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I do like it and at present I think its the best we have, so until an official or better one comes a long it will do for me.

But thats me and my opinion B)

But I really really want the official one ( pleaseguys)

I appreciate your opinion Paul....you have one of the finest collections of Zep shows I know of...and I know you know your stuff and I value your opinion on this highly....

I also hope for an official DVD...and audio too ! :D

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Well .... I have at least one answer to my question about what someone thought of it

I think it's very nicely done but I was really hoping for some close-ups. I wanted to

see to what extent Jimmy was "protecting" his pinky, for example. From what I've

been told the Blu-ray upgrade improves one's ability to see the emotion on their

faces a bit better because of the higher resolution. I also hope perhaps someone did

a straight shot of the screen as that would also afford viewers an array of close-ups.

I don't really bother with all the You Tube crap.

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Did I interrupt Sunday school?

I have made it perfectly clear that I have said all I ever wanted to say on that subject - AND that I wasn't talking about another version. That answers ALL your questions.

Thanks for your valued answer....it's very clear to me why you think that the 3rd eye DVD version is in 'NO WAY' the next best thing. :blink:

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Yes, Jimmy allegedly said he was whilst in Bangkok (Jimmy in Bangkok thread under News Forum). I'm keen to learn if the feedback in evidence during the actual event is present

on the monitor tracks (probably so) and the soundboard mix, and if so if Kevin Shirley (if he's the one tapped to work on it) can remove it without too much hassle.

Here's a link....for what it's worth....


Thanks out there ! B)

*whoa...it just took me to a blank page, whereas a few minutes ago ... it had information.....hmmmmm.....:blink:

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Let me try this again....Jimmy and audio mixing of the O2


Led Zepp’s Jimmy Page Drops By

Led Zepp guitarist and full time rock legend Jimmy Page dropped by recently and was spotted at Overtone over on RCA where he told bemused fans he was just taking time out before heading back to help master the recent London Ertegun reunion gig audio. For disappointed fans who missed him this time around, he reckons he’ll be back in Bangkok in a couple of months.

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I still don't really understand why they are not releasing it :'(

I would like them to change their minds because I was up in the hills at the 02 but would love to see it big and bold and up close and personal.

Greedy I know but........................................

I think the reason for them not releasing a DVD is because of the feedback problems that went on during the whole show, and the few mistakes they made on some of the songs. Jimmy won’t release anything unless it’s close to perfect. I’m sure if they filmed a whole tour it would be easier to pick out there best performances and release a DVD.

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I think the reason for them not releasing a DVD is because of the feedback problems that went on during the whole show, and the few mistakes they made on some of the songs. Jimmy won’t release anything unless it’s close to perfect. I’m sure if they filmed a whole tour it would be easier to pick out there best performances and release a DVD.

I'm not sure i would buy that excuse if it is theone, there must be something else behind it but damned if i know why.

Its not a decision i agree with but obviously have no say in it no matter how much i want it to be released.

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That's a rather discourteous response.

I lurked on the old board for over ten years and have been active here since the official launch. I've never found a way to get along with Knebby for two consecutive posts. Regardless, I do value truth and precision and in this regard, she has seldom failed to disappoint. I'd take her word for it -- no 02 DVD anytime soon.

The distant future? No one knows.

:hysterical: I realize that what you wrote is not what you meant, but still... :hysterical:


I also hope they'll release something official someday. As someone wryly noted, if we go by history of when they had video shot, etc., it'll be years and years.

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He already "helped out" Jimmy from 1983-86.

There is a certain Mr. Coverdale who could be enticed...but my money's down on seeing an instrumental project from the man in ruffles.

And David Lee Roth is pretty busy right now...... :rolleyes:

Acutually, I would prefer to wait easily another year, if that the time necessary to get Mr. Plant onboard.

NOBODY can do it like Robert ! He proved that completely on Dec. 10th.

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Joel, I have no beef with you. Let's get that out of the way first. But for you to even suggest that a bootleg copy of the O2 show shot from the far back-middle reaches of the upper tier would even remotely compare to an officially released, multi-camera video/multi-tracked audio version is ridiculous. By bootleg standards, I'd still only give it a 5/10 (too far away and the audio mix is far from multi-track good). It's a place-holder at best in much the same way I'd take HTWWW over either the 6/25/72 or 6/27/72 audience recordings or any of the Knebworth bootlegs vs. the stuff on the DVD.

And as for Uncle Bill, many users have been around since the board was on the now-defunct led-zeppelin.com site. Things didn't start from scratch when this site went official in much the same way that the history of the universe didnt' begin when you were born.

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Hey Solar !

I said 'It's the next best thing available !!

Nowhere did I say it was as good as what an official will be....:wacko:

It's just the best of what I've seen....I wasn't a BIT unclear about that. And I was truly wondering if someone had seen something better.....you need to reread my posts solar.

Someone else was saying they thought the 'in the back' viewing was better than what they thought the pro version might be...NOT ME !!!

11:21am Thursday....

Get the 3rd eye production DVD....next best thing to a authorized release.

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And as for Uncle Bill, many users have been around since the board was on the now-defunct led-zeppelin.com site. Things didn't start from scratch when this site went official in much the same way that the history of the universe didnt' begin when you were born.

Thank you.

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exactly! it's obvious "the sacred cows miss their old pasture"

Uh, no. Let me rephrase. It's obvious you're an oblivious douche compared to people who have proven to be more than muckrakers and agitants such as yourself.

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Hey Solar !

I said 'It's the next best thing available !!

Nowhere did I say it was as good as what an official will be....:wacko:

It's just the best of what I've seen....I wasn't a BIT unclear about that. And I was truly wondering if someone had seen something better.....you need to reread my posts solar.

Someone else was saying they thought the 'in the back' viewing was better than what they thought the pro version might be...NOT ME !!!

There is a very big difference between "next best thing to an authorized release" as you've been arguing and best bootleg version available.

Seriously, people need to stop arguing semantics on here. That's all this is boiling down to -- and so far off topic in the Band Meeting thread.

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lol, didn't take long to stoop to ad hominem attacks, yawn

Here's ad hominem attack No. 1 from you:


And No. 2:


And your third strike:


I'm not one to lash out unless it's been warranted. Of course, if you'd looked around more in the last few months before spouting off, you'd have known that.

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