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Foo Fighters performance at Grammy's


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You can hate all you want most other modern music, but they're at least doing something worthwhile that is worth some merit. And again, outside of Black Stone Cherry and sometimes the Chili Peppers, I do not like modern music.

Look, I'm all prepared to change my opinion about the band, but you present nothing of substanse as to why their music is so great. Grohl's "singing" is bland. Notice the quotations around singing, he is a shouter. That's fine, but there is nothing about his voice that is interesting. Like em or leave em, at least Jagger, Daltry, Anderson and Plant had unique voices. I'll save the instrumetation for another time.

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Look, I'm all prepared to change my opinion about the band, but you present nothing of substanse as to why their music is so great. Grohl's "singing" is bland. Notice the quotations around singing, he is a shouter. That's fine, but there is nothing about his voice that is interesting. Like em or leave em, at least Jagger, Daltry, Anderson and Plant had unique voices. I'll save the instrumetation for another time.

Not liking a rock band because the singer is a "shouter" is like hating basketball because the ball they use is round. It just don't make sense.

And bland is subjective. But to be completely honest, I don't know why I like the Foo's. I don't normally listen to very much popular music: a little Nickelback, a little Kid Rock, but not to where I'd be like yeah I'm a huge fan. Heck, new to me is Derek Trucks and Joe Bonamassa. But there's something to the Foo's that just appeals to me. I can't explain it. I really think their songs are good. I think that's it. They're slightly heavy, and Grohl to me is not your typical modern day screamer, in that he doesn't scream all the time, as in that screamo stuff that I really don't like. And I hear a lot of emotion when he sings. I hear a song like The Best Of You and there's an awful lot of emotion in it for me. I think Grohl's problem is that he's getting older, he can't scream like that anymore. And the songs suffer live because of it. I was reading an article somewhere he was talking about how it's getting harder for him to scream. He needs to change his material so that he can sing it live. Like Plant did I guess.

Edited by Deezer
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Oh I swallow chief. I guzzle that shit. That shit, being your mama's juice.


Oh, and I checked your page. I did see some Nickleback and Kid Rock on there. You Douche Bag.

Ooh, you made a your mama joke...how cute. I've heard better comebacks from a drunk while he's hugging a plant at a party at 2 am.

At least a douche bag gets some female interaction.

And I stand behind my taste in music. Just because you say it sucks don't make it so.....I can understand why....so sorry those loser popular kids in high school didn't like BLS....definitely a reason to be pissed off.....uh....yeah....

When you're in a band that was considered one of the biggest at their time, and then form another band that makes people forget you were in that band, and have a decade-and-change career where you've sold millions of copies of multiple albums in addition to critical praise, I'll be sure to come on some band's message board and say you suck.

Edited by Deezer
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I dig Grohl as a drummer. That tune was so much screaming I felt bad for his poor throat, and sheesh get the hair outta yo face mon.

I watched the Grammy's. With alot of "last channel" in between people I didn't care to watch.

Little Richard and Fogerty, and whathisname...(mindfart) were GREAT!

Aretha, Beyonce, Tina Turner, they were great too. Oh and Alicia Keyes...loved it.

The shocker and a nice one given the entries was Herbie Hancock!! Kudos.

I just don't get Winehouse, the appeal that is. caca.

One thing I'm noticing lately are these elaborate stage drops, to the point where all the flashing crap gives me a migraine. It's a waste IMHO.

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Yes, in today's music world, they are amazing. Much better and way above the fray of everything else mainstream.

And if you don't like it, you can kiss my ass.

RE: Rock Bands:

Since when did being better than the rest by itself equate to being "amazing" ?

I guess there are some out there that simply want to ballyhoo whomever comes out on top that year.... whether or not, in the scheme of things, it sucks. That's being Popish and Trendish in a way that I never found to be appealing. I could never just put blinders on and focus on just what came out last year, and ignore what has come before. There are those that do though. They have a right to their opinions. But "amazing" is not a word I use to describe what I've heard by many of today's chart toppers....Being at the top of a pile of shit, still means that you're still in the toilet....Come on out... :D

Edited by The Rover
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RE: Rock Bands:

Since when did being better than the rest by itself equate to being "amazing" ?

I guess there are some out there that simply want to ballyhoo whomever comes out on top that year.... whether or not, in the scheme of things, it sucks. That's being Popish and Trendish in a way that I never found to be appealing. I could never just put blinders on and focus on just what came out last year, and ignore what has come before. There are those that do though. They have a right to their opinions. But "amazing" is not a word I use to describe what I've heard by many of today's chart toppers....Being at the top of a pile of shit, still means that you're in the toilet....Come on out... :D

Truer words have never been spoken.

You want amazing in todays band, there is very little close to mainstream.

Amazing is the progression in Pearl Jam's music, eventhough it's slacked a little more recently

Amazing is Tool creating the genre of art metal

Amazing is the Black Crowes live show

Amazing is The Mars Volta plowin through some off the wall acid freakout jam

Foo Fighters are not amazing. As I said before, they are pretty solid, and can write a nasty hook, but every song is the same mood, same voice, similar music, nowadays.

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RE: Rock Bands:

Since when did being better than the rest by itself equate to being "amazing" ?

