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That's understandable Gainsbarre but most antidepressants aren't designed to take away feeling anything. They balance things out so the lows aren't so low. You'll still be sad and happy and angry and any other emotion. It will just make coping with them less difficult. And if you do have that reaction, talk to your doctor and have them switch to something that will work better. There's a huge amount of choice nowadays.

Really? Have they made a difference in your life? I've always been way too reluctant to take them, preferring just to battle on with it

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Really? Have they made a difference in your life? I've always been way too reluctant to take them, preferring just to battle on with it

I don't have personal experience with it but I do have some close mates who have so I'm relaying what they've shared with me. I think everyone deals with depression differently and if you can cope with it without meds, that's great but I think if you (not you specifically) can't, there's no shame in taking them in order to have a happier life.

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Really? Have they made a difference in your life? I've always been way too reluctant to take them, preferring just to battle on with it

They can make a difference... but you may not need them. Finding out is the important thing

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When i suffer i get it bad,real bad.But ReR is right,don't bring others down,keep getting on with life,keep active etc... But if you still don't feel better as you say Rich,talk to someone.I never knew real depression until my Granddad was diagnosed with prostate cancer,that basically crushed my soul,i didn't know what to do,he was alright at first,then he got a stomach pain,he coped with it well,but it turned out it was the cancer and then he was put on these damn meds that almost killed him,he got a little better over time,but he couldn't walk and needed a wheelchair,he had trouble walking and a long walk became 400 steps,it broke my heart to see him like that,i get depressed a bit,but i just keep going,my release comes through the guitar and piano,when my granddad got cancer,i wrote my first song,i use my emotions to compose,it cheers me up to play,other people use other methods,thats what does it for me though.

Yeah. I have it horribly, as I have already mentioned. But no one would ever know. Some people make a habit of telling everyone what is wrong with them, and they end up being the focus...possibly scrounging for sympathy. But I don't complain much to people because I don't want to spoil their mood, but at the same time I don't bottle it up because something terrible could happen. I talk to my parents and my brother. They are such great supports in my life. I also, like The Bomber, deal with stuff by writing and performing music. It is a release. It is good to find a release.

Rock on guys. :thumbsup:

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Yeah. I have it horribly, as I have already mentioned. But no one would ever know. Some people make a habit of telling everyone what is wrong with them, and they end up being the focus...possibly scrounging for sympathy. But I don't complain much to people because I don't want to spoil their mood, but at the same time I don't bottle it up because something terrible could happen. I talk to my parents and my brother. They are such great supports in my life. I also, like The Bomber, deal with stuff by writing and performing music. It is a release. It is good to find a release.

Rock on guys. :thumbsup:

It's good that you talk to your family. It's important for you and for them. I know that when my kids hurt,... I hurt. BTW your not spoiling anyones mood here :)

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It's good that you talk to your family. It's important for you and for them. I know that when my kids hurt,... I hurt. BTW your not spoiling anyones mood here :)

Yeah, my dad will often just put his arm around me and give me a hug. He suffers from depression really really badly so he understands exactly what I am going through. He doesn't try to get me to tell him what is wrong by asking questions like "do you want to talk about it", he just understands that I get depressed a lot, like he does. He sometimes asks questions like that, but he knows when the right time to ask such questions arises. Often however, he just leaves me to talk to him when I feel I can. He is such a great guy. My mother supports me loads too, but she doesn't understand the illness as well as my dad.

And I am glad I am not spoiling anyone's moods on here. :D Thanks for your words.

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Yeah, my dad will often just put his arm around me and give me a hug. He suffers from depression really really badly so he understands exactly what I am going through. He doesn't try to get me to tell him what is wrong by asking questions like "do you want to talk about it", he just understands that I get depressed a lot, like he does. He sometimes asks questions like that, but he knows when the right time to ask such questions arises. Often however, he just leaves me to talk to him when I feel I can. He is such a great guy. My mother supports me loads too, but she doesn't understand the illness as well as my dad.

And I am glad I am not spoiling anyone's moods on here. :D Thanks for your words.

I come by the problem honestly as well. My Father tried to deal with it like so many, with alcohol. I alway's new there was a deeper rooted problem for his drinking ,and as I got older I started to become aware of what that problem was. Like you and your father, we didn't feel the need to talk about it either. It wasn't untill years later that my wife confronted me about my mood swings etc. and I'll be gratefull to her till the day I die for doing so, that I took action. That was a number of years ago. My life has changed so much for the better since then and I vowed to myself that if any of my kids found themselves in a similar position that I would ... involve myself. My Dad passed away in 1992 and I wish to this day that we had talked and acted on this problem

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Seems like this topic has settled down. I had a rough afternoon. Things are better now.

Mr Tull,well the good folks here,we helped Ev,maybe we can help you. What's the grief? :)

"Spill it Louie,what's on your mind."

