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Insomnia Thread


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Thanks for the kind words. I suffer from very bad depression so I lie awake a lot of nights with a very restless mind. Sometimes I do turn to prescribed drugs to knock me out, but I can't depend on them. Sometimes a few whiskeys does the trick. But generally I am really active. Shame really.

And I wish I did live somewhere like the Yorkshire Dales or Lake District, I could really clear my mind in that kind of atmosphere.

Given most gladly!

Hold on! I've a feeling being out in nature is essential for you (..... don't know why). Please forgive me if I should be too straight telling you this. But I'm walking the path of the old crafts and sometimes it just happens messages concerning other people hit me absolutely uninvited.

We all are here on earth to fulfill a certain task. Everybody has got a box of treasures inside from the very beginning. Never the same content but absolutely the same value compared to other peoples boxes. Everything on earth is important for the never ending circle of life. The task is to open this box because only your archetypical abilities (what is given to you from nature) will make you - and therefor alll and everyone around you - happy. Don't listen to the good advices of your surroundings and don't fulfill the expectations of the society if they aren't yours. Most unhappy lifes are unhappy because people don't walk on the path their heart is telling them. Trust yourself and stand at the center. Everything is perfectly arranged for you. It's simple like that - you are here. God, creation, nature - or how you'll ever name it - has wanted you to be here on earth. Your soul signed the contract and also wants to be here. From the very first day of all your lifes you are circeling now with all what is living and happenig on this wonderful planet. There is only one way provided for your soul. But we are human and are established with an enourmous intellect. That's a great present - and sometimes a curse. We are left to make decisions. All the time. And time is running. Things are changing all the time, changes speed up more and more. In archaic times the hunt was most important to survive. The four elements showed their real powers to us and we had to take notice of them to stay alive. We stood eye to eye with animals having been tracked and cornered after exhausting hunts providing us the badly needed energy to survive. The decision was easy. No prey, no food, starving in the long run if you were a bad hunter. Death was also a natural consequence if the hunters underrated their prey or were working against their archetypical abilities (a good knifeman needn't necessarily to be a good archer as well.....). But now the hunt has changed. Our body hasn't. It's archaic as it ever was and its only intension is to survive. Many opportunities, many decisions, many aims in our times. Money is the name of the energy now which fuels our lifes. But money is no satisfaction, it's just a mean to get satisfied. What satisfies you? Find out what kind of hunt is right for you. And base on trust! No one is told straight from the start which way is the right one. Your heart alone knows. Come down to you and listen.

And never ever forget that you - and only you - are the master of your life.

Do you remember about laughter? Stairway to heaven comes to my mind right now. Zeps always were very shaman with their messages. That's the reason why I do really, really love them. They left me all those incredible messages which aren't found on the bottom of a whiskey jar or in a roll of pills.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,

It's just a spring clean for the May queen.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run

There's still time to change the road you're on.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,

The piper's calling you to join him,

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know

Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road

Our shadows taller than our soul.

There walks a lady we all know

Who shines white light and wants to show

How everything still turns to gold.

And if you listen very hard

The tune will come to you at last.

When all are one and one is all

To be a rock and not to roll.

Go out into nature! You will feel that you are a most wanted part of it. Speak with the trees and listen very hard! And the forests will echo with laughter.......

Mitakue Oyasin!

Edited by Tinkerbell
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I take valuum which puts you to sleep in less than 40 minutes but doesnt last. Tylenol PM is pretty good for a long night sleep but might give you a "hangover". Angel., my daughter was born on Feb 27th. Turned 21 yesterday. Guess what she did? jJust beer. For now. Dinner and a Sabres game.

I've taken both my son's out for they're first ..legal beers... both times it was , one for them and two for me :o I didn't have any trouble sleeping those nights :D

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Oh Ally!

I do like your anthem.

God keep our Sabres, healthy and in the playoffs.

With gloving hearts we see thee rise the Sabres mighty!

And stand on gaurd, Oh Buffalo, wee stand on guard for thee.

God keep our Sabres, in the hunt for Lord Stanley

Oh Bufflao we stand on guard for thee.

Oh Ally we see a friend in thee!!!!

