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Thanks Evster. Yes, I too was laid off due to economic conditions. Fortunately, I received several months severance and had some money hidden from the wife so things are ok for the next couple of months. The $450 a week for unemployment is kind of a joke for anyone living in this area, it is really pathetic. The time off has giving me an opportunity to tidy up my boot collection and catch up on years of lost sleep. It's nice to see you back, things have definitely changed.

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Hi my friend, yeah, we have a little cushion. Way I see it, our savings will get us through the summer. Through August at least, so the high speed shakes haven't settled in just yet.

Just gotta have faith brother! B)

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Thanks Evster. Yes, I too was laid off due to economic conditions. Fortunately, I received several months severance and had some money hidden from the wife so things are ok for the next couple of months. The $450 a week for unemployment is kind of a joke for anyone living in this area, it is really pathetic. The time off has giving me an opportunity to tidy up my boot collection and catch up on years of lost sleep. It's nice to see you back, things have definitely changed.
My ex husband was laid off not to long ago because of diabetis. He drove for the local Transit for over twenty years and then because he became dependent on Insulin he lost his passenger endorsment. So no more job. That's shitty if you ask me. Any lay off is. Edited by jimmy&mekissinginatree
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^I am sorry to hear that. Good luck to him in his job search.

And good luck to you as well. Tough times at the moment. Anyone who's been there can certainly relate. Hope your not getting to down about it. I was alway's pretty hard on myself whenever I got hit with a layoff It's not alway's in our control

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks Evster. Yes, I too was laid off due to economic conditions. Fortunately, I received several months severance and had some money hidden from the wife so things are ok for the next couple of months. The $450 a week for unemployment is kind of a joke for anyone living in this area, it is really pathetic. The time off has giving me an opportunity to tidy up my boot collection and catch up on years of lost sleep. It's nice to see you back, things have definitely changed.

Very best wishes to you in your search. We've been there too; my husband went through a layoff a couple of years ago. I hope you will find an even better situation than you had before!

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My parents are alcoholics. they are literaly sober for maybe 5 hours a day (not counting weekends).

When I come home from school, I sit in my room and cry. I just bawl for hours about how much I hate my life. Most of the time There is a sad song on, but lately I have just started to cry for no apperant reason in the silence. sometimes I think about suicide, but most of the time I feel like I deserve to be miserable. I dont know what is wrong with me. When I am at school I am happy and fun, but as soon as i get home I can not stand myself/life/others/anything. I feel so numb.

I would like to go to therapy because I dont like feeling this way. Everytime I bring it up, my parent get all nervous and say, "Come on...you dont really need therapy do you? This is just a girl/teenager/hormone/ thing, right?" and then dismiss it. I have stopped asking.

I want to confront them about their drinking, but they are *always* at the bar or in the garage so that leaves me to do what I want. When they are gone I pretend i live alone and just get stoned and do what I want. I have dreams that scare me.

Some people say the school counselers would help, but I have some serious issues and I am 100% sure that the school can inform your family if a serious problem occurs.

My friend have not been able to help or even say anything to me. I am not your average teenager though... I rapidly matured and grew up when I was aroung 9 or 10, and now I think about everything with way to much depth. I think there is something wrong with me. More often than not, I just repress my bad feelings which i know is bad but it does help for a while.

I dont want anyone to know because im scared of how serious this may be.

I just need some advice from nice people that dont know me.

Thanks guys.

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My parents are alcoholics. they are literaly sober for maybe 5 hours a day (not counting weekends).

When I come home from school, I sit in my room and cry. I just bawl for hours about how much I hate my life. Most of the time There is a sad song on, but lately I have just started to cry for no apperant reason in the silence. sometimes I think about suicide, but most of the time I feel like I deserve to be miserable. I dont know what is wrong with me. When I am at school I am happy and fun, but as soon as i get home I can not stand myself/life/others/anything. I feel so numb.

