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did your mom ever find your stash?


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This thread made me have the most hilarious dream last night. I dreamed my mom and I were at the grocery store last night, and they had a dirty movie section (!!), and I was trying to sneak one into the shopping basket without my mom noticing. She noticed, of course, and the movie had some obviously explicit title, but I was trying to convince my mom that, :gasp:, I had NO IDEA that it was pornographic, and that I had thought it was just a regular movie, despite the ridiculously overt sexual overtones of the title. She actually believed me, too, hehe. You guys are giving me dirty thoughts, lol! You'd think this would all stem from a guilty conscience about my "stash," but honestly, I've never even watched a porn before!

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I never really smoke weed anymore, and even when I did, I never had a stash.

I smoked quite a lot when I was in college. I'm not sure whether my family ever knew, although my stepdad is always making jokes about me "smoking wacky baccy" and I can't quite tell whether he thinks I actually do, or whether it's just a stereotype that's part-and-parcel of his incessant student jokes towards me.

The only time I did nearly get caught was after my 18th birthday party. I had a load of friends 'round and we were in my room just lighting up a joint when my (very drunk) mum and aunty came in. Luckily I was also just in the process of lighting an incence stick. So when they were like "what's that funny smell?" I just said "it's the incence!"

Lucky as fuck really.

I'm not sure whether they just decided to brush it under the rug or whether they actually bought it.

Don't suppose it matters now anyway!

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This thread made me have the most hilarious dream last night. I dreamed my mom and I were at the grocery store last night, and they had a dirty movie section (!!), and I was trying to sneak one into the shopping basket without my mom noticing. She noticed, of course, and the movie had some obviously explicit title, but I was trying to convince my mom that, :gasp:, I had NO IDEA that it was pornographic, and that I had thought it was just a regular movie, despite the ridiculously overt sexual overtones of the title. She actually believed me, too, hehe. You guys are giving me dirty thoughts, lol! You'd think this would all stem from a guilty conscience about my "stash," but honestly, I've never even watched a porn before!

Dreaming of porn means you're eager to send a big box of chocolates to a very nice person you've met on a message board.

Who's user name starts with the same letter as your own. :)

It's true! B)

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I don t belong on this particular thread, but I am from the other side, so to speak, one of my jobs as a secretary to a Police Inspector was to look after Cannabis Plants, for court evidence, keep them alive.........whoops>>>>>>>>>>>>outta here LOL


So....eh....did your mom ever find out about it? :unsure::P

Edited by FuzzyMerkin
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I never kept a stash at my house; I had a friend who kept everyone's stashes at her parent's house. Unfortunately, when the house was burglarized and the police came in to investigate, they found several stashes! A huge uproar ensued.

Heck, my Mom Grew my stash!... :P


It's true. And since she has passed on she can't get busted now can she...:lol:

My male friends who were coming back from Nam used to bring her "primo seeds" from their trips.

Good stuff. :thumbsup:

In the late 60's, one of my cousins discovered that my grandmother had a long line of lush potted pot plants, several rows deep along the window ledge of her apartment. It turns out that she was taking care of them for "the nice young man downstairs."

And the "Establishment", mature and high-falluting folks that they are, would say... "Why couldn't you be like great Americans, like Joseph Kennedy, and run liquor.... ??" :blink:

While my family didn't run liquor during prohibition, they were all taking advantage of the flow of liquor that people like old Joseph Kennedy provided.

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Heck, my Mom Grew my stash!... :P


It's true. And since she has passed on she can't get busted now can she...

My male friends who were coming back from Nam used to bring her "primo seeds" from their trips.

Good stuff. :thumbsup:

Now that's cool! Sorry about your mom, though.

One day back in about 1973 I was getting ready to leave the house and picked up my purse too quickly. It tipped over and the contents dumped right out. My dad behaved like a nice gent and kneeled down to help me pick up my:

birth control pills

baggie with hash in aluminum foil

small pipe


He handed me the pills without a single word (I think he went straight into denial on that one), also handed me the baggie without a word, but held on to the pipe and looked at with interest. Then he said, "when I was young we used to drink, but I never tried hash. Is it fun?" (He grew up in Amsterdam, and was a pretty liberal man.) We went on to have a VERY uncomfortable (for me) conversation about how pot and hash are better than alcohol and great for listening to music... I couldn't wait to get out of there. :lol:

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I never kept a stash at my house; I had a friend who kept everyone's stashes at her parent's house. Unfortunately, when the house was burglarized and the police came in to investigate, they found several stashes! A huge uproar ensued.

In the late 60's, one of my cousins discovered that my grandmother had a long line of lush potted pot plants, several rows deep along the window ledge of her apartment. It turns out that she was taking care of them for "the nice young man downstairs."

While my family didn't run liquor during prohibition, they were all taking advantage of the flow of liquor that people like old Joseph Kennedy provided.

:lol::lol: & :lol: "The nice young man downstairs." Nothing like having mellow neighbors!

I work with a man who is an ex-cop from Seal Beach, CA. He tells the story of walking into the police station one day when he happened to really look at the plantings out front... and there was a nice, healthy pot plant.

A building full of cops had been walking past it for weeks... :D

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Ya know what's funny ?

I lived in Hawaii during the early 70s...and the pot growing on Maui was just starting to take hold.

We called it Mowie Zowie....not Mowie Wowie like the mainlanders called it. And the term, KIND BUD...was KINE BUD in Hawaii...from the phrase, Da Kine, which meant The Best, among other meanings....

So terms became common place over mispronunciations.

Shaka brah !


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My dog once ate my stash.

I had to follow the little mother fucker around with a baggie for two days.

