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did your mom ever find your stash?


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One time I accidentally left a roll of film on my dresser when I left to go back to college after spending the summer at home. My parents developed it, and there were a few pictures of me making stupid faces with my friend Steve after we had acquired a little green bag. And actually, it wasn't so little.


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I used to hide my beer/liquor in the drop ceiling in my basement bedroom. After I moved out (and was of age), my mom had a repairman over to work on some plumbing. Apparently all the cans/bottles came tumbling down from the ceiling, lol :) She thought it was funny though!

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Indeed she did...more than once. One time i managed to purchase some wicked Thai stick. I proceeded to light up, promptly went into a state of euphoric semi-consiouness, and Mom walks in. The stick was lying right on my chest and i was so errr, "happy" that i didn't have the stregth to tuck it under my shirt. She just shook her head in disgust and took it away. Best part is i found it months later tucked into one of her old purses and oh happy day that was...

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My Son found mine and said he'd chucked it on the fire, :blink: (it sure looked like he did,) :angry: I believed he had and went round saying 'I can't believe you just did that' :unsure: and other stuff :rant: for nearly an hour, :o before he gave in :rolleyes: after I reminded him that it helped to stop the pain of 'Fibremyalgia'. :(:blush:

Boy he sure did pawn me there!!! :hysterical: I am SO glad I didn't just whack him!!!! :hippy:

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Heck, my Mom Grew my stash!... :P


It's true. And since she has passed on she can't get busted now can she...:lol:

My male friends who were coming back from Nam used to bring her "primo seeds" from their trips.

Good stuff. :thumbsup:

And the "Establishment", mature and high-falluting folks that they are, would say... "Why couldn't you be like great Americans, like Joseph Kennedy, and run liquor.... ??" :blink:

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Should be in The Hemp Closet. :rolleyes:

Back in '66 I was selling weed for a crippled taxi driver in San Fran for $7 an ounce and I got to keep $3 for each one sold. I stashed it in an old mattress in my closet and my parents never found it. It would have been serious time for me (CYA) if they had. B)

CYA--California Youth Authority


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Back in the early 70s when I was getting high, my parents actually asked me to score a lid for them . They were going to a dinner party where everyone wanted to try it. Guess they didn't like it, cause they never asked me again.

Maybe they found a cheaper supplier!

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Back in the early 70s when I was getting high, my parents actually asked me to score a lid for them . They were going to a dinner party where everyone wanted to try it. Guess they didn't like it, cause they never asked me again.

...or maybe it was so GOOD! they were scared straight.15_8_219.gif

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Back in the early 70s when I was getting high, my parents actually asked me to score a lid for them . They were going to a dinner party where everyone wanted to try it. Guess they didn't like it, cause they never asked me again.

I haven't heard that term in some time Planted !

Was is a 2, 3 or 4 finger lid ? :D

Ahh...the good old days...it wasn't by weight where I was..but size.

Edited by Joelmon
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My dog once ate my stash.

I had to follow the little mother fucker around with a baggie for two days.

My friend twisted up a dog turd in a Zig Zag and we smoked out after dropping a hit of window pane acid on top the roof of the local YMCA.

I once had a pound of good heads (rocket fuel) stashed under my bed.

One night I came home and when I walked into my room saw there was a field mouse in the middle of the floor.

as you know mice usually scamper away quite quickly, but it didn't move.

It was holding something green, it just stood there and watched me with a glazed look in its eyes.

I looked at the plastic bag and noticed a little hole gnawn into the corner and some fine bits next to it.

Being drunk and stoned, I picked it up and flushed it down the toilet.

I don't think it suffered, at least I hope it didn't.

When I sobered up and remembered what I had done, I felt guilty and to this day feel a little remorse for the stoned little field mouse.

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I never bought nickle bags !!

Standard in my earliest days were $10 and sometime were 3-finger !!!

BONUS !!!!

That's when pounds were $80-$100. And I'm not talking brown Mexican..but sweet Guadalajaran Gold and Michocan....and Oaxacan. B)

Yeah that sounds about right. They used to push those nickles in the little envelopes.

They used to have this low end apt. complex not quite projects that had a drive that went down between the buildings. Drive thru service. The street name was Electric ave. Lol. I mean the name on the streets. Eventually the competition got so bad between the black guys and the vietnamese they started having shootings, the sheriff's off. shut it down.

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