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2/11/08....Plant..."Is there an event that would make it logical.......Fine"

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I think it illustrates sadly that he doesn't plan on touring with Zeppelin, but may do the odd show. This is what I thought they would do(though I have heard from very high up sources that they plan on touring in 08).

I do wish he would stop knocking the Stones. I saw them for the first time last year and it was a terrific experience-one of the top concerts I have ever seen.

I realize that Robert is very self conscious of his age and losing his appearance and voice but I don't think it looks good on him to be transferring that to other people and slagging them.

You could make a case for either philosophy really; continuing on to new things is fine and keeping your loyalty and inspiration with the guys that made you great in the first place is admirable as well.

Robert will get his comeuppance if he keeps slagging the Stones one of these days....

I wouldn't mind seeing the remaining Zep members touring with Chris Robinson an vocals for the fun of it if Robert sees himself too far above all this nonsense.

Good interview.

Re: the Stones comment, I don't think he was knocking them per se....I think he uses them as an example of the path/direction he doesn't want to follow. My view of Robert is he likes to variety and change....not doing the same thing year after year after year......Personally, I too wonder why bands like the RS continue performing year after year (I know it's about the $$$$ but doesn't it get boring after while) however I try not to knock them for doing so...if that's what they like to do, so be it. Everyone has the right choose the path/direction which makes them happiest and who are we to question or criticize it....though we do and we will. It's our prerogative. :lol: :lol:

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I think what bothers him is the idea of playing the same-old same-old from the 70s. The Stones tour a lot-have they put out any new material though? This is an honest question, not a bash-I don't follow them so I don't know.

He may be conscious of his age and looking older, but there's no indication he's losing his voice or that he's bothered by it happening. I think it sounds better than it did back in the day, richer and smoother.

This is an excellent idea-just talking about it the other night with a Crows fan. It also crossed my mind that the guy from Tesla (I can't remember his name) might be able to pull it off, but most likely not. But Chris would be a fantastic choice.

I feel the same way. As for the Stones & new material, I believe they did put out a new album a few years ago. I think the Who did too. I don't know how the new material sounds, but people always want to hear the classics as well. :)

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Personally I don't think he is knocking the Stones. Perhaps he has a great admiration (or at least some respect) of them, and he knows his limits, therefore, he doesn't think he would enjoy getting older that way because he knows what a strain it puts on them. You know? Sounded better in my head... :wacko:

Sounded fine really, and I agree. The Stones haven't ever stopped, and Mick works out preparing for tours. Jimmy hasn't had to withstand the rigors of touring in a long time. And let's face it, it's grueling. Even for younger bands, you need an incredible amount of energy and good health or you crash and burn. Jimmy might not be up to it...yet.

And Robert likes things the way they are, the way he's been doing HIS thing, that is no Huge fancy crap. He has said he enjoys not having to lug 10 semi's everywhere they go and isn't into that.

Robert can age any way he wants....like fine wine...:wub:

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Let's hope the "logical event" is not another person kickin' the bucket... (Oh dear, just think, if the Stones weren't still out there gettin' their ya-yas out, Ahmet Ertegun might be with us yet... )

Obviously the "rigors" of touring don't bother Robert overly much, when he's not doing it the old Zeppelin way, since he has yet to stop. It's not like he has to personally drive a tractor-trailer rig to the venues and unload it by hand, is it? :D They were crazy to tour at the pace they did in the 70's, I don't think any one expects that again.

A trio with vocalist is a pretty stripped down outfit. He travels with more than that with Strange Sensation, and even will with Allison. So just don't hire an Egyptian orchestra or have JPJ do any conducting of a guest symphony, you know, stuff like that... ;)

My question is, if they didn't play it all by rote night after night back in the day, why would they start now?

Just points to ponder...

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For Christ's sakes! He says YES there for you folks! The rest is to throw you off and to focus on the near future like the poster a ways back said as well. This is their fortieth anniversary since Zep started as The New Yardbirds so I look forward to their reunion tour at the end of this year before they record a new studio l.p. to be released and toured behind next year. PERIOD! THEN END! HA! HA!

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That's a very charming interview, and Robert looks great - like a Viking chieftain or something (in a good way!).

But it sounds very discouraging on the Led Zeppelin front. It may be time for Pagey to start looking for another singer...

I agree FireOpal....I assume Jimmy has a lot of upcoming projects of his own to purse....if or when he decides to go in a musical direction, if it's not with his LZ bandmembers, I hope that creative muse moves him to purse other outlets. I would be fascinated to see what direction Jimmy would take as a solo artist as well as who he would colloborate with....he'd have no shortage of suitors in that regard. :)

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I just hope that Robert will consider taking Zep out for Jimmy's sake. I think doing one last tour for Jimmy would be "the event that would make it logical...I think he really needs to do this, to come full circle. I also think it would be good for Jason as well...If Robert looks at it as a gift to his two friends..I think he may just do it...

