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Rarely mentioned Page guest spots

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12 Feb 1983 San Francisco

Erroneous. Cow Palace in Daly City, CA on Dec 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1983. US ARMS Tour.

12 Mar 1983 Cow Palace, San Francisco

Erroneous. Cow Palace in Daly City, CA on Dec 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1983. US ARMS Tour.

24 May 1983 Civic Hall, Guildford

Jam session with Eric Clapton during encore on 'Roll Over Beethoven', 'Further On Up The Road', & 'Cocaine'.

12 Sep 1983 New York

Erroneous. MSG in NYC Dec 8th & 9th 1983. US ARMS Tour.

09 Jun 1986 Hard Rock Cafe, New York

Erroneous. On June 9th 1987 Jimmy attended a gig by the Robert Ross Band, a top New York blues group, at a club called Uptown Rascals and told Ross of solo album progress.

04 Aug 1986 San Antonio, Ibiza

I show this as Aug 4 1985 at Heartbreak Hotel in Ibiza. Billed as Safe Sex, Page jams with Phil Carson and Jason Bonham in a local club (Jason in Ibiza to record tracks for Virginia Wolf's debut album). Jimmy was there on holiday with Chris Squire of Yes. I

believe I confirmed it was 1985 by using a Spanish magazine in my archive from that year with them mentioned on the cover.

09 Nov 1986 Hammersmith Odeon, London

Bad News charity benefit to aid NSPCC. Page is seen with Bad News during spoof performance preeding show (he's not plugged in)

19 Dec 1986 Civic Center, Stourport

Benefit show aids family of late Midlands musician John Pasternak / jam session with Robert Plant which includes 'Rock And Roll'

00 Feb 1987 Sol Studios

Jimmy recorded the solos for 'Heaven Knows' and 'Tall Cool One' in one afternoon around this time but I need to confirm if it was at Sol Studios.

17 Apr 1988 Hammersmith Odeon, London

Jam session with Robert Plant; encores 'Trampled Underfoot', 'Gambler's Blues', 'Since I've Been Loving You' and 'Rock And Roll'.

23 Mar 1991 China Club, New York

Jam session with local band The Reputations for half an hour including 'Further On Up The Road'.

25 Mar 1991 Fat Tuesdays, New York

Jam session with Steve Howe, Brian May and Les Paul during his regular Monday-night stint.

14 May 1991 Lawlor Events Center, Reno

Proper venue name is University of Nevada - Lawlor Events Center. Page & Coverdale jam session with Poison during encore; 'Rock And Roll', 'The Rover', and 'Stairway To Heaven'. Jimmy fell into a photographer's pit on the stage. Imagine the headlines:

"Jimmy Page killed playing Rock and Roll with David Coverdale"

29 May 1991 Crista Bay Club, Reno, Nevada

That's Crystal Bay Club in Crystal Bay, Nevada. It's on Highway 28. An 80 minute impromptu jam session with bar band Solid Ground.

00 Nov 1991 Yale Club, Vancouver

This was The Yale Hotel at 1300 Granville Street. Page & Coverdale jam session which includes 'Dazed And Confused' at this rhythm and blues club. Still seeking confirmation

of the date, but it was in November 1991. There is allegedly a soundboard audio tape circulating.

07 Dec 1991 Vancouver

Jam session with Long John Baldry for 30-minute blues set which includes 'Got My Mojo Working'. Still seeking confirmation of the venue.

00 Mar 1992 Knight Center, Miami

Jam session with Harry Connick Jr. during encore on blues improvisations; Page was introduced prior to concert where it was suggested. See my previous posts in my

Zeppelin Mysteries thread for complete details and the confirmed date.

19 Feb 1993 Muddy Waters Club, New Orleans

Jam session with Mason Ruffner, who was his opening act in 1985 and 1986.

21 Feb 1993 Howlin' Wolf Club, New Orleans

Another jam session with Mason Ruffner.

00 Jun 1993 Rotterdam

Erroneous (?). Closest thing I have to it is ROBERT PLANT at the Park Pop Festival in Den Haag on June 27th 1993. So far as I know, Jimmy never left England that month.

So, how you like the Sorcerer's Apprentice now?