KB (that will be 5 cents)

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I was kinda hoping other depressed bastards would comiserate with me! :lol:

Hey if you're still feeling this way, we can definitely chat. I'll bring it to your attention elsewhere if you don't see this post. I have the most insane slumps, but I try to concur them...but every time that I think I do, i get hit hard by something bigger and worse. Drinking ,medication, drugs, overall "abuse" doesn't help at all...of course. Hope you feel better though Ev, if not we shall have "the talk" :D

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Psychiatry is nothing but a scam.

Nowadays, everyone runs to the doctor and gets put on pills, thinking this is going to help them. They remain pilled out, while the quality of their life remains the same or worse.

Life is made to be full of challenges. Life is supposed to be miserable at times. There is a balance to it all.

Stop running from your problems.

All these drugs make it worse, and besides, none of them are proven to work or do anything. I know so many people that are either far more messed because they are taking these drugs, or who have remained the same. Or, eventually things get better and they credit the drugs, but they should really be crediting time.

Suck it up, and drive on. If want to medicate yourself to forget about your horrible life, and you know you are not capable of changing it, then I guess it is ok to be medicated. If you comes to terms with that, and I totally understand.

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Psychiatry is nothing but a scam.

Nowadays, everyone runs to the doctor and gets put on pills, thinking this is going to help them. They remain pilled out, while the quality of their life remains the same or worse.

Life is made to be full of challenges. Life is supposed to be miserable at times. There is a balance to it all.

Stop running from your problems.

All these drugs make it worse, and besides, none of them are proven to work or do anything. I know so many people that are either far more messed because they are taking these drugs, or who have remained the same. Or, eventually things get better and they credit the drugs, but they should really be crediting time.

Suck it up, and drive on. If want to medicate yourself to forget about your horrible life, and you know you are not capable of changing it, then I guess it is ok to be medicated. If you comes to terms with that, and I totally understand.

Actually, I doubt that you do understand. Most of the folks I've known who eventually got on meds for depression did so after trying other methods, including "sucking it up". The meds that they (and I) take don't help us "forget" about our horrible lives. They do help the chemical imbalance which can then enable them to work on those problems.

I agree that folks shouldn't run to the doc and expect a pill to make everything all peachy keen. I agree that not everybody needs them, and as others have said, sometimes it's a matter of trial and error to find the right drug and dosage for an individual. Some folks can get worse on them... my ex had been on one that worked for awhile, then they changed it, and that worked for awhile. When they tried a third one, it really had negative effects. He had to quit those and go back to one of the others.Once they got him changed to something else, he did much better. They aren't trivial drugs and the decision to start on them shouldn't be taken lightly... but just as a few people are negatively affected by them, but for some people, they are lifesavers... literally.

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Sorry folks. Those medications are a bunch of BS.

I understand if you totally disagree with me.

Exercise and a good diet will fix a lot. If you can't bring yourself to exercise and eat good, I can understand that. It's not easy.

These medications aren't really understood. No one can fully explain how they "work", and there isn't really any great evidence to show they do.

I suggest some more natural things. Try SAM-E or maybe Saint John's Wort.

This is a really complicated subject. There are a million reasons for feeling depressed. Some people are trapped in situations where there only option might be some fake feel better pills. Ok, I get that.

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This "psychiatry is crap" spiel sounds a lot like Scientology's screed.

It does I guess. I am not a Scientologist, but what exactly is wrong with Scientology then? Because you obviously must be quite knowledgable about it.

Afterall, you seem to be so openminded and liberal, you of course wouldn't go ahead and judge a group without knowing quite a bit about them. Unless of course you are spewing some rehashed Tom Cruise media garbage.

Psychiatry is A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT. No psychiatrist can look at an MRI of a human brain and say, "Yes! I have located the problem. There it is, I see it exactly. here is how we'll fix it......".

It is a bunch of BULLSHIT. Nothing but a guessing game. It is a random mess.

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I never said I knew anything about Scientology more than the fact they dislike psychiatry. That's why I said that's what it reminded me of. I didn't say anything about Scientologists or Scientology past that statement.

Yeah, obviously, but you aren't fooling anyone with the undertones that came through your statement.

Don't be hypocritical.

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So you think you can read my mind? I disagree with their stance on psychiatry, although I do agree with them when they say that too many kids are prescribed drugs like Ritalin when they don't need it. I think it's good for some kids and overprescribed for others.

But since you claim to be clairvoyant, why don't you tell me what I'm thinking.

Go on......I'll wait.

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It's been depressing seeing all my friends from here leaving and going else where. :( Then being exculded from some of the things they are up to.

I know what you mean, I feel 'excluded' from a lot of things that I would be a lot happier being included in, but can't join in. I'm stuck at home a lot of the time and not being able to go out is depressing.

I like your signature picture, where did you get that?

It looks very much like the 'Tor', in Somerset!

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