My friend twisted up a dog turd in a Zig Zag and we smoked out after dropping a hit of window pane acid on top the roof of the local YMCA.

Yeah right........... I take it you like Cheech & Chongs " Up in Smoke then". If you are going to fib at least be original.

Edited by johnthomasmoby
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Mom called me at work once and told me some green stuff was floating in the washing machine. It seems I had left the proverbial bag of weed in my sock. I was caught by surprise and really didn't know what to say. She asked me if she should get a sieve out of the kitchen and "scoop it out" of the washer. I said by all means....PLEASE DO !! So she called me back and said it was drying out on top the dryer. She then said, " I know you pay a lot of money for that stuff, and I'd hate to see it go to waste". :blink:

When I came home it turned out she was slightly bullshitting. She had grabbed it before it went in the washer. :D

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These stories are cracking me up!!!!!

SunChild, that was so funny!

BongMan too.

Now the question for us geezer/ette's is....what did WE do when we found OUR kids stash.

* damn, they're getting better green than I am :blink: *

And I hear you all on the NICE price....I had five finger lids flying out of my bag in our park, I was too young to get jail time, so it worked out just fine. Those kinds you mentioned Joel, remember well, the mehocan (sp?) was my tasting favorite ! tasted kind of like coconut..mmm.

Yeah, and I still call kine, kind. :)

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I never bought nickle bags !!

Standard in my earliest days were $10 and sometime were 3-finger !!!

BONUS !!!!

That's when pounds were $80-$100. And I'm not talking brown Mexican..but sweet Guadalajaran Gold and Michocan....and Oaxacan. B)

I remember buying 'matchboxes' for $5. You could get about 5 doobs out of it.

Kilos were $80 then.


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Heck, my Mom Grew my stash!... :P


It's true. And since she has passed on she can't get busted now can she...:lol:

My male friends who were coming back from Nam used to bring her "primo seeds" from their trips.

Good stuff. :thumbsup:

Your Mom sound really Cooooooool, say hello to her from an English 'Flower Child', I bet she likes 'Zeplin', right?

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Ya when I was 16 or 17 my mother walked into my room and said "Rob I found this in your jean pocket

while doing the laundry." putting her hand forward and open with my half ounce of hash still in its Glad Bag. I immediately thought that to someone who doesn't know what a half ounce of hash looks like it must look pretty small... so I said "It's just a little piece of hash I'm holding for my friend."

She said "OK" and gave it back to me.

That was it.

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ROFL--nice story, Bong Man! :D

I outted my dad to my paternal grandparents when I was a kid. We had this couch that had a hole in the side of it--on the bottom, and my dad used to put his bong in there. My grandparents were visiting, and since they lived in Georgia, I had not seen them since I was a baby, so I was showing off for these people that really, really loved me and thought I was really, really cute, (I was 4). My grandmother was oohing and ahhing over the house, complimenting my mom for this and for that--so after my mom had thanked my grandmother for complimenting a vase my dad had bought her, I go over to this couch, pull out the bong and then I said, "See my dad's vase?" I would love to know what the look on those people's faces looked like! :hysterical::hysterical: After that, I proceeded to pull out the pie pan that my dad used to sort out his seeds and stems from the buds and I showed that to my grandparents. I think my mom and dad were just in utter and complete shock.


I also wonder whether my grandparents were suprised that my dad smoked pot, or that they were surpised that I didn't realize that wasn't a vase. :lol:


On another note, I was helping a Deaf student in the writing center the other day, and he needed some help with vocabulary flashcards. The assignment required that he prounounce the words, in addition to knowing the definitions and how to paraphrase the definitions. Since his hearing is so minute, he needed me to help him prounounce the words. The second word I came upon was "hashish." I started to laugh, and I had to look up the word to explain it to him--I told him it had to do with marijuana--but I thought the technical definition would be best. He looked at me and said "D--- (the teacher--who I know well) wouldn't like this vocabulary word. I think it's funny, but D--- might not." ROFL

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Mom called me at work once and told me some green stuff was floating in the washing machine. It seems I had left the proverbial bag of weed in my sock. I was caught by surprise and really didn't know what to say. She asked me if she should get a sieve out of the kitchen and "scoop it out" of the washer. I said by all means....PLEASE DO !! So she called me back and said it was drying out on top the dryer. She then said, " I know you pay a lot of money for that stuff, and I'd hate to see it go to waste". :blink:

When I came home it turned out she was slightly bullshitting. She had grabbed it before it went in the washer. :D

:lol: Another cool parent!

For some reason this thread is making me laugh and laugh and laugh... :D

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Me too ! Mandy: That was a really funny story!! I can just picture you innocently show and tell... :lol:

My Mom was cool, God bless her.

After she realized she could do nothing to stop us ( and she worked at the Police department ) she caved.

She could always tell when I was trippin' on acid or whatever though. She didn't like that one bit.

Herb, was fine though, and beer.

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I told my mom the story that Bong-Man posted. She thought it was funny but didn't approve of his mother's actions, LOL.

I reminded my mom of my story, and she said, "serves his [my dad] ass right," on my showing it off. She said his parents were probably horrified that I was 4 and I knew where my dad kept his stash.

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I also remember a 'mysterious' brownie that sat in our refrigerator for a long time. I never knew where it came from and one day I decided to eat it and I was ripped for a long time after that. :D

The best high I ever got from weed was some stuff a friend gave me. I smoked it around 2 PM on a Saturday and that night I went to the Fillmore on the bus and I was sitting there laughing my head off and I was just as high at 2 AM when the concert let out. WHEW!!! :D

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