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Who didn't deserve to go?

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My mate didn't deserve to go.

I got the tickets and asked him if he wanted to go. Good seats third block, just in front of the FooFighters and to the right of Steward Copeland.

And do you know he didn't offer to pay me £7500 or whatever the going rate was.

He didn't offer to let me sleep with his wife or borrow his car for 3 years. He didn't give me his house or lend me his credit card.

What a lousy mate.

But we enjoyed it!

He has, to redeem himself bought me a ticket to see Robert and Alison Krauss - sodoes that make us quits? Maybe!

Anyway what are friends for?

Edited by laststand
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^ I would have given you my first born!!!I'd honestly give anything.

OK Knebby,i take the Kate Moss thing back,a little.She's a real Rock And Roll groupie,but there are more people who love them and being Pete Dogherty's girlfriend you might assume she likes different music though.Marilyn Manson for example,who got him in?I think Jimmy Page might have given him the ticket,maybe?

But i stand firm,Paris Hilton should never have gone!!!

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Everyone who got in, to that show was lucky in one way or another. From the recording i have heard, there were folks yelling for -rock and roll right at the start of the show... and someone later on in the show, responding that the next song was gonna be -stairway. Maybe some poser attitudes going there, but hey....no big deal.

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A guy that I met at this forum , and later at the hotel that I was staying in put it this way:

We were all parts of a big cozmic puzzle coming together to see the greatest show on earth.

With or without Paris Hilton, the show WAS amazing.

Why all the attention for one talentless girl who got lucky?

And maybe she has some talents after all,

during the soundcheck Plant said something bout the girls that would come visit him during the drum solo, like back in '73 :D

(the actual drum solo that evening, Dec 9th took 3 minutes, played by Jason's son......)

And I think everyone her at this forum deserved to be there.....including YOU and YOU and YOU with the red sneekers that may smell terribly but anyway....

Edited by reswati
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I'm just saying that the people there should appreciate it,i don't think Paris is someone like that.Everyone on the forum deserved to go,most didn't,but Paris has no real interest in it,the little kids who are "posers" that got in deserved to get in to open their minds up,Paris probably didn't know who Zepp were 'till the reunion and unlike the little poser kids she was old enough to have heard of Zepp before,i don't think the band invited her,i don't think she signed up for them,i think a fan of hers got tickets and gave them to her because they knew she would like the cameras.I can picture her sitting in the seat that i or any number of people who always wanted to or from then on will cherish their great awakening who didn't go waiting for them to play god knows what she expected.

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I'm just saying that the people there should appreciate it,i don't think Paris is someone like that.Everyone on the forum deserved to go,most didn't,but Paris has no real interest in it,the little kids who are "posers" that got in deserved to get in to open their minds up,Paris probably didn't know who Zepp were 'till the reunion and unlike the little poser kids she was old enough to have heard of Zepp before,i don't think the band invited her,i don't think she signed up for them,i think a fan of hers got tickets and gave them to her because they knew she would like the cameras.I can picture her sitting in the seat that i or any number of people who always wanted to or from then on will cherish their great awakening who didn't go waiting for them to play god knows what she expected.

Do you know Paris? I don't and I have no idea what her reaction is. She might not have commented on it but that's not to say she didn't have a great time and isn't a Zep fan. It's really a bit judgemental to make such statements without having first hand knowledge. And it's not like they made a huge deal she was there either.

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Do you know Paris? I don't and I have no idea what her reaction is. She might not have commented on it but that's not to say she didn't have a great time and isn't a Zep fan. It's really a bit judgemental to make such statements without having first hand knowledge. And it's not like they made a huge deal she was there either.

She talks incesantly about everything she cares about and she's never said anything about Led Zeppelin in any interview,i only hoppe that seeing them play has converted her,that would be something.

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I think what's trying to be said about these famous people, especially Paris, is whether they're fans or not, what are the chances they received their tickets through the lottery, like the real fans did? there's no way in hell all those famous people just happened to win their tickets like all of the Joe Schmoe fans that were there. what's not fair is that these famous people get treated better than we do, what have they done to deserve it? if they're good friends of the band or with Ahmet, then fine, they should be able to go, and I'm sure a donation was made on their behalf. but come on, Paris a friend of Page, Plant, Jones, Bonham, Ahmet??? no way. she was there because she 1) had a friend who somehow got a ticket 2) talked her way in, or 3) had enough cash to get a ticket without entering the lottery. Paris didn't deserve to be there, not because she's probably not a fan, but because she more than likely skirted the lottery system and took a seat away from a fan who played the lottery, followed the rules, and would have cherished the event forever. maybe you think famous people deserve special treatment, but in the case of a one time event that's open to the public, they most certainly do not.

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Nah there's clearly personal agendas here. For some reason Paris seems to deserve her ticket less than anyone else. It doesn't seem to be about whether she "deserved" her ticket or not so much as she isn't liked.

Oh and ALL tickets were paid for except for 20 each that the band were given. ALL guests tickets were paid for along the line. The members of Zeppelin allowed some of these tickets to go to celebs through various sources. That's the way it is.

I'm willing to bet that many of those who won the lottery tickets, bought them and attended the show were not big fans either.

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Thanks Melanie 72, you are right! I felt extremely lucky. Most everyone around me at the show seemed to feel like me. Knebby is right. Lottery, ebay, celebrity donation to Ahmet's fund... however you look at it- the tickets were all paid for except for 20. And all for a great cause. It sucks for everyone who couldn't go for whatever reason. But meanwhile- some of our favorite people got together and put on a HELL of a good rock concert. Every fan is lucky for that. Tour or not. Those guys played as "Led Zeppelin" Lets pray for a DVD and take whatever else we get.

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A guy that I met at this forum , and later at the hotel that I was staying in put it this way:

We were all parts of a big cozmic puzzle coming together to see the greatest show on earth.

With or without Paris Hilton, the show WAS amazing.

Why all the attention for one talentless girl who got lucky?

And maybe she has some talents after all,

during the soundcheck Plant said something bout the girls that would come visit him during the drum solo, like back in '73 :D

(the actual drum solo that evening, Dec 9th took 3 minutes, played by Jason's son......)

And I think everyone her at this forum deserved to be there.....including YOU and YOU and YOU with the red sneekers that may smell terribly but anyway....

Tis all the time Robert needs these days...................... :P

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If Paris made a massive charity donation than OK,but there is no way that all those celebs randomly got tickets through a fair lottery!I hope that they either 1)Made a MASSIVE charity donation (Not really a donation though if they only did it for tickets though,still,money for charity is good) 2)Are friends of Ahmet or the band 3)GENUINELY got lucky 4)Had a friend who GENUINELY got lucky.

But if you tipped the scale of fairness of the lottery with money and took the seat of anyone,even a poser fan,then it was unjust,i don't support those that got it on ebay that much but i'll except that as the way the world works.

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