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The lady in my life has seen the evil side, and now i have to make it up for her.

I was at my sisters 8th grade graduation today, when these wo families started to bicker at each other. well this 20 year Arab girl though my mother was part of it and came up to her and pointed her finger in her face and said, "nobody talks to my mother that way". well i grab her wrist and used it to push her away from my mother and told her "no fucking &&*$& is gonna talk to my mother that way" well she seemed like she shit her pants and ran to her boyfriend. well he saw what happen and thought about coming over but he may of notice my 3 brothers and I and grabbed her by the same wrist and dragged her to the car. Well everybody in my family was surprised, but was glad i protected my mother, maybe not in that way.

Well my girlfriend just went home afterward and hasn't called me. I don't feel bad,but i know she feels bad and has nobody to talk too right now.

so what do you buy a girl who just realized her boyfriend becomes the incredible hulk when somebody fucks with somebody he cares for.

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The lady in my life has seen the evil side, and now i have to make it up for her.

I was at my sisters 8th grade graduation today, when these wo families started to bicker at each other. well this 20 year Arab girl though my mother was part of it and came up to her and pointed her finger in her face and said, "nobody talks to my mother that way". well i grab her wrist and used it to push her away from my mother and told her "no fucking &&*$& is gonna talk to my mother that way" well she seemed like she shit her pants and ran to her boyfriend. well he saw what happen and thought about coming over but he may of notice my 3 brothers and I and grabbed her by the same wrist and dragged her to the car. Well everybody in my family was surprised, but was glad i protected my mother, maybe not in that way.

Well my girlfriend just went home afterward and hasn't called me. I don't feel bad,but i know she feels bad and has nobody to talk too right now.

so what do you buy a girl who just realized her boyfriend becomes the incredible hulk when somebody fucks with somebody he cares for.

not sure you should "buy" her anything...maybe you should talk to her and explain that perhaps you over-reacted...she is probably shocked, as i am, that you would physically grab an unknown woman's wrist.

...physical outbursts are usually indicative of future behavior.

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^marolyn is right.

Don't buy anything.

I don't know what you can do because as a woman, if I saw a man I was dating grab anyone forcefully, I'd be really freaked out. I'd wonder whether I was the next to get it.

That said, I have never seen my boyfriend do anything like that, thank God. He does scare me when he raises his voice, but he doesn't do that very often--like maybe once in six months--and it still freaks me out, even after seven years.

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The lady in my life has seen the evil side, and now i have to make it up for her.

I was at my sisters 8th grade graduation today, when these wo families started to bicker at each other. well this 20 year Arab girl though my mother was part of it and came up to her and pointed her finger in her face and said, "nobody talks to my mother that way". well i grab her wrist and used it to push her away from my mother and told her "no fucking &&*$& is gonna talk to my mother that way" well she seemed like she shit her pants and ran to her boyfriend. well he saw what happen and thought about coming over but he may of notice my 3 brothers and I and grabbed her by the same wrist and dragged her to the car. Well everybody in my family was surprised, but was glad i protected my mother, maybe not in that way.

Well my girlfriend just went home afterward and hasn't called me. I don't feel bad,but i know she feels bad and has nobody to talk too right now.

so what do you buy a girl who just realized her boyfriend becomes the incredible hulk when somebody fucks with somebody he cares for.

You don't have to make anything up to her. You were just protecting your mother. if you grabbed a man's wrist i don't think anyone here would have a problem. There is a double standard in society. It's messed up but it's there. And your girlfriend probably wouldn't have had a problem if you did it to a man. Double standard. I don't think you did anything wrong. You were protecting your mother. You only have one mother.

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You don't grab women in public. I don't care if it's an arm, an ass, their hair.....you don't do it.

I'm glad there's a double standard; I don't want some jackass thinking that it's okay for him to manhandle me in public simply because no one would care if he did it to a guy. Fuck that.

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You don't grab women in public. I don't care if it's an arm, an ass, their hair.....you don't do it.

I'm glad there's a double standard; I don't want some jackass thinking that it's okay for him to manhandle me in public simply because no one would care if he did it to a guy. Fuck that.

Ideally you shouldn't grab anybody. But one gender isn't more special than the other. And his mom was being threatened. It's not as if he just walked up to some random woman.

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His mother wasn't being threatened. If the chick had a switchblade in her hand, or said "I'm going to kick your ass"......that's being threatened. The girl thought his mother was part of the bickering and (wrongly) wagged a finger at her. Oh the horror.

Someone did that to my mom at the grocery store 2 weeks ago because she thought my mom hit her with the shopping cart and I didn't go Rambo on the broad.

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Of course there's a double standard...men on the whole are bigger and stronger than women. Like the old addage, "pick on someone your own size", a guy can't grab a woman and push her because he doesn't like something she said. And I'm pretty sure the law would agree...if a cop saw a guy shove a woman, he's not going to say "well, I probably wouldn't do anything if it was a guy shoving a guy, and I don't want there to be a double standard, so I'll just let what I saw go..."