I guess there are some out there that simply want to ballyhoo whomever comes out on top that year.... whether or not, in the scheme of things, it sucks. That's being Popish and Trendish in a way that I never found to be appealing. I could never just put blinders on and focus on just what came out last year, and ignore what has come before. There are those that do though. They have a right to their opinions. But "amazing" is not a word I use to describe what I've heard by many of today's chart toppers....Being at the top of a pile of shit, still means that you're in the toilet....Come on out... :D

If you seriously think that's what I do, then you have no fucking clue. Go to that url I posted and check it out for yourself.

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Ooh, you made a your mama joke...how cute. I've heard better comebacks from a drunk while he's hugging a plant at a party at 2 am.

At least a douche bag gets some female interaction.

And I stand behind my taste in music. Just because you say it sucks don't make it so.....I can understand why....so sorry those loser popular kids in high school didn't like BLS....definitely a reason to be pissed off.....uh....yeah....

When you're in a band that was considered one of the biggest at their time, and then form another band that makes people forget you were in that band, and have a decade-and-change career where you've sold millions of copies of multiple albums in addition to critical praise, I'll be sure to come on some band's message board and say you suck.

First of all moron, you started this by telling me to kiss your ass. And, yeah, I'm going to retaliate. Second, BLS was just forming, after I got out of high school. And probably wasn't something I would have listened to back then. I was into stoner music. But Ozzy, well yes...

I don't much care for Nirvana, and I never really did. Soundgarden and AIC were my bands in the 90's.

Trust me, Foo Fighters will always remind people that Grohl was in Nirvana. You wanna know why? Because the Foo Fighters fucking suck.

And I thought the mama joke was pretty funny.

Edited by electricmage
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Truer words have never been spoken.

You want amazing in todays band, there is very little close to mainstream.

Amazing is the progression in Pearl Jam's music, eventhough it's slacked a little more recently

Amazing is Tool creating the genre of art metal

Amazing is the Black Crowes live show

Amazing is The Mars Volta plowin through some off the wall acid freakout jam

Foo Fighters are not amazing. As I said before, they are pretty solid, and can write a nasty hook, but every song is the same mood, same voice, similar music, nowadays.

You cannot tell me what is amazing and what is not. Until you can show me a mathematical equation that defines greatness, beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder. You can say you don't like it, but you can't tell me it's not amazing like it's a fact.

I don't like Pearl Jam. I don't like Mars Volta. To me the most beautiful thing is hearing Stevie Ray Vaughan soar into a bad-ass solo, or hearing Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top lay into some tasty pinch harmonics. Or any of John Fogerty's songs. Or Led Zeppelin rocking out as a unit.

The lesson? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Edited by Deezer
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First of all moron, you started this by telling me to kiss your ass. And, yeah, I'm going to retaliate. Second, BLS was just forming, after I got out of high school. And probably wasn't something I would have listened to back then. I was into stoner music. But Ozzy, well yes...

I don't much care for Nirvana, and I never really did. Soundgarden and AIC were my bands in the 90's.

Trust me, Foo Fighters will always remind people that Grohl was in Nirvana. You wanna know why? Because the Foo Fighters fucking suck.

And I thought the mama joke was pretty funny.

I didn't start the name-calling, but I will own up to the fact that I told you if you didn't like it, you could kiss my ass.

Tell me what about the Foo Fighters sucks? Use facts, not opinions. Show to me without a shadow of a doubt that they suck. You can't. Because when you're arguing OPINIONS, you can't prove a damn thing.

And I'm not a fan of Nirvana (notice how I didn't say they sucked?). But I recognize the impact they had when they hit the scene.

Yeah, it was funny the first 800 million times I've heard it.

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I didn't start the name-calling, but I will own up to the fact that I told you if you didn't like it, you could kiss my ass.

Tell me what about the Foo Fighters sucks? Use facts, not opinions. Show to me without a shadow of a doubt that they suck. You can't. Because when you're arguing OPINIONS, you can't prove a damn thing.

And I'm not a fan of Nirvana (notice how I didn't say they sucked?). But I recognize the impact they had when they hit the scene.

Yeah, it was funny the first 800 million times I've heard it.

There isn't much to critique a band on, aside from personal opinion.

But two facts come to mind.

Repetitive songwriting.

Repetitive lyrics.

And I've heard that swallow line a million times. It wasn't funny the first time I heard it.

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There isn't much to critique a band on, aside from personal opinion.

But two facts come to mind.

Repetitive songwriting.

Repetitive lyrics.

And I've heard that swallow line a million times. It wasn't funny the first time I heard it.

It's rock and roll brosef. Go hate on Chuck Berry and AC/DC for doing the same thing.

And if you can listen to their new album and say that each song sounds alike, then I know you're crazy.

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surprised no one saw or posted this but that was John Paul Jones orchestrating the band backing the foo fighters,perhaps the only real talent of the night.

I, too, noticed a lot of complaining about the Foo Foghters and the Grammys. The real star that night was JPJ. I turned it off after that performance. Does anyone know if LZ got any recognition that night? That's why we're here, right? Because this is OUR band. I thought that was so wrong that LZ didn't get any recognition. At least what I saw, anyway.

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regardless of how anyone feels about the grammys, or the Foo Fighters, congrats go to Robert Plant and Allison Krauss who did win one for their collaboration of Gone, Gone, Gone.

That's great! Was either one of them there to accept? I heard them sing that song. Robert still can move!

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