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What Do You think they would have sounded like in the 80's?

The Bomber

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You also have to remember that what seems dated today seemed like the thing to do to remain current back in the day. Listen to the sampling in Now and Zen, for instance. Robert used to crow about how contemporary he was in bringing in new technology like that. Now it seems archaic.

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This thread inevitably makes me keep thinking about Bonzo. The loss to rock music is STILL almost too much for me to comprehend. His drumming was fantastic to begin with, and just kept getting better...I could go crazy wondering about all he could have done, and how that would have pushed everyone else to be better. Sigh...

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^ T'was a sad day for Rock & Roll,now the fate of rock rests on the shoulders of idiot drummers that can't count to 4,let alone play even in 4/4,i guess we'll just have to kidnap Robert as we originally planned Suz,anyone who wants can come help btw.It was funny when Joel got you thinking you were offering to squeeze more than your fair share of lemons! :hysterical:

Anyway,back on topic,imagine the combined power of the honeydrippers,the firm,plant solo,jpj solo,jimmy solo,jason solo,plant & page,basically a combination of all zep related post-Zep bands.

P.S. They could so sue Whitesnake for plagiarism.

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^ T'was a sad day for Rock & Roll,now the fate of rock rests on the shoulders of idiot drummers that can't count to 4,let alone play even in 4/4,i guess we'll just have to kidnap Robert as we originally planned Suz,anyone who wants can come help btw.It was funny when Joel got you thinking you were offering to squeeze more than your fair share of lemons! :hysterical:

Anyway,back on topic,imagine the combined power of the honeydrippers,the firm,plant solo,jpj solo,jimmy solo,jason solo,plant & page,basically a combination of all zep related post-Zep bands.

P.S. They could so sue Whitesnake for plagiarism.

No shit, they could sue at least a few bands! :lol:

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Ya know, I actually like disco. It was fun to me!! :)

Well, it started out okay- more funky, ya know? Then it turned into a nightmare. There was some cool new wave stuff, too. But that hair band crap was enough to drive me insane. In fact, I think it did! :P

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Well, it started out okay- more funky, ya know? Then it turned into a nightmare. There was some cool new wave stuff, too. But that hair band crap was enough to drive me insane. In fact, I think it did! :P

Oh yes, most of the disco I liked, but then some of it got too corny, so it certainly did wear out it's welcome. I liked some of the new wave and the hair band stuff I could call my guilty pleasures!

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Well, it started out okay- more funky, ya know? Then it turned into a nightmare. There was some cool new wave stuff, too. But that hair band crap was enough to drive me insane. In fact, I think it did! :P

That's exactly what killed music in the 80s....the uncouth wiping out of all things FUNKY from dance music.....who were the CRAPPY disco-duck bands tryin' to fool? NOT ME....I stuck to Funkadelic, James Brown and Led Zep for rock of course!! :) :)......and WE were right in the end....Village People and the like sh***ed off and Led Zep is still here!!...TO STAY!! :)

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That's exactly what killed music in the 80s....the uncouth wiping out of all things FUNKY from dance music.....who were the CRAPPY disco-duck bands tryin' to fool? NOT ME....I stuck to Funkadelic, James Brown and Led Zep for rock of course!! :) :)......and WE were right in the end....Village People and the like sh***ed off and Led Zep is still here!!...TO STAY!! :)

WTF was village people?A cowboy,a fireman,a policeman,a native american,and that pedo guy in the vest,right?

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WTF was village people?A cowboy,a fireman,a policeman,a native american,and that pedo guy in the vest,right?

Yep, no need to conjure any images there. :lol: Holy shit, this is completely off topis, but I just remembered that I met Ron Wood in the 80's. He was signing his art book. A friend who had the book took me. He was very nice, and so was his wife. I can't believe I forgot about that. Every once in awhile I remember something from the 80's :chickeddance:

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80's Zep would've sounded like Whitesnake meets REO Speedwagon :D

That's pretty accurate.

Zeppelin wouldn't have lasted through the eighties anyway; if Bonzo didn't die Jimmy's heroin habbit would've gotten the best of him.

BUT if they did, they would be glammier, more focus on keyboards, a gigantic drop in the quality of their live shows, and nineties Zeppelin would be acoustic-heavy and would return to their roots.

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Actually, Jimmy in JPJ's outfit from knebworth, with big hair. That would be eighties Jimmy. Plant would look like he did at Knebworth. Actually, they would all look like they did at Knebworth except for Jimmy.

Nineties Zeppelin would be like early-seventies Zeppelin. Alot heavier, playing their old tunes slower tempo and heavier, more mysterious and lots more acoustic stuff.

2000's Zeppelin would be like 80s Zeppelin but more refined, kind of like a mixture of Queens of the Stone Age, Muse, and Tool.