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Of course there's a double standard...men on the whole are bigger and stronger than women. Like the old addage, "pick on someone your own size", a guy can't grab a woman and push her because he doesn't like something she said. And I'm pretty sure the law would agree...if a cop saw a guy shove a woman, he's not going to say "well, I probably wouldn't do anything if it was a guy shoving a guy, and I don't want there to be a double standard, so I'll just let what I saw go..."

I am not saying he shouldn't get in trouble if he assaulted someone man or woman. It's wrong to do that to anyone. But one is not worse than the other. Something like that should only happen if it is in self defence/if you are feeling threatened. he felt his mom was being threatened. You never know what can happen with incidents like that.

And the dude didn't hit her. He grabbed her hand away from his mother.

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His mother wasn't being threatened. If the chick had a switchblade in her hand, or said "I'm going to kick your ass"......that's being threatened. The girl thought his mother was part of the bickering and (wrongly) wagged a finger at her. Oh the horror.

Someone did that to my mom at the grocery store 2 weeks ago because she thought my mom hit her with the shopping cart and I didn't go Rambo on the broad.

Incidents like that can escalate. You see stories on the news all the time. Better safe than sorry.

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You don't have to make anything up to her. You were just protecting your mother. if you grabbed a man's wrist i don't think anyone here would have a problem. There is a double standard in society. It's messed up but it's there. And your girlfriend probably wouldn't have had a problem if you did it to a man. Double standard. I don't think you did anything wrong. You were protecting your mother. You only have one mother.

thankyou spats

My mother is 53 years old and a mother of 7 and nobody has the right to stick thier finger in her face. Now if she came up to my mother and atleast ask if she said anything to her mother first, things would've been diferntly. but she acted like a big shot.

The whole thing started when the girl and her family started to clap and cheer loudly every time one of their children's friends received their diploma. they did it loud enough, and long enough where the child behide their child's friend, name couldn't be heard over the P.A. . After few times, another family, probably one of the missed child name, told them to shut up. then both families started throwing swears and slurs at each other. Well that killed the graduation for everybody in that area. i was pissed, but i figured, no use to crying over spilled milk. Thats when this girl decided, she was not going to made a fool of and rushed over to my mother. So yeah im sure i was still pissed about the graduation being ruined.

It's not about the disrespect towards my mother, its the physical nature of the words and actions. If she stood two feet back, my mother would've personally told her to fuck off, but my mother was scared.

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You don't grab women in public. I don't care if it's an arm, an ass, their hair.....you don't do it.

I'm glad there's a double standard; I don't want some jackass thinking that it's okay for him to manhandle me in public simply because no one would care if he did it to a guy. Fuck that.

I agree with Electrophile's above statements.

The situation could have been dealt with in a more tactful manner. By all means you should have defended your mom, but physical contact seems to be an indication of a possible anger issue. Now if she had put her hands on your mom, then i would say retaliation with the same amount of force wouldn't be out of line. I don't know you, so i'm not making judgement on you, just going by my "first impression" in the context of your account of the events.

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I agree with Electrophile's above statements.

The situation could have been dealt with in a more tactful manner. By all means you should have defended your mom, but physical contact seems to be an indication of a possible anger issue. Now if she had put her hands on your mom, then i would say retaliation with the same amount of force wouldn't be out of line. I don't know you, so i'm not making judgement on you, just going by my "first impression" in the context of your account of the events.

The thing i don't like about her comment is that she made it seem that you shouldn't just grab women like that only. That doublestandard thing. Women are not on a higher level than men. You shouldn't rough anyone up unless it's self defence or you feel threatened. Whatever. But if things we getting heated up with whatever was going on ya never know what can happen and again it's someone's mother we are talking about. You don't want to take any chances. I don't think he has to make up anything to his girlfriend.

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The thing i don't like about her comment is that she made it seem that you shouldn't just grab women like that only. That doublestandard thing. Women are not on a higher level than men. You shouldn't rough anyone up unless it's self defence or you feel threatened. Whatever. But if things we getting heated up with whatever was going on ya never know what can happen and again it's someone's mother we are talking about. You don't want to take any chances. I don't think he has to make up anything to his girlfriend.

I'm not suggesting it's okay for a woman to treat her significant other that way, either. But this situation was a man grabbing (or two men) a woman. The reverse would be just as wrong imo.

Despite it being his mother, i think he could have attempted to handle the situation without grabbing that dumb girl. He could have gotten in her face and said hey back off. I would imagine that would have been intimidating enough. As for his girlfriend, since he seems to think it upset her i think he should discuss it with her and find out how she feels.

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spats, seriously, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I picture you as this guy who is actually a dog, chasing his tail for hours on end...

oooooh...a little harsh

...go easy... like a dog, he probably doesn't know any better!!

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Courtney Cox wears her hair over her ears like that because she has huge ears. They stick out. Kate hudson does the same thing.

The girl in the middle pic is hot. Who is that?

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