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Amy Whitehouse performance at the Grammys


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She's just another piece of crap, like Britney Spears. :rolleyes:

Another fine example on how people's tastes have severely degraded over the years, thanks to a greedy media and a gullible public.

That's a very broad statement you make, to call anyone who listens to Amy Winehouse gullible... maybe she is not your taste but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to recognize that she is talented.

And all this slamming her because she does drugs. Like your precious 1970's rockstars never had drug problems. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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All of this doesn't make me regret missing the whole thing...

'cept for the tiny bit I saw walking thru the living room.

I'm proud to say I was one of those in the MAJORITY who missed the 3rd LEAST watched Grammy's !!!!

A clear case of Bore'm at the Fore'm. It was in LA wasn't it ? :huh:

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All of this doesn't make me regret missing the whole thing...

'cept for the tiny bit I saw walking thru the living room.

I'm proud to say I was one of those in the MAJORITY who missed the 3rd LEAST watched Grammy's !!!!

A clear case of Bore'm at the Fore'm. It was in LA wasn't it ? :huh:

I actually didn't think it was that boring. I thought it was ok. I watched the whole thing, and I've never done that before I don't think.

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You know I'd never heard her sing before the grammies and so I was curious because she's

everywhere.I was expecting to be disappointed.I thought she was quirky and kinda sexy.

Plus I like chicks with tats.


Damn! Tats on a chick scare the shit outta me, I'd be lookin' behind the door every time I came home Wow!

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I disagree about the Britney comparison. The only thing Britney and Amy have in common is paparazzi chasing them.

I was skeptical at first, but after listening to the entire 'Back To Black' album I loved it. She is very talented: writes her own songs and plays guitar...and piano at times.

The area she needs improvement the most is live performing. It may be that she gets so nervous that she has to drink till she can't stand up in order to loosen up....if that's it, she better find a solution before people get bored of her shenanigans.

I don't agree with her personal choices....the drugs...etc...but I would be a colossal hypocrite considering the admiration I have for... Jimmy Page, for example, who was no stranger to drugs himself. Not liking her is one thing, saying she has no talent because of how she looks and her issues with drugs is another...

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I really like Amy Winehouse. I find her a refreshing change. She's got a great voice and a uniqueness about her. I'm glad she won. As far as comparing her to Britney, except for the fact they are both going through some personal struggles, Amy is talented and I personally don't feel that way about Britney.

I hope she gets better soon and returns to the stage. I think she's got a great future ahead and I'm looking forward to what that will entail.

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  • 5 months later...
Just saw something on Yahoo. Amy went to the emergency room in London today. She is all over the tabloids in London.

She isn't actually. The "tabloids" cover the whole UK - not just "London" - and since she was taken to hospital today, it won't make the papers here- tabloid or otherwise - until tomorrow.


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She isn't actually. The "tabloids" cover the whole UK - not just "London" - and since she was taken to hospital today, it won't make the papers here- tabloid or otherwise - until tomorrow.


I made two separate statements. I just returned from London (yesterday). She was all over the tabloids even BEFORE todays news. Don't pick a fight with me today, I am suffering jet lag.

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She's always in the papers here in the UK ( not just London) - she's a big star.

Your statements certainly did not appear separate (not even by a paragraph)

What ya gonna do - type me a big punch??? :duel:

Hope you get over your jet lag - it's a bugger. ;)

Edited by Knebby
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I can´t belive there is an Amys thread here!.

I´m a huge fan of Amy since a year ago and a fan from Zeppelin since i was 19.

I guess that even u like the girl or no, even u like all the paparazi shit or not, even u sayd that her life is a complete mess, u can´t deny that her music is something diferent and fresh.

The first band i hear was the Rolling Stones but i sudenly get tired of them. Then i meet Zeppelin. Since 19 to now (I´m 23) i love old things, all the new things sounds like shit to me, except a few bands like Wolfmother, The white Stripes, The hives, etc.

Whe i first hear Amy i can´t belive it. And in spite that r 2 diferent things, i get the same feeling that when i listen Zepp, i feel like i melt, like i´m going to explote inside...

She is unique now, and thanks to her i start listening some music that i never listen , that i didn´t know, like Sarah Vaughan, Ella, Dinah, etc etc.

She opend the door to us, her fans, to listen good music... She sound good, her 2 albums r great. Personally i love Frank more that B2B.

And i guess that if we love Led Zeppelin we know what is good, and if we know what is good we can´t say that Amy is like Britney...

Sorry for my shity english

Edited by emiliana
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Amy Winehouse will probably OD sometime in the next year. She's literally on the crash course to hell. It's such a fucking profound disgrace when someone with as much talent as she had, chooses to piss it all away on crack and god knows what else. It's like, do you have a brain in your head at all?

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Amy Winehouse will probably OD sometime in the next year. She's literally on the crash course to hell. It's such a fucking profound disgrace when someone with as much talent as she had, chooses to piss it all away on crack and god knows what else. It's like, do you have a brain in your head at all?

crack.....40 shots of vodka....it's all a waste.

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It's such a fucking profound disgrace when someone with as much talent as she had chooses to piss it all away on crack and god knows what else. It's like, do you have a brain in your head at all?

Last time I checked;addiction wasn't a choice.

Edited by 59LesPaul
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Last time I checked;addiction wasn't a choice.

No one forced a crack pipe in her hand. She's clearly addicted to it, I'm not disputing that. I'm saying that she chose to start using drugs, and it was a road she went down willingly. We all have a choice whether or not we will consume illicit substances if they're ever offered to us. Some say no, others go whole-hog. She chose to go whole-hog, even at the risk of her own life. It's not like someone shoved crack in her face and said "take it or we'll kill you."

Edited by Electrophile
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