I would like to go to therapy because I dont like feeling this way. Everytime I bring it up, my parent get all nervous and say, "Come on...you dont really need therapy do you? This is just a girl/teenager/hormone/ thing, right?" and then dismiss it. I have stopped asking.

I want to confront them about their drinking, but they are *always* at the bar or in the garage so that leaves me to do what I want. When they are gone I pretend i live alone and just get stoned and do what I want. I have dreams that scare me.

Some people say the school counselers would help, but I have some serious issues and I am 100% sure that the school can inform your family if a serious problem occurs.

My friend have not been able to help or even say anything to me. I am not your average teenager though... I rapidly matured and grew up when I was aroung 9 or 10, and now I think about everything with way to much depth. I think there is something wrong with me. More often than not, I just repress my bad feelings which i know is bad but it does help for a while.

I dont want anyone to know because im scared of how serious this may be.

I just need some advice from nice people that dont know me.

Thanks guys.

There are groups you can join for people who are related to alcoholics. I think it's call Alanon or something like that. Is there anyone else you can live with? No good can come from Living with people that have that problem.

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8PlantLady, Reading that nearly brought me to tears.

I'm so sorry you feel so alone like that. I would try to find another place to live while you finish school. "Toxic" parents have little to offer you while in the midst of their addiction. You need a stable adult you can go to, talk to. The counselors are familiar with these things, don't worry, they have access to programs that can help you. And you are NOT alone, many kids suffer in silence. Never feel ashamed, because it is not your fault. THEY are choosing their lifestyle over you. And I'm sure they love you deeply, but they can't control the addiction. So IMHO you should seek help. That's an awful way to spend your school years.


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My parents are alcoholics. they are literaly sober for maybe 5 hours a day (not counting weekends).

When I come home from school, I sit in my room and cry. I just bawl for hours about how much I hate my life. Most of the time There is a sad song on, but lately I have just started to cry for no apperant reason in the silence. sometimes I think about suicide, but most of the time I feel like I deserve to be miserable. I dont know what is wrong with me. When I am at school I am happy and fun, but as soon as i get home I can not stand myself/life/others/anything. I feel so numb.

I would like to go to therapy because I dont like feeling this way. Everytime I bring it up, my parent get all nervous and say, "Come on...you dont really need therapy do you? This is just a girl/teenager/hormone/ thing, right?" and then dismiss it. I have stopped asking.

I want to confront them about their drinking, but they are *always* at the bar or in the garage so that leaves me to do what I want. When they are gone I pretend i live alone and just get stoned and do what I want. I have dreams that scare me.

Some people say the school counselers would help, but I have some serious issues and I am 100% sure that the school can inform your family if a serious problem occurs.

My friend have not been able to help or even say anything to me. I am not your average teenager though... I rapidly matured and grew up when I was aroung 9 or 10, and now I think about everything with way to much depth. I think there is something wrong with me. More often than not, I just repress my bad feelings which i know is bad but it does help for a while.

I dont want anyone to know because im scared of how serious this may be.

I just need some advice from nice people that dont know me.

Thanks guys.

Hi friend, I am 45 years old, and when I read your post I started crying becouse I still feel like you. It does not matter how old I get, I still feel the same pain I felt as I was growing up. My parents were alcoholics, and smoked dope, on a daily basis, in fact right in front of me. Like when you sit in front of the t.v. as a family, my father would have a pot pipe, and my mother would be chugging beers, or visa versa. From the time I can remember thats how I grew up. Anyway the bottom line is I can totally relate to you. Even my brother who was onely 2 years older than me, use to smoke dope with them. Well I decided at an early age that I did not want to live like them, so I got married, had a bunch of of kids, and never, ever had drugs or alcohol as part of mine or my childrens lives. I am not going to to say it has been easy, my brother was killed by a driver that was on drugs, he was coming out of a bar, and run over by her. Me and my little sister, suffer from depression, from how we were raised. So the onley thing you can do is make better choices than your parents did, and try to make a better future for yourself. Also there are meetings called, adult childeren of alcoholics. They helped me, and made me feel I was not alone. Please know you are not alone, and you can talk to me anytime.
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This winter for me has been trying. It started out pretty well, - I made a big change and quit the job I had had for some years and started post grad studies. It was exciting, and I felt great. But after a few weeks some unexpected things came up. I have a wonderful kid who is 16, but he is also very difficult (has been diagnosed with both ADD and Asperger's Syndrome). Things came to a head, as you might say, and there literally wasn't a moment's peace in my home for weeks. It's hard to explain such a situation succinctly, and I won't try.