Still many Page guest performances I'm aware of which do not appear on your list...

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12 Feb 1983 San Francisco

Erroneous. Cow Palace in Daly City, CA on Dec 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1983. US ARMS Tour.

12 Mar 1983 Cow Palace, San Francisco

Erroneous. Cow Palace in Daly City, CA on Dec 1st, 2nd & 3rd 1983. US ARMS Tour.

24 May 1983 Civic Hall, Guildford

Jam session with Eric Clapton during encore on 'Roll Over Beethoven', 'Further On Up The Road', & 'Cocaine'.

12 Sep 1983 New York

Erroneous. MSG in NYC Dec 8th & 9th 1983. US ARMS Tour.

09 Jun 1986 Hard Rock Cafe, New York

Erroneous. On June 9th 1987 Jimmy attended a gig by the Robert Ross Band, a top New York blues group, at a club called Uptown Rascals and told Ross of solo album progress.

04 Aug 1986 San Antonio, Ibiza

I show this as Aug 4 1985 at Heartbreak Hotel in Ibiza. Billed as Safe Sex, Page jams with Phil Carson and Jason Bonham in a local club (Jason in Ibiza to record tracks for Virginia Wolf's debut album). Jimmy was there on holiday with Chris Squire of Yes. I

believe I confirmed it was 1985 by using a Spanish magazine in my archive from that year with them mentioned on the cover.

09 Nov 1986 Hammersmith Odeon, London

Bad News charity benefit to aid NSPCC. Page is seen with Bad News during spoof performance preeding show (he's not plugged in)

19 Dec 1986 Civic Center, Stourport

Benefit show aids family of late Midlands musician John Pasternak / jam session with Robert Plant which includes 'Rock And Roll'

00 Feb 1987 Sol Studios

Jimmy recorded the solos for 'Heaven Knows' and 'Tall Cool One' in one afternoon around this time but I need to confirm if it was at Sol Studios.

17 Apr 1988 Hammersmith Odeon, London

Jam session with Robert Plant; encores 'Trampled Underfoot', 'Gambler's Blues', 'Since I've Been Loving You' and 'Rock And Roll'.

23 Mar 1991 China Club, New York

Jam session with local band The Reputations for half an hour including 'Further On Up The Road'.

25 Mar 1991 Fat Tuesdays, New York

Jam session with Steve Howe, Brian May and Les Paul during his regular Monday-night stint.

14 May 1991 Lawlor Events Center, Reno

Proper venue name is University of Nevada - Lawlor Events Center. Page & Coverdale jam session with Poison during encore; 'Rock And Roll', 'The Rover', and 'Stairway To Heaven'. Jimmy fell into a photographer's pit on the stage. Imagine the headlines:

"Jimmy Page killed playing Rock and Roll with David Coverdale"

29 May 1991 Crista Bay Club, Reno, Nevada

That's Crystal Bay Club in Crystal Bay, Nevada. It's on Highway 28. An 80 minute impromptu jam session with bar band Solid Ground.

00 Nov 1991 Yale Club, Vancouver

This was The Yale Hotel at 1300 Granville Street. Page & Coverdale jam session which includes 'Dazed And Confused' at this rhythm and blues club. Still seeking confirmation

of the date, but it was in November 1991. There is allegedly a soundboard audio tape circulating.

07 Dec 1991 Vancouver

Jam session with Long John Baldry for 30-minute blues set which includes 'Got My Mojo Working'. Still seeking confirmation of the venue.

00 Mar 1992 Knight Center, Miami

Jam session with Harry Connick Jr. during encore on blues improvisations; Page was introduced prior to concert where it was suggested. See my previous posts in my

Zeppelin Mysteries thread for complete details and the confirmed date.

19 Feb 1993 Muddy Waters Club, New Orleans

Jam session with Mason Ruffner, who was his opening act in 1985 and 1986.

21 Feb 1993 Howlin' Wolf Club, New Orleans

Another jam session with Mason Ruffner.

00 Jun 1993 Rotterdam

Erroneous (?). Closest thing I have to it is ROBERT PLANT at the Park Pop Festival in Den Haag on June 27th 1993. So far as I know, Jimmy never left England that month.