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I just hope that Robert will consider taking Zep out for Jimmy's sake. I think doing one last tour for Jimmy would be "the event that would make it logical...I think he really needs to do this, to come full circle.

I think Robert indulged Jimmy greatly with Page/Plant, especially on the 98 tour which became a much more purist Zep reunion. Jimmy then had plenty of fun with the Crowes afterwards as a little coda. Sad how that one ended, but still, it was memorable. So there is your victory lap. Unfortunately no JPJ or Jason, but that was as close as we got.

This time around it has to be something more. If I were Robert I would not commit to a lengthy Police style reunion tour. I would not devote that much of my waning energy to just playing oldies, however competently. I would want new material.

Jimmy created Led Zeppelin. I think the burden should be on him to work behind the scenes between now and the fall to do the legwork to put things back together. If he really wants it, he'll take the initiative.

If things just kind of coast along without there being a real driving force, I think the best we'll be able to hope for is a handful of shows which are virtual replays of the O2 show, while all of them otherwise just go back to focusing on their individual careers.

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I just hope that Robert will consider taking Zep out for Jimmy's sake. I think doing one last tour for Jimmy would be "the event that would make it logical...I think he really needs to do this, to come full circle. I also think it would be good for Jason as well...If Robert looks at it as a gift to his two friends..I think he may just do it...

That's a lovely sentiment, I agree that's a nice reason. And it just feels right.

I think Robert indulged Jimmy greatly with Page/Plant, especially on the 98 tour which became a much more purist Zep reunion. Jimmy then had plenty of fun with the Crowes afterwards as a little coda. Sad how that one ended, but still, it was memorable. So there is your victory lap. Unfortunately no JPJ or Jason, but that was as close as we got.

This time around it has to be something more. If I were Robert I would not commit to a lengthy Police style reunion tour. I would not devote that much of my waning energy to just playing oldies, however competently. I would want new material.

Jimmy created Led Zeppelin. I think the burden should be on him to work behind the scenes between now and the fall to do the legwork to put things back together. If he really wants it, he'll take the initiative.

If things just kind of coast along without there being a real driving force, I think the best we'll be able to hope for is a handful of shows which are virtual replays of the O2 show, while all of them otherwise just go back to focusing on their individual careers.

It's a good sign that Jimmy is out there doing publicity now, don't you think?

As to Plant not wanting to just play "oldies", well... there's a difference between oldies, and classics. As soon as he stops playing Zeppelin tunes with everyone else he works with, I'll buy that he's finished with that music.

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I just hope that Robert will consider taking Zep out for Jimmy's sake. I think doing one last tour for Jimmy would be "the event that would make it logical...I think he really needs to do this, to come full circle. I also think it would be good for Jason as well...If Robert looks at it as a gift to his two friends..I think he may just do it...

My .02 cents.....I think they would all really want to do this in order to make it work. I see it a la the 4 Muskateers..."all for one and one for all". Perhaps not the best analogy but I feel they all have to be committed to it.

I guess we'll just have to wait/see.......:)

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a tad off-topic,but it would be nice if jimmy could get together with jpj and jason and kick around some jams (not old lz songs, per se, but just jamming) and see if they couldn't come up with some amazing new material themselves. I mean, I have no doubt they could do that, but just let robt do his thing with allison...when that comes to an end, the core of the "band" could approach robt and say, hey, look at what the three of us have come up with...and perhaps they could ask robt, "Do you have any ideas, lyrical or otherwise that you think you would like to add..." or something to that effect.

I'm sure this has probably been thought of before, but it seems to me if you bring robt into the creative process on something new well, this may be the catalyst...

I personally believe that john paul jones would be (and always has been) a stalwart asset to the band

...he has amazing talent and professionalism. I really believe that if there is to be any movement on the zeppelin front, that it must take the shape of a new balloon, how about a new name, a new band, new material...They could come out with new material, as mentioned above, name themselves "the nobs" or something coyly related to zep but looking to the future...with jimmy/jason/jpj working up new material until the fall, awaiting roberts' possible return...if it was to happen like this, new material, "new" band, wouldn't that make it a "logical event"?

This would be worth waiting until spring 2009, wouldn't it, a tour new album, new group? Like robert has said and "the statement" said 04 dec '80, "...that we could not continue as we were"...

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The whole pretense of the situation right now according to Jimmy is that Robert had "prior commitments" to Alison. So if you read between the lines, in the recent band meeting, the 4 of them have probably agreed to meet up again after Robert is done touring and talk about what they might do next. The second JPJ or Jimmy go back and work on their solo albums with the intent of releasing them as SOLO albums rather than throwing them into the pot of a prospective Zep album, then that will destroy the momentum. So keep on the lookout for anything JPJ and Jimmy say about their solo albums between now and next fall. JPJ has at least one producer gig to keep him busy and Jimmy may or may not be mixing the O2 show. There is a long wait ahead and I'm not sure how long both of them are going to be content to sit on their hands waiting for Robert to return from the frontlines.

