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Unless knebby is a wife or girlfriend or someone who works very closely with zep I dont believe what they say. I agree with a earlier post why video tape the concert if it's not going to be released? As far as zep releasing a album it aint gonna happen but I do believe they have recordings in the can that were never released. A DVD WILL EVENTUALY BE RELEASED.

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Unless knebby is a wife or girlfriend or someone who works very closely with zep I dont believe what they say. I agree with a earlier post why video tape the concert if it's not going to be released? As far as zep releasing a album it aint gonna happen but I do believe they have recordings in the can that were never released. A DVD WILL EVENTUALY BE RELEASED.

A wife or a girlfriend?WTF is that. Knebby can stand on her own two feet.

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Unless knebby is a wife or girlfriend or someone who works very closely with zep I dont believe what they say. I agree with a earlier post why video tape the concert if it's not going to be released? As far as zep releasing a album it aint gonna happen but I do believe they have recordings in the can that were never released. A DVD WILL EVENTUALY BE RELEASED.

Not that Knebby needs anyone to defence her, she's fully capable to do it herself, but I have been around this board and especially around the old board for couple of years now, mostly as a bystander, not contributing much, my opinion is that Knebby is extremely reliable source. I completely trust her. Just my thoughts.

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Ok, so no release of the 02 show on DVD, I'm trying to be positive here, is it because they want to use some of the visuals used in the 02 show for future performances and if everyone had already seen it on the 02 DVD it would lessen the live experience?

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I don't know Knebby, but I would suggest that *if* she has been privy to information which came out of that band meeting then it would probably be considered bad form to reveal the source.

After all, this may jeopardise further information being passed her way?

Just playing Devil's advocate here.

Regardless of what was discussed, if there are any earth-shattering announcements then surely they would be held back until after Plant/Krauss activity ceases?

As we are on the subject of what Zep may/may not do, what about the rumour that the entire Zep back catalogue is to be overhauled & reissued this year - is there any truth in that, or is that B.S too? Source - local record shop owner in Sheffield.

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I'm not happy about what Knebby posted, it seemed to me a done deal that they would release a DVD. The fact that it was filmed, and that the house lights were pretty bright for that purpose, certainly led me to believe that a DVD or film was a done deal. But I have to say, Knebby was on the reunion early last summer well before anyone else had it, and she's clearly a good source.

Love the poster, hate the post!

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he never said he didn't believe you. he just wants to know where you heard that from

personally i think your full of shit, but hey, you dont care either way.

Hey come on now, that is not necessary! Knebby is a great source of info concerning the band and knows what she is talking about. I would love to see them release a DVD of the O2 concerts but we will have to wait and see if they change their minds down the road.

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Did ya'll know robert contributed to a tribute cd for the tipitina foundation last year before the re union show?

What's the name of that there record, please sir? I'm searching under the keyword "Tipitina" and I'm getting mostly Dr. John results, with a sprinkling of Allen Toussaint.

EDIT: Ne'er mind, it's "Goin' Home, A Tribute to Fats Domino"

Edited by FireOpal
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great post Joel :tup:


A post was made to seemingly affirm that there's no plan for an official DVD of O2. OK....

Others expressed disappointment but didn't ask for a source* or verification. There was just the comment made as if it were fact.

But when I mentioned an alternative for the mean time.....then a post was made sorta challenging my opinion on the quality and viewabiltiy of the 3rd Eye source. So...I asked the question of "what would one see as better then?" There was no answer.... about that...only that there was 'no alluding' to a better source.

Others then asked for a source for the post alleging that there were no plans for a DVD of the O2 show. And the answer to that was....'NO'.

Now...I've seen many speculations and assertions in other threads here....and they've been called upon for sources. And when not given...those posting were chastized.

I'm seeing a double standard here. A post made alleging something without 'backup'..and others defending that...assuming because there's trust in the one who posted the 'news'. Ok..trust is good....but it's funny how others are called out..and given the harsh treatment when they don't reveal sources....hmmm....

So....back to it....NO DVD planned...OK...next known, at least to me, best source is the 3rd Eye DVD. Well...if it's not the 'next best thing'....and someone challenges that....then what DO they think IS the next best thing ?

Can't that at least be answered...if not the revealing of the source for the 'whole can of worms' to open about NO planned DVD.....? Apparently there IS some insider info...at least those who 'trust' believe it...so why not reveal to all the others who may not be privy to 'inside' information.....the reasons for posting such a discouraging, albiet 'possibly true', post ?

There's something in this thread that's certainly stirring...is it shit...or what ? Only those who know can reveal it....will they ?


*Ooops, there was an immediate request for a source by reid, my bad.

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I don't have any inside sources, just informed hunches. Here's what my crystal ball reveals:

I think the Plant/Kraus thing needs to run its course before any viable L.Z. decisions are made. Then they can sit down, and I hope, be all on the same page, so to speak. The end of 2008--2009 could get very interesting.

To me it makes sense to eventually release the 02 concert DVD, but I wouldn't be surprised if that would take several years. I think the best way to get Robert to tour with L.Z. is to convince Robert and the rest of the band to record and release a C.D. of all new material.

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I got bored and skiped a page - no disrespect to anyone but I will not take unsuported internet rumours of what was or wasn't decided at the band meeting. I'll wait for a band statement.

