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You Shook Me! British Earthquake measuring 5.2


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I live about 20 miles from the epicentre of the quake that hit about 1am this morning, and it was really scary. The whole house shook, and there was this great rumbling sound. Lasted about 10 seconds. Luckily no damage or injuries. I can't imagine what it must be like for folk who live in those areas of the world which get major earthquakes, as this was frightening enough!

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That's where I am too Ev, fingers crossed all is well with him.

I was even nearer, on the south bank on North Lincs. Got woke up and wasn't too sure if l was dreaming or not.... ha. My kids were staying over and my daughter mentioned something in the morning about "shaking in the night" so we looked on the bbc news and her maths teacher was on talking about part of his roof falling off.

My 18yr old son slept through it and didn't know a thing.


Edited by Timetraveller
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I felt it in Salford and friends of mine felt it in Lancaster and Blackburn.

It was so weird! I was lying on the floor in my flat when it started and I could feel the floor rumbling and then just as I was trying to decide whether I just imagined it, the whole flat started shaking!

I've never felt an earthquake before...it shit me up for about half an hour!

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Yeah, I felt it, it was a very scary 10 seconds!

I was up watching TV and messing around on the net as usual. My first thought was that a lorry had crashed into the building until the rumbling and shaking continued on for a few seconds.

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Didn't know you had earthquakes in Britain! Wow, 5.2 is respectable, it would get my attention. Glad everyone's ok.

Herb Caen, who used to be a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, said that earthquakes are like orgasms - while they're happening you're breathing hard and you can't think of anything else...


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There have been quite a few quakes of late.

I've lived through many. Here in SLC and out in Cali. There it was so common, you barely bothered to even get out of bed while it simmered down.

We do live on a HUGE fault line, so some day.....some day.

I actually remember a huge one in L.A. that happened when I was a baby. There was glass falling on me. My cousin was on the GG bridge during that huge one in '89. Here in Minnesota, we had a tiny one way out on the border with S. Dakota about 10 years ago. That was a freak. I didn't even know they had them in England.

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I actually remember a huge one in L.A. that happened when I was a baby. There was glass falling on me. My cousin was on the GG bridge during that huge one in '89. Here in Minnesota, we had a tiny one way out on the border with S. Dakota about 10 years ago. That was a freak. I didn't even know they had them in England.

Wow, that must have been scary as hell, on the bridge. And falling glass on you, no wonder you remembered it!

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Well im at Lincoln Uni....and i tell you the building i was in twisted and turned, i seriously thought it was gonna collapse! I was on the second floor and people above me said it was like a fairgound ride. Party atmosphere afterwars though lol. noone could sleep thinking theyre was gonna be an aftershock

Scary stuff though i think Market Rasen is only like 15 miles away.

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Well, we don't get them anything like as bad as in other countries. I think since the year 1580 only 11 people have died in Britain because of an earthquake.

Apparently we get around 200 a year, but most of them are so minor we never notice them. The one last night was the worst for 25 years. No casualties that I've heard of and very few people hurt.

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Well im at Lincoln Uni....and i tell you the building i was in twisted and turned, i seriously thought it was gonna collapse! I was on the second floor and people above me said it was like a fairgound ride. Party atmosphere afterwars though lol. noone could sleep thinking theyre was gonna be an aftershock

Scary stuff though i think Market Rasen is only like 15 miles away.

That is just SCARY. Hugs to you.

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I was in bed, but only just, so was just going 'over', when....an almighty rumble, bed shaking, walls wobbling. Jumped out of bed and looked out the window as I thought a huge juggernaut lorry was driving along out tiny little lane!

Checked out the house...all OK. Jasper fast asleep in his bed. Lazy dog, and some guard dog!!

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I was in bed, but only just, so was just going 'over', when....an almighty rumble, bed shaking, walls wobbling. Jumped out of bed and looked out the window as I thought a huge juggernaut lorry was driving along out tiny little lane!

Checked out the house...all OK. Jasper fast asleep in his bed. Lazy dog, and some guard dog!!

Glad to hear all is well with you Pilot :)

I have a metal frame bed and it was shaking like out of The Exorcist! However, I'm pleased to report there was no head spinning :lol:

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