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Leave it to spats for f-up the man thread.

No, spats, Dave doesn't "make me do" woman work. I do it because that's our agreement. I do the housework--because he does other things that is sufficient for him pulling his weight around here. Like making the mortgage payment and paying the power bill.

Now I'm done talking to you about it because I don't want you to overrun this thread, too. (Don't bother asking me why I think you overrun all the threads you post in. I'm done. As in fed up with your bullshit.)

I didn't say he did make you do woman's work. I think you are misunderstanding what i am saying. I was just saying that those are stereotypical gender roles. Women doing housework and guys fixing stuff. I was saying i am not into that.

I am not overrunning anything. I just said that i am not being Mr.Fix it for any woman and you seemed to get annoyed with that. It's just the way i live my life.

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I don't want to trench up the dirt. That's why I want to cut the gate up. LOL

All of this gate talk is boring me, LOL.

It's boring until you have a perfectly balanced gate that swings in and out with a feather touch and you have a bolt lock that slides into position with hardly any friction.

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True, but houses require a lot of maintenance. They are a money pit. Insurance, property taxes, etc.

Plus, you are bound to a mortgage for most of your life. If you decide you want to sell, well, you can kiss away most of your money to capitol gains taxes!

And what if you are all happy, and then BAM! New neighbors move in, and you hate them! We'll, they are there to stay.

I'd rather have the freedom to just pick up and move if I was unsatisfied. I wouldn't want to be weighed down with a mortgage payment, property taxes, insurance, and all the other unexpected costs that come up when owning a house. I also enjoy my free time, and don't want to waste it cutting grass, cleaning up leaves, shoveling snow, fixing things all the time, etc etc. I've got more important things to do and I'll pay to avoid those responsibilities.

It's an anchor I don't want.

And when you're 70? Well, people that start investing early, and continue to invest, will usually end up with a few million in the bank by that age. In fact, if one were to invest the difference between the rent cost and the cost of a house, it would likely be enough to ensure millions upon retirement.

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^ In the past, many might have disagreed with you, but the situation has fundamentally changed in the last year or so. Traditionally, a house was seen as the soundest investment you could have. Stocks go up and down, savings accounts pay minimal interest, but houses were seen as great appreciating assets. Not any more. With the burst of the housing bubble, and the mortgage/credit crisis, housing values have deflated, and everyone's house is worth 10-20% less than it was a couple of years ago. So while those of us who own homes will be waiting for years for the values to come back, you can be investing your money and not sweat having to sell a house.

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The only reason i bought a house I because I have anger issues. I like to throw things and to punch things. I never punched a women or punch a wall becaue of a women tho..I don't drink my problems away either. But like last year, i came home from softball and we just lost the championship. Well i was still pissed off about a call, that i didn't even go to the bar afterwards, i just went home. Well when walking through my garage, i saw a 24in pipwrench on my work table and i picked it up and through it at the wall. It went through both sides of the wall and hit the back of the toliet in the bathroom and crack the tank. Well i started laughing when i saw it leaking. I finished off the toliet the next day when i had a bad day of work with the same pipewrench.

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^geez. You scare me now.

To respond to what Matt is talking about, our house is still worth more than we bought it for. Granted, we've only owned it for about two and a half years now, but we've got a bit of equity in it. Nothing like the increase in value of my mom's house the first three years she owned it, but we still have a bit more to show for our efforts.

Not to mention that little things that we've done here and there are definitely adding to the value--like my landscaping project, for example. (We had NO landscaping to speak of in our bakcyard before I lived here other than a tree and a peony bush. NOW, I have a nice maintence-free-if-you-choose-to-leave-it-that-way garden, and I've also improved the yard by reseeding the entire lawn.)

But the biggest perk to homeownership for me is that I can say, "this is MY house." Also--with a fixed-interest loan, our house payment doesn't go up like rent does every six months or every year if the landlord wants to increase it. Yeah, I have to fix little things here and there that may go wrong, but if you keep up on stupid little things, you most likely don't have to do anything major because you're preventing anything major from happening.

Other than dead appliances. That just sucks. My washer and dryer broke last year. Spend $2200 to replace them, but now I could wash an entire weeks' worth of laundry in one load if I wanted to.

I'm rambling now.... I'll shut up.

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The cat has helped me now, if it was a dog, i would be mean to it, but you can't be mean to a cat. and i know my GF wouldn't stay with me if i ever showed anger like that in front of her. Like i said, i never token my anger out physically on anybody, Generally when I'm angry i don't talk to anybody, so usually people don't get the brunt force of my anger. I only get mad at myself, never at anybody else. but a short list of things i broke.