Far to much was put into filming the O2 for a dvd not to be a possibility. New LZ product would sell quicker that the hottest hot cakes ever cooked. I remain confident that the DVD is the least we have to look forward too.

I can see a scenario where if RP really is against any more band concerts he'll try and delay the dvd as long as possible to prevent the build up of pressure on him to tour.

Led Zep have never released information to the media before plans are cast in stone so we'll just have to wait patiently.

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About the "Well" being dry? Steve A you certainly know your stuff, but I read somewhere right before the 02 concert that Page said he has some good music written for a solo album, and that he wouldn't necessarily keep it for himself. A tiny glimmer of hope in my opinion.

Your correct, but he's been saying similar things for a few years now. I wasn't exactly

amazed by 'Domino' at Net Aid in Giants Stadium, New Jersey (Oct 9, 1999). I do hope

I'm completely wrong on the well being dry, even though there's a jelly doughnut bet

hanging in the balance!

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I'm going with Knebby's report, until it proves otherwise.

Many message from Robert, and the band are cryptic. And so, it's easy to say...as of "January 2008"... there are no Tour or DVD plans..... I can live with that statement....

So, when "A Tour" is Announced.... Then... It IS Announced.

Until then.... everyone can speculate, and will speculate all they want....her, there, and yonder!!!

Unitl an Official DVD is released, if ever.... then all of this is specualtion, as well.

There were major feedback problems. IF Zeppelin ever gets to doing any more dates.... THEN, wew can look for those to be filmed.... and if one comes through without feedback or other signifigant problems.... then I think there would be a DVD release. The fact of the "cost" of filming that show....These guys are Millionaries....IT'S NOT THAT BIG A FUCKING DEAL, MONETARILY !!!!!

As for the arguement that Joelmon makes for the 3rd EYE DVD... I agree with him. In fact, as for the "Visual" representation of a Led Zeppelin concert.... I tend to prefer a nice audience shot film, due to the longer framed shots, and, that it's from an "audience" perspective, and "not" belly button/nasal hair shots most of the way through, and when Jimmy is riffing, I don't want to fucking see the camera on JB or JPJ, or Robert !!!!!. Take TSRTS for example.... while the official audio is cleaner than most any audience recording...... a fan shot video of it would be more pleasing to me. I do love the wide shot of "The Ocean".... that's more like it ! One of my favorite bits on the 2nd disc fo the Led Zeppelin "DVD", was the bonus of the fan shot sequqnces of "TSRTS". I got more out of that, than the Hodgepodge of visuals from the Knebworth screen shots....

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Your correct, but he's been saying similar things for a few years now. I wasn't exactly

amazed by 'Domino' at Net Aid in Giants Stadium, New Jersey (Oct 9, 1999). I do hope

I'm completely wrong on the well being dry, even though there's a jelly doughnut bet

hanging in the balance!


Well, and now we have someone willing to buy drinks, too!

I think we need to meet in LA at one of those tacky stip malls with a donut shop next to a seedy bar next to a great Mexican, Thai or Japanese hole-in-wall restuarant, a block from a ridiculously busy freeway, to listen to the new music that's going to come out, after attending the theatrical release of the film with the O2 footage, around the time of the limited tour, say, sometime in 2009?


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As for the arguement that Joelmon makes for the 3rd EYE DVD... I agree with him. In fact, as for the "Visual" representation of a Led Zeppelin concert.... I tend to prefer a nice audience shot film, due to the longer framed shots, and, that it's from an "audience" perspective, and "not" belly button/nasal hair shots most of the way through, and when Jimmy is riffing, I don't want to fucking see the camera on JB or JPJ, or Robert !!!!!. Take TSRTS for example.... while the official audio is cleaner than most any audience recording...... a fan shot video of it would be more pleasing to me. I do love the wide shot of "The Ocean".... that's more like it ! One of my favorite bits on the 2nd disc fo the Led Zeppelin "DVD", was the bonus of the fan shot sequqnces of "TSRTS". I got more out of that, than the Hodgepodge of visuals from the Knebworth screen shots....


:D "belly button/nasal hair shots..." LOL!

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Well, and now we have someone willing to buy drinks, too!

I think we need to meet in LA at one of those tacky stip malls with a donut shop next to a seedy bar next to a great Mexican, Thai or Japanese hole-in-wall restuarant, a block from a ridiculously busy freeway, to listen to the new music that's going to come out, after attending the theatrical release of the film with the O2 footage, around the time of the limited tour, say, sometime in 2009?


You had me from hello. Count me in!

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You had me from hello. Count me in!
Count me in to and while im at it this dvd thing is kinda buggin me why wait years to release this concert?. I say you gotta strike while the irons hot and intrest is high. Releasing this show years from now is just a bad marketing plan im still betting on later this year. Edited by led zep maniack
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I say you gotta strike while the irons hot and intrest is high. Releasing this show years from now is just a bad marketing plan im still betting on later this year.

It was meant to be a one-off, somewhat intimate tribute to a great man. An argument can be made that a commercial dvd release so soon after the event is going to be misconstrued as a money-grab that cheapens the original intent. However, one can also be made that releasing it to everyone with a portion of the proceeds going to his charitable foundation would further honor his memory.

Personally, I believe if that concert remains the last Led Zeppelin performance it will be released eventually, but not this year.

Edited by SteveAJones
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