So, how you like the Sorcerer's Apprentice now?

Still many Page guest performances I'm aware of which do not appear on your list...

Hey, many thanks to you! You're crazy! ;-) Which guest appearances do you mean?

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He plays on Brian Jones's soundtrack for A Degree of Murder (only availible from the movie itself). I also just read he was on the "Goldfinger" session and saw Shirley Bassey callaspe to the floor when she finished.

Good post, but if we stray from his guest performances and go into his studio work here we'll never get out of this thread. Perhaps start a "Page Studio Sessions' thread instead? If not, that's fine too. Thanks!

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His sessions are almost as important as they are still him. I did want to add that he did play with the Bonzo Dog Band one time according to Mitch Mitchell. It was at Thee Experiance in LA, probobly right before Zep started. I would like to know more about this one myself.

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His sessions are almost as important as they are still him. I did want to add that he did play with the Bonzo Dog Band one time according to Mitch Mitchell. It was at Thee Experiance in LA, probobly right before Zep started. I would like to know more about this one myself.

The sessions are important, but we've got a much better chance of documenting all the known guest performances first. So many of his sessions are still up for debate and he

has yet to make available his documentation from that era which I know he still has.

Insofar as a pre-Zep guest performance with Bonzo Dog Band, have not heard of this

before. I would start by looking within the May 26th to May 30th 1968 timeframe.

Each of these was a day off with no obligations as Chris Dreja and Keith Relf had

pre-planned a photographic excusion to Mexico knowing in advance this would be the Yardbirds last USA tour before disbanding upon return to England.

Jimmy did not accompany them. They'd played the Filmore West in San Francisco on

Sat, May 28th 1968 and the Shrine Exhibition Hall in Los Angeles on May 31st & June

1st 1968 before heading back east. If there ever was a pre-Zep Page jam with Bonzo Dog Band, it was quite possibly during this five day break from the tour.

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That sounds right. The only place I have seen this is from Mitch Mitchell's autobiography/photo book. He was talking about how the club was named after them and one of the times he went, Jimmy was up on the stage jamming with the Bonzos. I knew they knew each other, but I thought it was very interesting, as the Bonzos weren't an ordinary band.

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I may be way out in left field but didn't Jimmy Page do a soundtrack for a charles Bronson film sometime ago

Yes. Death Wish II. I think he did III too, but I'm not sure. II is the known one.

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I may be way out in left field but didn't Jimmy Page do a soundtrack for a charles Bronson film sometime ago

Not way out in left field but potentially taking the thread further off topic.

His involvement in the Death Wish II soundtrack project stemmed from the fact that director Michael Winner happened to be one of his neighbors in Kensington at the time.

Jimmy had been invited over to Michael's to see the film in rough form and Michael offered him the opportunity to write the soundtrack for it before he left the house. Jimmy contacted Peter Grant to get his opinion of the project. Peter encouraged him to do it, and Jimmy quickly agreed that it would be a good challenge for him to attempt in those early days of the post-Zeppelin era (Summer 1981).

In December 1981, Jimmy delivered the soundtrack masters to the film studio in

California. Most of the following month he devoted to remixing and reworking the monaural masters into stereo.

The film's release date was February 19th 1982, with the soundtrack released in the UK

the same month and in the USA the next month.

Jimmy was very proud that he was able to rise up to this challenge so successfully.

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He plays on Brian Jones's soundtrack for A Degree of Murder (only availible from the movie itself). I also just read he was on the "Goldfinger" session and saw Shirley Bassey callaspe to the floor when she finished.

Where did you read about the "Goldfinger" session? There's nothing on the internet connecting Bassey to Page, although she did do some sessions with JPJ.

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It originally aired on the BBC's Olde Grey Whistle Test on Nov 6th 1984. It runs 10 mins 30 secs and features Page & Roy Harper being interviewed in the Lake District by Mark Ellen. They also perform two songs acoustically, 'Same Old Rock' & 'Hangman' from their 'Whatever Happened to Jugula?' album.

Page is wearing a brown bomber jacket and sporting the scruffiest haircut in rock. Roy

Harper is only semi-lucid, saying things like "I'm a sparrow in the gutter" and bleating

Mark's name like a sheep. When Mark repeatedly presses Pagey on who is in his new band all Jimmy will respond is "me". This was a few months before the details of The Firm were leaked. Probably one of my all-time favorite Page interview clips.