8 golf clubs

2 bowling balls

4 broken wood bats


1 stereo

5 cell phones

multiple dents in my car

i used to break a hard hat every week until they forced me to buy my own. It's made out of carbon fiber and i can't seem to break it.

almost all of it involves me getting pissed of at some sport or something at work.

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My boyfriend told me that when he was married to his ex wife, he used to punch dents into his truck. That's how badly they fought.

Thank GOD I've never seen him do anything like that because of me in our seven years together. (They were together for like a year and a half.)

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The cat has helped me now, if it was a dog, i would be mean to it, but you can't be mean to a cat. and i know my GF wouldn't stay with me if i ever showed anger like that in front of her. Like i said, i never token my anger out physically on anybody, Generally when I'm angry i don't talk to anybody, so usually people don't get the brunt force of my anger. I only get mad at myself, never at anybody else. but a short list of things i broke.

8 golf clubs

2 bowling balls

4 broken wood bats


1 stereo

5 cell phones

multiple dents in my car

i used to break a hard hat every week until they forced me to buy my own. It's made out of carbon fiber and i can't seem to break it.

almost all of it involves me getting pissed of at some sport or something at work.

I am passive agressive. I don't get into big arguments or shouting matches. have never thrown anything. Never yelled. When i am mad at someone like a friend or girlfriend i just shut down. I think that bothers them more than any yelling could do. It would drive girlfriends crazy because they would want to argue back and forth,etc. :D

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^ In the past, many might have disagreed with you, but the situation has fundamentally changed in the last year or so. Traditionally, a house was seen as the soundest investment you could have. Stocks go up and down, savings accounts pay minimal interest, but houses were seen as great appreciating assets. Not any more. With the burst of the housing bubble, and the mortgage/credit crisis, housing values have deflated, and everyone's house is worth 10-20% less than it was a couple of years ago. So while those of us who own homes will be waiting for years for the values to come back, you can be investing your money and not sweat having to sell a house.

If it's any consolation, we went through this in the early eighties and my advice to anyone after that experience would be.... try to hold on to your home if at all possible ! I'm not making light of the situation. It can suck the life out of you if the debt ratio get's too high but, even if you have to sublet or rent it out, try to hang on to it. Prices will go up eventually and getting back into the market can be as difficult as holding on to what you already have

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and if worse comes to worse, buy yourself a big ole stihl and 10 acres of trees...


oh yeah, you'll need one of these...


pm me if you want to make an offer on it (in washington state)!!!!!

Where in Wash State ?

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That looks like my kind of place. I would love to have a place in the north woods. I would say, keep it and stay there all the time!

if you are in the northwoods of minnesota then you probably know the school i went to to learn how to do it...in isabella, just outside ely...the most beautiful place on the planet in my opinion!!! :thumbsup:

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That looks like my kind of place. I would love to have a place in the north woods. I would say, keep it and stay there all the time!

If you want a place with that kind of houses, you should live here in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina. Is full with those.

some pictures:



And there's the town


But man, im living here for 11 years now... is a lot.

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if you are in the northwoods of minnesota then you probably know the school i went to to learn how to do it...in isabella, just outside ely...the most beautiful place on the planet in my opinion!!! :thumbsup:

I like to visit that area----very beautiful with the lakes and woods. That highway 61 drive along Lake Superior is gorgeous.

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If you want a place with that kind of houses, you should live here in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina. Is full with those.

some pictures:



And there's the town


But man, im living here for 11 years now... is a lot.

I'm stuck here in the suburbs of large metro area. If money and family considerations did not exist, I would be in the north woods near some lake. I would have a seperate guitar/musical gear/recording studio room and I would not care one way or the other if there was a T.V. set. By the way, if you ever want to freak out fisherman that are normal human beings, bring an electric guitar in the boat with you to jam out. (I would practice un-plugged so as to not bother anyone.) I would have the best of both worlds---be out on a lake fishing on a nice day in the woods and I could jam out with the Stratocaster. And the look on some of the fisherman's faces when they see me load the boat with an electric guitar is priceless.

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and if worse comes to worse, buy yourself a big ole stihl and 10 acres of trees...


oh yeah, you'll need one of these...


pm me if you want to make an offer on it (in washington state)!!!!!

The house or the cherry picker?

Nice place :thumbsup:

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