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Oh I don't know...it's kind of nice to get out of the hot June sun and into a cool arena for a few hours.

Regarding which team I want the Kings to face: at the risk of invoking the "Be careful what you wish for" curse, there's no question I would rather see the Rangers advance.

And the reason I don't want the Kings to have to play New Jersey in the Cup Finals boils down to two words: Martin Brodeur!

I have seen some great goalies in my lifetime...Ken Dryden, Rogie Vachon, Patrick Roy, Dominik Hasek. Well, you can add Martin Brodeur to that list...in fact, before he's done he might supplant Roy as my #1.

I remember what happened the first and last time the Kings made the Stanley Cup Finals...they ran into an impenetrable wall by the name of Roy. I don't want the same fate to happen again. I don't care if the experts say the Rangers are better than the Devils or if they think the Devils would be a more advantageous matchup for the Kings. I DON'T WANT TO SEE MARTIN BRODEUR MANNING OUR OPPONENT'S NET!!!

No way no how! Did you SEE that ridiculously sick kick save he made the other day?!?

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Marty's definitely one of the all time greats and quite possibly the greatest so Strider, I completely understand your concerns ! Having said that, KIng Henrik is playing lights out too. Still, neither of them are playing any better than Quick . TBH, I think it's the Rangers/Devils who need to be worried

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How can Broduer in all sincerity start answering retirement questions until this series is over? We all know he is coming back. He came back after disastrous seasons, so why would be walk after a finals appearance regarless of how it turns out? This series is a tough one to really get a handle on. In theory every game should be 0-0 or 1-1 and go to OT or double OT. Great goalies. Defensive minded teams. Which team will gamble more? In the past I would have said the Kings no brainer. But not now with these Devils with Kovalchuk. I think the Kings are slightly deeper. Broduer must be given the slight edge over a very hot Quick. But when its all said and done, I say it goes six or seven and the Kings, the good guys, finally get it done. There really are good guys and bad guys in this damn league. Examples

Good guys: Kings, Blues , Sabres, Canucks, Leafs, Red Wings,

Bad Guys: Flyers, Bruins, Ducks, Rangers, Canadiens,

Do you get it? :nhl_checking:

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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I just want the Kings no matter how many games it takes...4, 6, 7, whatever. I'm thinking it will go at least 6 games, though.

The Kings start the series on the road so it will be interesting to see if their road magic continues or if the long layoff affected them. Kings fever hasn't really swept the town yet. Unlike the sea of Lakers flags flying from cars during the playoffs, I have only spotted a few Kings flags attached to cars.

Hockey fans in Los Angeles are like Henry the V's "we few, we happy few" band of brothers before the Battle of Agincourt. Smaller in number than the other LA teams like the Dodgers and Lakers, but hardier, more intense and fanatical. A Kings crowd is louder than a Lakers crowd. Everyone is there to support the team and not ogle celebrities in the crowd.

I would advise the Kings to give the NHL Rulebook a once-over, paying particular attention to this part of Rule 10.1:

The blade of the stick shall not be more than three inches (3") in width at any point between the heel and ½” in from the mid-point of the tip of the blade, nor less than two inches (2"). All edges of the blade shall be beveled (see 9.6). The curvature of the blade of the stick shall be restricted in such a way that the distance of a perpendicular line measured from a straight line drawn from any point at the heel to the end of the blade to the point of maximum curvature shall not exceed three-quarters of an inch(3/4").

Marty McSorley gave his side of the story the other day: http://kings.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=632932


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I just want the Kings no matter how many games it takes...4, 6, 7, whatever. I'm thinking it will go at least 6 games, though.


If they play like they have been, I seriously think the Kings could sweep this series

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WOW! What an Overtime thriller.

This is unreal...or maybe surreal. I know one thing...THIS is not the Kings team of the regular season; the Kings team that only barely made it into the playoffs. A team that fired its coach, had an interim coach before hiring Darryl Sutter for the rest of the season.

Has any team that had THREE head coaches in one season made it to a Stanley Cup Final, let alone won the Cup?

Kings are up 1-0 and where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, 19 years ago in Montreal when the Kings of Barry Melrose and Wayne Gretzky won game 1. So I am not feeling cocky by any means. I know how quickly momentum can shift.

Still, there does seem to be an air of destiny around this Kings squad. Which is all the more reason for me to savour every moment...who knows if I'll ever get another chance? I was 30 when the Kings made their first Stanley Cup; I'm nearly 50 for their second...I'll probably be dead before they come back a third time.

So this is it. The best chance I have of seeing the Cup brought to L.A.

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WOW! What an Overtime thriller.

This is unreal...or maybe surreal. I know one thing...THIS is not the Kings team of the regular season; the Kings team that only barely made it into the playoffs. A team that fired its coach, had an interim coach before hiring Darryl Sutter for the rest of the season.

Has any team that had THREE head coaches in one season made it to a Stanley Cup Final, let alone won the Cup?

Kings are up 1-0 and where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, 19 years ago in Montreal when the Kings of Barry Melrose and Wayne Gretzky won game 1. So I am not feeling cocky by any means. I know how quickly momentum can shift.

Still, there does seem to be an air of destiny around this Kings squad. Which is all the more reason for me to savour every moment...who knows if I'll ever get another chance? I was 30 when the Kings made their first Stanley Cup; I'm nearly 50 for their second...I'll probably be dead before they come back a third time.