Well, on top of that both my parents were seriously ill. First mom, who was diagnosed with cancer that could have been fatal; fortunately the treatment has been very successful. Then my father was hospitalized for several weeks. He suddenly had almost no strength, couldn't walk or anything, and fell at home. Despite the long stay at the hospital, they still don't have a real explanation as to what's happened. He's somewhat better now however, and is back home.

I did enjoy a wonderful vacation in Paris over the holidays with my girlfriend, who lives in the U.S. but she has had many difficulties of her own to deal with, and our situation is still completely unclear (won't go into details here) - we want to be together all the time, but there are so many uncertainties in the way, and things have dragged on. Depression set in for me in a big way in January - the worst bout of depression I have experienced in about 10 years, and it lasted for several weeks. Terrible timing, too.

And guess what, I have usually been very healthy myself, but this winter I've been sick with high temperatures three fucking times in the last six months. That's about five weeks of feeling like absolute crap for purely physical reasons. :lol:

But hey, life comes with no guaranteed constant happiness, and it shouldn't either. I keep going, and there are some really good things coming up I think. B)

Edited by Otto Masson
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Sounds like you have had an absolutely crap time Otto, no wonder you have had your own physical stuff to contend with, understandably with all the stress going on around you.

I hope things get better for you and your parents. :D

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There are groups you can join for people who are related to alcoholics. I think it's call Alanon or something like that. Is there anyone else you can live with? No good can come from Living with people that have that problem.

Thanks. I checked it out and as it turns out the only thing there is are meetings. Pretty sure some problems might arise if I asked my parents if I could go to one...

But thank you anyway. No, nobody would let me live with them. My parents wouldnt let me leave....I've tried.

So thanks. I'll get over it...Only 3 more years right?

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Thanks. I checked it out and as it turns out the only thing there is are meetings. Pretty sure some problems might arise if I asked my parents if I could go to one...

But thank you anyway. No, nobody would let me live with them. My parents wouldnt let me leave....I've tried.

So thanks. I'll get over it...Only 3 more years right?

It is good that you trying to be optimistic, but this a very painful situation that you are going through, and you need to deal with it. Please try to go to a ACOA meeting you can talk about everything you need to, with out any one judging you, and everyone there has either gone through or are going through simular circumstances. It is important that you feel you are not alone in this. When I was growing up, dysfunctional familys were not discussed, so I felt very isolated. But it is not like that anymore, people understand, and truly want to help each other. So reach out, we are here.
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I saw a commercial today that was depressing, the ab rocket....the exercise thing for sit ups. I dont know, thinking about thousands of people buying these things from tv, getting them mailed to their houses and doing sit ups seems strange. Maybe i'm just at that phase of life where thats depressing to me. Ahh, i guess i'd rather just walk my dog for exercise, or actually do things...than doing sit ups in my living room.

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I saw a commercial today that was depressing, the ab rocket....the exercise thing for sit ups. I dont know, thinking about thousands of people buying these things from tv, getting them mailed to their houses and doing sit ups seems strange. Maybe i'm just at that phase of life where thats depressing to me. Ahh, i guess i'd rather just walk my dog for exercise, or actually do things...than doing sit ups in my living room.

People get fat and then they sit around wondering how they got fat and why. They intend to get fit but they never seem to actually do anything about it. They see the ad on TV and think, "if I had that maybe it would motivate me to get healthy again" so they buy it.

