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I am now loving IN THROUGH THE OUT DOOR!

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My least favorite Zeppelin album, but it contains an absolute gem " I'm Gonna Crawl " That number takes me back to the first album :)

I concur with everything you said but it makes me think that it's time to revisit this album. I have not played it for years but it's time to do just that.

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I concur with everything you said but it makes me think that it's time to revisit this album. I have not played it for years but it's time to do just that.

I may have to do the same thing. Boy.... the rigors of life :D

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Always loved this, my 2nd favorite album. I like the term "fun" put on, but the songs are all great, who doesn't love In The Evening, Carouselambra was just genius and seemed ahead of their time (as usual). This album seems to tell me a story, from the first song to the last, kind of like a timeline. Glad you found this jewel, it is overlooked way too much

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It was the late 70's; everybody were lost, didn't know where to go.

That's a good point. Although the Floyd scored a knock-out later that year with "The Wall." (or was that 1980?).

What would have made ITTOD a MUCH better album would have been the inclusion of Wearing & Tearing, Darlene, and even Ozone Baby (all outtakes from the ITTOD sessions). I understand the lads were trying to --as always-- try something different on their albums, but those songs could have help give the album more of an edge (remember even the Lite Rock stations were playing Fool In The Rain and All My Love).

Favorite cuts from that album:

In The Evening


I'm Gonna Crawl

(honorable mention: Southbound Suarez (sp?), Hot Dog

Okay, I'm gonna shut up now.

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It's a good album. Nothing more, nothing less.

It was the late 70's; everybody were lost, didn't know where to go.

I don't know why you think "everybody was lost." many great albums came out that year, by new artists and by older established ones. I agree with you though that it's just a good album.

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I don't know why you think "everybody was lost." many great albums came out that year, by new artists and by older established ones. I agree with you though that it's just a good album.

Oh! It's just a feeling I got. Sure, plenty of great albums came out but you gotta admit, it was a strange period, a transition, IMHO, between the Epic 70's and the synthetic 80's...

But then again, it's only my opinion.

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I think if Bonzo hadn't died, I think we would look back on ITTOD as the transitional album from the past to the new look and sounding Zeppelin in the 80's, a bit like Queen (The Game/Hot space)and U2 (Achtung bay) changed and reinvented themselves a bit !!

I think ITE an C'lambra are epics and always get sad listening to IGC as its the very last song on the very last studio lp !!

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ITTOD is still one of my top 3, Led Zep studio albums.

I remember the day ITTOD album was released. Two of the local radio stations played the album in its entirety one at 10pm and the other at 11pm. I had a 90 minute cassette tape and recorded both airings, each on one side of the cassette.

I had to leave for work right after the second playing, as I was working 3rd shift at the time. I took the cassette with me and my co-workers and I listened to it over and over again through the early morning hours. I remember commenting to one of my co-works, how great it was and I was already wanting more new Zeppelin!!!

Within a few days, I bought my first copy of In through the Out Door. Shortly there after, I obtained the remaining 5 album covers. I still have all six (6) album covers today.

With today’s technologies, I have added the last 4 tracks of CODA to the end of ITTOD on my MP3 players. As originally intended, ITTOD was to be released as a double album and 3 of the 4 songs are outtakes from the ITTOD recording sessions.

I too, love I’m Gonna Crawl. But, ending with Wearing and Tearing, is just such an adrenaline rush!!!

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Oh! It's just a feeling I got. Sure, plenty of great albums came out but you gotta admit, it was a strange period, a transition, IMHO, between the Epic 70's and the synthetic 80's...

But then again, it's only my opinion.

You're focusing only on a small portion of the music though, punk sure wasn't "lost" at that time and wasn't part of that epic 70s you were referring to and not everything in the 80s even early was synthetic as you put it. Your description only works when you focus only on a small section. But you're right, it's just a matter of opinion, and I don't challenge that.

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With today’s technologies, I have added the last 4 tracks of CODA to the end of ITTOD on my MP3 players. As originally intended, ITTOD was to be released as a double album and 3 of the 4 songs are outtakes from the ITTOD recording sessions.

I too, love I’m Gonna Crawl. But, ending with Wearing and Tearing, is just such an adrenaline rush!!!

I hadn't heard that before. Interesting. Can anyone confirm this?

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I hadn't heard that before. Interesting. Can anyone confirm this?

I havent heard that... the stories that are close that that are

-releasing Wearing and Tearing, Darline and Ozone Baby on an EP and distributing it a knebworth

-releasing Wearing and Tearing as a single (possibly under a fake band name)

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I havent heard that... the stories that are close that that are

-releasing Wearing and Tearing, Darline and Ozone Baby on an EP and distributing it a knebworth

-releasing Wearing and Tearing as a single (possibly under a fake band name)

I have heard of the last one (single), and the second one (EP) isn't too far off from it.