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What do you think?

I've always thought their next album would have been a mixture of the rock tunes from Jimmy's Death Wish II soundtrack and Plant's Pictures At Eleven, which would make it a much better album than ITTOD was.

I think eventually, they would have probably broken up in the 1980s even without the passing of John Bonham. They (namely Jimmy) seemed to be running out of ideas (look at his lack of output even post-addiction, and not much from Jonesy either).

I think they would have realized they were only harming the Zeppelin reputation, ala the Rolling Stones.

So, I would guess we would have maybe seen 3 or 4 new Zep albums if Bonzo hadn't passed.

Of course, this is all pure conjecture, eh?

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Zep would have been good in the 80s. Jimmy was planning to return to the their roots for the next album. Maybe they would've made the 80s better.

That's what I like to think too. But it was definitely a time of changing demographics; the baby boomers changing to the Gen Xers and the computer age, so I think the music changes represented broader societal changes. (I have one foot in each generation; born in 65; and listened to pretty much everything in the 80s).

I don't know how I would have felt about seeing Zeppelin all over MTV, doing sponsored tours, and such ..... Still, I can see where commercial demand for that would have been high though. If they were still together then, hopefully they would have kept it real and kept doing and controlling their own thing (which is one of the things I respect the most about them); rather than becoming a "brand" like so many others did. And hopefully that would have had a positive influence on other rock artists of that time too.

Thank God they never had to deal with the paparrazi/TMZ. :blink: (edited to add "like today", that is).

Edited by Virginia
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That's what I like to think too. But it was definitely a time of changing demographics; the baby boomers changing to the Gen Xers and the computer age, so I think the music changes represented broader societal changes. (I have one foot in each generation; born in 65; and listened to pretty much everything in the 80s).

I don't know how I would have felt about seeing Zeppelin all over MTV, doing sponsored tours, and such ..... Still, I can see where commercial demand for that would have been high though. If they were still together then, hopefully they would have kept it real and kept doing and controlling their own thing (which is one of the things I respect the most about them); rather than becoming a "brand" like so many others did. And hopefully that would have had a positive influence on other rock artists of that time too.

Thank God they never had to deal with the paparrazi/TMZ. :blink: (edited to add "like today", that is).

Maybe i'm just a naive fan but i don't think they would have sold out,they wouldn't do singles in England,so they would have been as hip and anti-MTV as possible,they wouldn't sell out,would they?Would they? :'(

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Maybe i'm just a naive fan but i don't think they would have sold out,they wouldn't do singles in England,so they would have been as hip and anti-MTV as possible,they wouldn't sell out,would they?Would they? :'(

I actually don't think they would have, at least I hope not. :) But how they handled that piece of it would have been interesting to see. I was thinking of what the Stones, Aerosmith and Van Halen did in the 80s and hoping they wouldn't have gone that route.

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well, generally, a majority of the music that came oiut of the 80's sucked. So i cant imagine how horible zeppelin would have been.

There Live aid peformance is what zeppelin would have been, not as bad, but close.

There music would have been synthesized and all that bullshit.

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Let's look at The Firm, The Death Wish 2 soundtrack and Pictures At Eleven....

The amalgamation of the above three indredients could have taken the form of Axl's new GNR songs, in feel and structure anyway.

I don't think the early "metal" of Metalica would have served as a primary influence, but I do think Page and Bonham would have been challenged by the ferocity and speed of that music - like The Immigrant Song in a speed/concaine blender. How would have Plant participated in these metal-influneced LZ songs? I believe it would have been very sparingly. I hear his overdubs and break-down sections where he could give these songs some meaning and storyline, probably no "hits" in these songs, but they would be amazing statements all the same.

That's all I got for now...

Cool topic...

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Let's look at The Firm, The Death Wish 2 soundtrack and Pictures At Eleven....

The amalgamation of the above three indredients could have taken the form of Axl's new GNR songs, in feel and structure anyway.

I don't think the early "metal" of Metalica would have served as a primary influence, but I do think Page and Bonham would have been challenged by the ferocity and speed of that music - like The Immigrant Song in a speed/concaine blender. How would have Plant participated in these metal-influneced LZ songs? I believe it would have been very sparingly. I hear his overdubs and break-down sections where he could give these songs some meaning and storyline, probably no "hits" in these songs, but they would be amazing statements all the same.

That's all I got for now...

Cool topic...

I think a 'lil bit of Sabbath might have influenced them,they were always a hard rock band,but weren't metal,they might have drifted over there,they'd take it as a challenge,they'd do at least one metal album,i'd say they'd vary,try and piss off MTV,they'd be a kind of arty,blues metal band,a sound i think would be interesting,good idea,something like that.

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