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Husband's cancer improving!


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Just wanted to let everyone know that we had a meeting yesterday with the doctor and my husband's cancer is doing great. He has four more chemo treatments to do. His tumor has shrunk considerably and the lymph nodes have gone inactive!!! The doctor says things are going really good. I'm so happy I just had to let everyone know!!

Ambercat, that is good news. Prayers, blessings, and bountiful healing to your husband.

Best wishes to you and yours.

My exhubby developed Hodgkin's shortly after I became pregnant with my first child.

It was a long and grueling plight. The treatments "cured" him, but it came back two years later and they treated it more aggressively. He was in remission again.

The treatments however, wound up showing horrid side effects years later.

The combination of that and a stroke eventually took his life.

And a word about those who live through it with the victim: Remember yourself. It can be one of the most stressfull times for the spouse. You are scared shitless, but put up a strong face for their sake. People sometimes forget you may be suffering too. Deeply.

The Cancer Society can help in good ways, I recommend them for support.

And my Mother, Father, Grandma, Uncle ALL died of the evil C.

I can truly empathize.

Hotplant, I am so sorry to read that. Thanks for sharing that advice. As someone who comes from a family that has been devastated by cancer, I know the hell it can be. The fear of it has always compelled me to live well before the cancer comes (or doesn't).

ambercat, I hope the best for you and yours. I'm a survivor myself, going on 3 years so far so good. Best wishes to all the other members and their families here.

Blessings Dzldoc. May you continue to have good health. Best wishes to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Guys! We are down to only 2 more chemo treatments!! Yahoo!!! I've missed this place. Been busy with auditors and tax stuff. We are hanging in there though. :)

I'm really pleased to hear ambercat...great news.

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