Society, particularly in the USA, with the rest of the developed world following, is increasingly seeking the quick fix. It's unhealthy and we are already paying for it. People don't want to take responsibility for themselves and when anything bad happens to them, they expect to be able to buy something which will fix it for them.

This fits into the Depression theme - I am concerned that the first response is to medicate someone, and often that is the extent of their treatment. I am not going to do a Tom Cruise and say no-one should take antidepressants, but I don't believe it should be the first or last resort, and certainly not the only treatment. It should be used as one part of a larger treatment plan which includes cognitive therapy and if required psychoanalytic/hypnotherapy. But unfortunately, that stuff is hard work and people would prefer to just take a pill.

Edited by Cactus
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People get fat and then they sit around wondering how they got fat and why. They intend to get fit but they never seem to actually do anything about it. They see the ad on TV and think, "if I had that maybe it would motivate me to get healthy again" so they buy it.

Society, particularly in the USA, with the rest of the developed world following, is increasingly seeking the quick fix. It's unhealthy and we are already paying for it. People don't want to take responsibility for themselves and when anything bad happens to them, they expect to be able to buy something which will fix it for them.

This fits into the Depression theme - I am concerned that the first response is to medicate someone, and often that is the extent of their treatment. I am not going to do a Tom Cruise and say no-one should take antidepressants, but I don't believe it should be the first or last resort, and certainly not the only treatment. It should be used as one part of a larger treatment plan which includes cognitive therapy and if required psychoanalytic/hypnotherapy. But unfortunately, that stuff is hard work and people would prefer to just take a pill.

This particular exercise equipment was marketed to folks wanting to get their stomach muscles to bulge i guess, so folks who are basically in shape. was just looking at it in a light hearted way.

Yeah i agree, commercials do get alot of people to buy crap and prey on people in a way.

alright, just saw a segment on the morning news on some major argument between star jones and someone else, over information on her gastric bipass surgery being leaked. that just put me into a slightly further depression.

grand theft auto sold six million copies and broke records... that controversial violent video game. even more depressing news.

ok, time to shut the tv off and turn the radio on.

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Please try to go to a ACOA meeting

You have no idea how bad I *do* want to talk about it with these people. But I am fifteen years old. I cant drive, the nearest meeting is much too far away, and I cant exactly go ask someone to take me. I will keep looking for some sort of online support, because that is all i can do at this point. Thanks for caring though.

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People get fat and then they sit around wondering how they got fat and why. They intend to get fit but they never seem to actually do anything about it. They see the ad on TV and think, "if I had that maybe it would motivate me to get healthy again" so they buy it.

Society, particularly in the USA, with the rest of the developed world following, is increasingly seeking the quick fix. It's unhealthy and we are already paying for it. People don't want to take responsibility for themselves and when anything bad happens to them, they expect to be able to buy something which will fix it for them.

This fits into the Depression theme - I am concerned that the first response is to medicate someone, and often that is the extent of their treatment. I am not going to do a Tom Cruise and say no-one should take antidepressants, but I don't believe it should be the first or last resort, and certainly not the only treatment. It should be used as one part of a larger treatment plan which includes cognitive therapy and if required psychoanalytic/hypnotherapy. But unfortunately, that stuff is hard work and people would prefer to just take a pill.

Most doctors I think advocate some sort of therapy along with taking anti-depressants. But for some people, the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance more so than specific things that have happened to them which can be helped through medication.

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Most doctors I think advocate some sort of therapy along with taking anti-depressants. But for some people, the depression is caused by a chemical imbalance more so than specific things that have happened to them which can be helped through medication.

I agree 100% but I think that while this is the opinion of the doctors, in many cases the patients expect to be able to just pop some pills and get better. Even if someone has depression caused by a chemical imbalance, cognitive therapy can help them to understand and recognise the symptoms of their depression and to stop those thoughts.

But as you say, sometimes people need the chemistry to be sorted first - there is no one-stop solution.

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