So this is it. The best chance I have of seeing the Cup brought to L.A.

I am sure hoping they can get it done and I know they can. But I also know how dangerous the Devils are. They were down in both of their last two series vs Rangers and Flyers so do not think a 1-0 deficit will scare them off. They will fight to the end. I believe this Kings team is better. They are not a dynasty team. No such thing any more. This is there shot. We all know they will not get back to the finals two years in a row. It just does not happen in this league of parity. Many more talented teams than these sit at home. I hope the Kings wiin it. Big time

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It would be nice if they could finish the Cup Finals BEFORE the start of the next season!!!

WHY THE FUCK do we gotta wait so long for game 2?!? It's in NEW JERSEY for crying-out-loud...I'm sure they've seen all the sights there is to see in that dump. Maybe the Devils figure 4 days in the "armpit of the nation" will sap the Kings' will and strength.

Typical NBC scheduling bullshit...they did the same thing when they had the NBA.

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It would be nice if they could finish the Cup Finals BEFORE the start of the next season!!!

WHY THE FUCK do we gotta wait so long for game 2?!? It's in NEW JERSEY for crying-out-loud...I'm sure they've seen all the sights there is to see in that dump. Maybe the Devils figure 4 days in the "armpit of the nation" will sap the Kings' will and strength.

Typical NBC scheduling bullshit...they did the same thing when they had the NBA.

:blink: Bro,you haven't figured this out? :P

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:blink: Bro,you haven't figured this out? :P

Just because you figure it out doesn't mean you still don't get irked when it happens. It's Friday...play the damn game already. It's not like last-place NBC has any tv shows worth watching on Friday nights.

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The Kings overtime magic continues! And Quick continues his stellar play in the crease!

Before this series the Kings had won a total of ONE Stanley Cup Final game in their 45 year history. They have now doubled that total.

Up 2 games to zero with the next two at home. Am I dreaming? If so, I don't want to wake up.

A sweep is still too unimaginable to me. But I'm looking into getting tix for game 4.

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The Kings overtime magic continues! And Quick continues his stellar play in the crease!

Before this series the Kings had won a total of ONE Stanley Cup Final game in their 45 year history. They have now doubled that total.

Up 2 games to zero with the next two at home. Am I dreaming? If so, I don't want to wake up.

A sweep is still too unimaginable to me. But I'm looking into getting tix for game 4.

I am so happy for the Kings and am very confident they will get the job done. Personally, and I have stated this well before this years playoffs, I do not think home ice is any advantage in hockey an at times can even be a disadvantage as it can distract teams and make them lazy. It can also make them more prone to trying to be fancy or cute out there, trying to make fancy plays to entertain the home crowd. I am quite sure that will not happen against a Devils team with a reputation for being able to battle back and be very physical. The Devils will not quit and the Kings know it. And they will not be a nervous team either. They are a battle tested veteran team and can be any teams worst nightmare. Ask the Flyers and the Rangers. I know most of these guys on the Kings team do not know a thing about what happened in 1993 or care less. Us old fans that are fanatics remember like it was yesterday Just like my Sabres in 1975 were robbed by a hot goalie and were the better team, the Kings were the better team with Gretsky and were stoned by Patrick Roy. It sucks when you know you are the better team and get whacked. But this time the Kings have their answer to the hall of famer on the other side. All due respect to Marty as a player and a person,( how can anyone dislike Marty Broduer?), but Quick is on fire and can ice the Devils and send them to hell in a handbasket. I admire the Devils coach and all he has done this year. And I commend them for ridding us of the Flyers and Rangers who both have terrible and classless fans. But I am with the Kings all the way baby. I will be so happy for them if they get it done. After that, i want the Sabres, Blues and Canucks to have their day. And I believe they all will soon. Of the three I just mentioned I believe one of them will be the winner next year. Go Kings!!!!!

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Wow did this game start early on the West coast. What do they do let everyone out of work early that has a ticket? Not to mention the LA freeway.

Anyone spot any stars at the game do post please Like Jack Nicholson? Big Lakers fan with no Lakers.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Wow did this game start early on the West coast. What do they do let everyone out of work early that has a ticket? Not to mention the LA freeway.

Anyone spot any stars at the game do post please Like Jack Nicholson? Big Lakers fan with no Lakers.

No I have never seen Jack Nicholson at a Kings game...so I don't want to see him show up now, like some bandwagon-jumper.

The stars that are truly hockey fans and that have been going to Kings games for quite some time, and not just during this playoff run, are people like Matthew Perry(from "Friends"), Tom Hanks, Sly Stallone, David Beckham, Alyssa Milano, and the South Park guys. In fact, you don't see it on the tv broadcasts unfortunately, but the South Park dudes make special in-house South Park videos to show on the video screens during the game breaks. They're hilarious.

Kobe Bryant has been showing up at games, especially now that his Lakers have been eliminated.

But who needs celebs at the game anyway...it's better to have 18,000 die-hard hockey fans screaming their lungs out. Besides, who needs Jack when you have Hockey Royalty Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier sitting side-by-side in the arena. Now that's STAR POWER!

I'm still tingling from tonight's win...what utter domination they displayed tonight. I literally can't think straight, so I will wait until morning to post more about the game and my feelings as I witness history in the making.

Plus, I have to decide if I want to spend $300 or more for a ticket to game 4.

Edited by Strider
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