, any other format is a waste of time. I know these guy's go easy on each other but when one of these allstars get's hit by an errant puck or stick and is lost to his club for an extended period, I think the whole idea of an allstar game will go out the window

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I won't be watching it either. IMO, unless we're talking an Olympic hockey break, any other format is a waste of time. I know these guy's go easy on each other but when one of these allstars get's hit by an errant puck or stick and is lost to his club for an extended period, I think the whole idea of an allstar game will go out the window

Unless they make it count for something like in baseball? Home ice advantage in the finals. But they cannot do that with this format. It would have to go back to East vs West which to me makes far more sense than this nonsense

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Final Charra 12 - Alfredson 9. I should have bet the under 25.

Its almost like they apologize to one an other if they bump into you. Its pure fun. Goaltending was the difference. I thought the Swedes would win it based purely on skill. But I failed to consider the goaltending. Elliot was not good.

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Miller deserved better than a 1-0 shootout loss. Shut them out. No Vanek. When do the injuries stop? Canucks looking great. Anaheim was playing well until that fiasco last night vs Dallas. Dallas can sure find ways to score.

So has anyone seen Rorer here at all? Or has he disappeared from the site for good? Oh Rorer. Where are you? Come on. My team is going through tough times too. Not just your Hurricanes.

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Miller deserved better than a 1-0 shootout loss. Shut them out. No Vanek. When do the injuries stop? Canucks looking great. Anaheim was playing well until that fiasco last night vs Dallas. Dallas can sure find ways to score.

So has anyone seen Rorer here at all? Or has he disappeared from the site for good? Oh Rorer. Where are you? Come on. My team is going through tough times too. Not just your Hurricanes.

Well you should be happy tonight- your Sabres beat my Islanders 4-3 (F/SO)

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Well you should be happy tonight- your Sabres beat my Islanders 4-3 (F/SO)

I watched it. We must get Vanek back and I mean yesterday. We have a tough home game vs Boston and after that we have some very winnable games coming up but the injuries have just been off the charts. Miller is back to being Miller at least. If I were an Islanders fan I would want them to start making some deals Tavares is good. They obviously are far from being a playoff team but they have not had alof of stability in recent years. They have this stadium thing hanging over their heads? Was that ever resolved? I would hate to see them lose their team. I do not care if Phoenix or Florida teams go north as the only true hockey fans are those that have moved to sunny climes. Every time the /Sabres play down South I see more Buffalo fans in the crown than the home team. As for our currrent team, I wonder why Lindy played Stafford tonight? Took him out of the dog house to perhaps hope he has a good night as trade bait? Get his arse out of here and he can take Hecht, and some more dead wood with him. Miller and Ruff are going no where. So they better get that through their thick skulls and shape up or ship out. I have tickets on Stub Hub for next Fridays game vs Dallas (section 300-a gift to the wife-shit seats) and my Penguins tickets that the guy all of a sudden realized he and his brats willl be in Disneyland. He did say he will pay for his ticket if I cant sell them. Gee, just what I wanted. And now my wife knows how much I paid. I am still getting my ass whipped for it.

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No, the new arena for the Islanders was not approved. There was actually a special vote here last August where the county wanted the taxpayers to foot the bill for the new arena and needless to say it was voted down. Other than the obvious reason that nobody wants to pay more taxes in this economy, the county & Islanders owner Charles Wang only presented a vague overview of exactly how much the taxpayers would be paying, and I think that's why it was defeated.

But there's still hope- we still have the Islanders until 2015, and I hope that in that time some sort of new deal can be worked out, maybe by using a corporate sponsor to pay for the new arena. Wang himself is a multi-millionaire, so if he is really committed to keeping the Islanders here on Long Island- let him put his money where his mouth is.

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No, the new arena for the Islanders was not approved. There was actually a special vote here last August where the county wanted the taxpayers to foot the bill for the new arena and needless to say it was voted down. Other than the obvious reason that nobody wants to pay more taxes in this economy, the county & Islanders owner Charles Wang only presented a vague overview of exactly how much the taxpayers would be paying, and I think that's why it was defeated.

But there's still hope- we still have the Islanders until 2015, and I hope that in that time some sort of new deal can be worked out, maybe by using a corporate sponsor to pay for the new arena. Wang himself is a multi-millionaire, so if he is really committed to keeping the Islanders here on Long Island- let him put his money where his mouth is.

I would tend to think the Islanders are pretty safe for now. But if they do not progress to some degree, or make the playoffs by 2015, it could be a worry. Right now It is looking like Seattle is going to get a franchise. They are building an arena. So Bettman probably knows more than he is telling, the prick that he is. So Seattle would make sense. Coulnt they also draw from Portland? I am not from the area so I do not know how much of a drive it is from Seattle to Portland? Phoenix is probably doomed for sure. So maybe they go there? I do not think Dallas is very safe with the horrid crowds they draw? The Devils are another team with fair weather fans. Do not show up even when they are winning. You look at Toronto. they fill the place and you cant get a ticket if your life depended on it, and they have not made the playoffs in a long time The drought will end this year as I predicted before the season. I am hoping my team puts in a big run and runs down Ottawa or Washington or Florida. Its doable. And we did it last year. I am hoping we can do it again.

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Seattle wouldn't need to draw fans from Portland. As a matter of fact, I think both cities should and could have their own franchises.

It may indeed happen but Seattle appears to be getting a team first. I know Kansas City has wanted a team for some time also. But Quebec City will also be pounding at Bettmans door.

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It may indeed happen but Seattle appears to be getting a team first. I know Kansas City has wanted a team for some time also. But Quebec City will also be pounding at Bettmans door.

Providing they both get their arena's, Seattle and Quebec seem the most logical choices . Great fan bases in both cities .

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Sabres rip Boston 6-0. Now Vanek will return Friday and we will finally be healthy. Miller is playing like miller and the Sabres are back on track. Have much work ahead but Florida, and Ottawa are folding. I think we can do it.

Great win ! Thinking maybe Patrick may have been a motivating factor for a very good hockey team that has underachieved all season. Penny for your thoughts

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