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This album just keeps on growing on me as time goes on. At first I thought it was the weakest album. But I have changed my opinion. It is a "fun" album and one of zeppelins stronger efforts :D It would have been interesting to see what direction the next album would have gone. :P

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As Heaven Knows hints at Jimmy & Bonzo were kind of chemically indisposed for much of ITTOD so it's Robert & JP at the controls. Which is why there's more keyboards on it. It has some great songs but it would be my least favourite album.

Has everybody listened to Hot Dog through headphones and realised that the 2 ladies from Abba sing back up vocals on it? I guess everybody who hasn't will be reaching for their headphones about now! The album was recorded in Abba's Stockholm studio.

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You're focusing only on a small portion of the music though, punk sure wasn't "lost" at that time and wasn't part of that epic 70s you were referring to and not everything in the 80s even early was synthetic as you put it. Your description only works when you focus only on a small section. But you're right, it's just a matter of opinion, and I don't challenge that.

I've read my posts and you're right... I should have mention that I was mostly talking about the «Veteran Acts» of the 60s and 70s...

Of course, you're absolutely right on Punk music - Hell! What would have been the 80s without the DKs??!! - Each decade had his load of good and bad music, no one can denie that. But from my perspective, it was a weird decade.

:beer: Here's to you, fellow Wholigan!

Edited by Charles_Obscure
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I've read my posts and you're right... I should have mention that I was mostly talking about the «Veteran Acts» of the 60s and 70s...

Of course, you're absolutely right on Punk music - Hell! What would have been the 80s without the DKs??!! - Each decade had his load of good and bad music, no one can denie that. But from my perspective, it was a weird decade.

:beer:Here's to you, fellow Wholigan!

:beer: Cheers!

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As Heaven Knows hints at Jimmy & Bonzo were kind of chemically indisposed for much of ITTOD so it's Robert & JP at the controls. Which is why there's more keyboards on it. It has some great songs but it would be my least favourite album.

Has everybody listened to Hot Dog through headphones and realised that the 2 ladies from Abba sing back up vocals on it? I guess everybody who hasn't will be reaching for their headphones about now! The album was recorded in Abba's Stockholm studio.

Yes, I just love Hot Dog!! I think the song is fun and hilarious. I thought it was Robert's voice in the background too but didn't know it was the ladies from ABBA. Thanks for the info!

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Has everybody listened to Hot Dog through headphones and realised that the 2 ladies from Abba sing back up vocals on it? I guess everybody who hasn't will be reaching for their headphones about now! The album was recorded in Abba's Stockholm studio.

I've never heard that. It always sounded like Plant's voice synthesized. Where did you hear that? Yes, it was ABBA's Polar Studios, and one of the guys took Plant to a club one night, and he later realized people were having sex in the dark corners of the club; Plant realized the Abba dude (Benji? I don't know the group) was a lot kinkier than his fans probably expected.

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I've heard no mention anywhere that anyone from ABBA sang on Hot Dog, and I would be hard convinced of it without concrete proof.

That said, I love the album. Always have, since the day I watched the guy at the record store cut the box open for me the day it came out. I got cover number three. And yes, I sat in my bedroom listening to it while I applied water and q-tip to the inside sleeve to see the colors come out. :beer:

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I've heard no mention anywhere that anyone from ABBA sang on Hot Dog, and I would be hard convinced of it without concrete proof.

That said, I love the album. Always have, since the day I watched the guy at the record store cut the box open for me the day it came out. I got cover number three. And yes, I sat in my bedroom listening to it while I applied water and q-tip to the inside sleeve to see the colors come out. :beer:

I think a few of us had to buy that album twice because we messed up trying to do that inner sleeve :blink: The boy's were a thinkin' :D

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I've heard no mention anywhere that anyone from ABBA sang on Hot Dog, and I would be hard convinced of it without concrete proof.

That said, I love the album. Always have, since the day I watched the guy at the record store cut the box open for me the day it came out. I got cover number three. And yes, I sat in my bedroom listening to it while I applied water and q-tip to the inside sleeve to see the colors come out. :beer:

This is the thing I am most jealous of: record release stories.

I have very few, and most of them are nothing special. The best one I've had was when an unexpected amount of people lined up to get a copy for the last Oasis album on the US release date. There was actually a mad dash to get it (even though there were plenty of copies for all). The same thing happened a few years later for the recent White Stripes album.

I wish I had something more interesting, but people don't flock to the record stores like they used to.

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ITTOD was Zepp's reply to the Punkers and Critics who were trying to write LZ's Obit at that time.

IMO...Best song - In the Evening.

Critics made a big deal about the album being delivered in a "Plain Brown Wrapper". Does any one here have all of the interior the cover art variations?

How many of you did the water color thing? Now that was cool.

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