And you too my man B):)

Before you posted this, I was entertaining my wife with my wonderful version of Elvis's "Blue Moon"

She was.... totally impressed :angry: Well..... I'm on the couch again, Just can't wait to get on the couch again, The life I love is making music with my friends....... :D

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Sorry if I "ruined the moment". Has happened to me so many times. In bedroom with wife and mother or sister in law rings the phone off the hook. Moment and mood lost. At least for a bit. :P

No worries , It's all good :) I have to piss her off once in a while :D

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I see you are both in the morning/afternoon zone,

why not start your own thread? on the topic of your choosing.

I must admit I sometimes appreciate posts from the other side of the pond when I can't sleep.

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Hmmmm. Dr I cantquityoubabe has just entered the house. take two valuum and wash down with two six packs of Blue Moon. Drs orders!! Then call me in the morning. :P

I don't use 'valium', or any other kind of 'downers'......thanks anyway.

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I have bad insomnia...all of the time. I can't remember the last time I fell asleep before 2am. It is like that every single night. So I spend my time on the net or playing video games

You should try some mindless hack and slash games, they are very good for getting tired. All you do is push buttons, no thinking required. And when you have completed the level, your mind will be cleared! :lol:

Try the Dynasty Warrior series, DW3 works wonders for getting me to sleep.

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I have more trouble staying asleep than falling asleep. 30+ minutes of cardio several times a week has really helped. I also cut way back on caffeine; sometimes going off it altogether.

I am also guaranteed to fall asleep watching the State of the Union address. I've never made it to the end; and I watch it every year. I really should tape it next time to keep on hand for those sleepless nights.

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We were on a birthday party yesterday and so it happend I gulped two Jacks and two large glasses of red wine by accident. Sitting there a couple of hours was ok and I thought every thing is alright. But nothing was. After having got some fresh air on the way home a big wheel starts tossing and turning in my mind.

I literally fell into bed and was sleeping like a stone immediately.

My darling woke me up in the morning (also looking still a little bit dizzy) and told me my computer was still running....

Maybe I should add I'm not used to drinking hard stuff at all. Guess I have a hang over just now because my thoughts are coming quite slow.

I slept ten hours but it doesn't really feel like that. Must admit I prefer chatting with the lot of you on the other side of the pond in case I'm not able to sleep instead feeling like now! ;)


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  • 1 month later...

Well I have it again, can't sleep tonight. :wacko:

Worried about my kid.

Worried about my (ex) brother-in-law, he is in the hospital. We still don't know what for, just "a blood clot" somewhere. Hoping it's not a stroke.

No good books to read either. :(

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Well I have it again, can't sleep tonight. :wacko:

Worried about my kid.

Worried about my (ex) brother-in-law, he is in the hospital. We still don't know what for, just "a blood clot" somewhere. Hoping it's not a stroke.

No good books to read either. :(

Have you ever tried listening to soft music or ambient music? I always find that to be sleepy music. It may not work, but it doesn't hurt to try.

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  • 1 year later...

^ Wonder how doubleneck is?

At any rate, it's hit me again.

I've tried everything. Don't like sleeping pills either, because they feel like a hangover. And AGAIN, I'm out of good reads.

I was on a marathon rock n roll book fest last week, gobbled them up. All gone. :(

I suppose I could re-read a boring book. -_-

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^ Wonder how doubleneck is?

At any rate, it's hit me again.

I've tried everything. Don't like sleeping pills either, because they feel like a hangover. And AGAIN, I'm out of good reads.

I was on a marathon rock n roll book fest last week, gobbled them up. All gone. sad.gif

I suppose I could re-read a boring book. sleep.gif

Yes....sleeping pills suck. I had to take them when my wife left me. The next day you walk around like a mummy. I am sorry you can't sleep but it is nice to have someone to chat with!biggrin.gif Try reading the stock market thread.biggrin.gif

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I hate sleeping pills too. When I have trouble sleeping I do take a supplement called

Melotonin. Melotonin is a hormone that your brain produces for sleep and as we age we produce less. It helps me to get a deep sleep. I don't take it all the time, just when I have the occasional insomnia.

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