On the CD release it's just "Jugula". They took off the first part. What's up with that?

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On the CD release it's just "Jugula". They took off the first part. What's up with that?

"The title for 'Jugula' came from playing Trivial Pursuit, in order to explain to everyone how they should go about answering the questions as straight and honestly as possible I'd say, "Go for the jugula". It was going to be 'Harper & Page' for a while, but that's like selling Jimmy's name, then it went to '1214' which is the year that the Magna Carta was signed but that was a bit esoteric. So, one day we were talking and "jugula" came up, so I phoned the artist and they'd designed up to the 'Whatever happened to...' bit so

I said leave it there and put Jugula at the end". Roy Harper

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Yeah right, as you copy and paste my every post for your own purposes.

Only Willie Dixon's work is ripped off more than mine is. Steal away.

:) Don't call the RIAA on me! :lol:

But seriously, I just wanted to have it handy, this is a public forum afterall. Besides that, I've been through several board crashes where all of this goes 'poof'. Believe me, it's worth it to copy a few things into text files. It's not like I'm gonna publish it or anything. :) I must be missing the tongue-in-cheek sense tonight :)

I did note that you are now offering data in PMs, so my apologies for violating your IP.

You've done some great research and you deserve whatever you get from it. You are truly a Doctor of Jimmy Page. Are you ghost writing the book he said he was working on last year?

Carry on, I'll just try to memorize everything from now on. :) and wait for the book.

I have since spoken to a local resident who attended and bumped into Page after

the show. A stretch limo had just pulled up to the venue and the fan exclaimed

"Nice car", to which Jimmy, standing just behind him, exclaimed "Thanks!" as he

got into it and was driven away into the night.

:lol: I find that really funny. Great story.

(I don't have to pay a licensing fee to quote you in my reply do i?) :)

Good post, but if we stray from his guest performances and go into his studio work here we'll never get out of this thread. Perhaps start a "Page Studio Sessions' thread instead? If not, that's fine too. Thanks!

Well, the thread is about Page guest spots, not necessarily about concert guest appearances. I agree with you, however, that it will certainly be much easier to compile a near complete list of live appearances.

It's amusing to know that Jimmy still has documentation of his session work. Somehow appropriate. :)

Ok, pay no attention to me, carry on with the great work. :)

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You've done some great research and you deserve whatever you get from it. You are truly a Doctor of Jimmy Page. Are you ghost writing the book he said he was working on last year?

I don't have to pay a licensing fee to quote you in my reply do i?) :)

Only my shadow knows.

I'm in this for the magic, money is no object.

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Where did you read about the "Goldfinger" session? There's nothing on the internet connecting Bassey to Page, although she did do some sessions with JPJ.

It's in his brand interview in the January issue of Classic Rock. Very fun.

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Jun 16 1999 London, England Whitehall Palace - Banqueting Hall

Page performs at a music industry-sponsored UNICEF Kosovo Appeal benefit

Jun 27 1999 London, England Cafe de Paris

10-song set performed with Black Crowes…capacity of 400 including Alice Cooper, Queen's Roger Taylor and tennis star John McEnroe

Nov 8 2001 Frankfurt, Germany Festhalle Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst and a bandmate are joined by Page onstage for their rendition of 'Thank You' during MTV Europe Video Awards.

Limp Bizkit had won Best Group, Best Album and a website award

Feb 10, 2002 London, England Royal Albert Hall Jimmy performed an instrumental version of 'Dazed And Confused' with Paul Weller's Band for Teenage Cancer Trust

Mar 4, 2002 Epsom England Epsom College

Jimmy and his wife hosted 'Rocking For Rio' benefit; a short set of live music was played following a Q&A session. This was Jimmy's last public performance until the 02 reunion.

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Feb 10, 2002 London, England Royal Albert Hall Jimmy performed an instrumental version of 'Dazed And Confused' with Paul Weller's Band for Teenage Cancer Trust

He did a great job on this one. It was up on Youtube at one time but it's long gone, unfortunately.

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