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  • 3 weeks later...

On the JAN.11 tv interview Plant stated it would have to be Magick that would motivate him to reunite and do more shows as Led Zeppelin---perhaps he has something very specific he is looking for.

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On the JAN.11 tv interview Plant stated it would have to be Magick that would motivate him to reunite and do more shows as Led Zeppelin---perhaps he has something very specific he is looking for.

Or perhaps he's just stringin' everyone along that's hopin' and prayin' like he's done for the past 20 years or so

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I think Robert will give Jimmy another chance to impress. Robert can tell when Jimmy is bullshitting his way through a solo, or if he is really making musical decisions in the moment. Drooling Jimmy missing cues, and going through the motions isn't good enough. I give him a B for the O2 gig.

Pros:good sound, guitars mostly in tune, few mistakes, some great chordal solos. decent control, great sense of dynamics and mood through tonality and volume

Cons: Tried to Whammy (pedal) his way out of poor approaches to a couple solos, couldn't get his wah wah pedal to switch off (several times), could've taken more risks.

Robert looks right at Jimmy when he takes his solos. It's so obvious when Jimmy is faking it. My hope is they do a heavier show with at least one hard jam section (I'm thinking Immigrant Song) and Jimmy tears the place apart. That would motivate Robert Plant.

The "songs they never played live" catalogue would be a welcome addition to a tour.

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I think Robert will give Jimmy another chance to impress. Robert can tell when Jimmy is bullshitting his way through a solo, or if he is really making musical decisions in the moment. Drooling Jimmy missing cues, and going through the motions isn't good enough. I give him a B for the O2 gig.

IMHO, for a 64 year old man who had not performed a full concert in seven years and had to so with a damaged finger (and play one step down for the singer) he gets an A.

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I think Robert will give Jimmy another chance to impress. Robert can tell when Jimmy is bullshitting his way through a solo, or if he is really making musical decisions in the moment. Drooling Jimmy missing cues, and going through the motions isn't good enough. I give him a B for the O2 gig.

Pros:good sound, guitars mostly in tune, few mistakes, some great chordal solos. decent control, great sense of dynamics and mood through tonality and volume

Cons: Tried to Whammy (pedal) his way out of poor approaches to a couple solos, couldn't get his wah wah pedal to switch off (several times), could've taken more risks.

Robert looks right at Jimmy when he takes his solos. It's so obvious when Jimmy is faking it. My hope is they do a heavier show with at least one hard jam section (I'm thinking Immigrant Song) and Jimmy tears the place apart. That would motivate Robert Plant.

The "songs they never played live" catalogue would be a welcome addition to a tour.

Jimmy has had his bad moments non doubt, but O2 weren't one of them. Listen to Dazed And Confused and tell me that he ain't rippin' a brilliant solo out there. I don't care if there was a little glitch at the end , that was just a band that hadn't played enough together. IMHO JImmy Page was in fine form that night and I'm sure Robert Plant would tell you the same. Your intitled to judge for yourself and I don't wish to argue about this but, For some reason I don't think JP has to get RP's approval for anything. Except a tour that is

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I think Robert will give Jimmy another chance to impress. Robert can tell when Jimmy is bullshitting his way through a solo, or if he is really making musical decisions in the moment. Drooling Jimmy missing cues, and going through the motions isn't good enough. I give him a B for the O2 gig.

Pros:good sound, guitars mostly in tune, few mistakes, some great chordal solos. decent control, great sense of dynamics and mood through tonality and volume

Cons: Tried to Whammy (pedal) his way out of poor approaches to a couple solos, couldn't get his wah wah pedal to switch off (several times), could've taken more risks.

Robert looks right at Jimmy when he takes his solos. It's so obvious when Jimmy is faking it. My hope is they do a heavier show with at least one hard jam section (I'm thinking Immigrant Song) and Jimmy tears the place apart. That would motivate Robert Plant.

The "songs they never played live" catalogue would be a welcome addition to a tour.

And exactly when can we expect your ground breaking multiplatinum selling album? ;)

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IMHO, for a 64 year old man who had not performed a full concert in seven years and had to so with a damaged finger (and play one step down for the singer) he gets an A.

If you created a sort of bell curve for Jimmy and sited 1980-85 (Youtube: Jimmy Page+Beachboys for example) as most out to lunch and 1970-73 as most in the moment, where would the O2 fall? Better than a lot of Zep shows, but not as good as the best Page Plant shows (Opening night Florida 98 for example) where he just rips the lid of the joint. If he has an opportunity to play with Plant and Jones again, I think a Pensicola 98 level no holds barred performance is what it would take to make Robert consider stepping away from what might be the pinnacle of his solo career climb.

Honestly, the chemistry I see between AK and RP is just as tangible as that of JP and RP. It jumps right off the screen.

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