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Insomnia Thread


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Here's a tip someone gave me a long time ago and it actually works........sometimes. :D

Find a spot on the ceiling and just stare at it. After awhile you're eyelids get heavy and close naturally and you're soon asleep.

Or you can count backwards from 100. I get frustrated with that method though, usually get hung up around 93 and have to keep starting over again, LOL.

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Put on classical music and read a book. I'm out like a light in 10 minutes top.

I agree with both suggestions only for me it can be any type of music, so long as it's not too loud.

My sleeping patterns became messed up after my first year of university. I had late nights staying up to write papers until 2:00 or 3:00 am. It didn't help that my coffee addiction started up around then as well. Now I usually have two coffees a day...my second cup around 6:00 pm. Lately I've been sleeping around 4:00 am. I know I should give up the second cup of coffee but it's not a sacrifice I'm willing to make yet. :D

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Ahhh, I can never get to sleep at a decent hour. I usually end up going to sleep somewhere around 5:00am.....Fortunately for me I usually work in the late afternoon. My stupid anxiety usually keeps me up all night. <_<

Edited by moloko
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Would that be Vacuum or Valium?

Doesn't matter - they both suck! :D

Put on classical music and read a book. I'm out like a light in 10 minutes top.

Sigur Ros does the trick for me. Couple of minutes and....szzzzzzzzzzzz.....

You are getting Sleepy Very Sleepy!


Aaaaargggghhhhh! :blink: *Bowes at command of The Mighty Cat....will do everything The Mighty Cat demands...* :blink:

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Funny Dzldoc !!

I think I'll try that staring at the ceiling, and maybe Melatonin..as long as it's not a hormone that causes headaches.

The staring thing reminds me of the "focal point" in childbirth classes.

I'm scared of that Ambien, too many people have gone looney on it.

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Melatonin? It's simply a hormone your body produces that tells you when to go to sleep.

an article on melatonin.

Thanks for the tip about Melatonin. I will have to try it sometimes. I don't like the over the counter sleep aids because I wake up feeling really groggy! Sometimes it depends what is on my mind that affects my sleep, but last night I was knocked out! Usually when it is rainy, I sleep better. I thought about Ambien, but I am afraid I would get hooked. Ibuprofen helps me sleep but I don't like taking it all the time though.

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